View Full Version : Ford Bond Rating Lowered From Junk to Mustang II

03-13-2006, 08:46 PM
Fitch cuts Ford's ratings deeper into junk status

All Reuters News

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fitch Ratings on Monday cut its ratings on Ford Motor Co. deeper into junk status, citing increased potential for strikes and supply disruptions at the automaker's parts suppliers.

With a number of major suppliers in bankruptcy and the industry as a whole suffering financial stress, it will be difficult for Ford to reduce costs in this area, Fitch said in a statement. Coupled with other pressures on Ford's profit margins, supplier troubles will challenge Ford's ability to stabilize cash flows, the rating agency said.

A spokeswoman for Ford declined to comment on Fitch's rating action.

Fitch still rates Ford higher than other ratings agencies, said Brad Rubin, senior credit analyst at BNP Paribas in New York. "I don't view it as significant," he said.

Traders said Ford's bonds were not affected by the Fitch downgrade. Ford's 7.45 percent bonds due in 2031 traded at 72.75 cents on the dollar, unchanged on the day, according to MarketAxess.

Struggling with high pension and health care costs and increased Japanese competition, Ford is cutting up to 30,000 jobs and shedding more than a quarter of its production capacity as it moves to offset market share losses.

Even as Ford works on reducing its cost structure, though, suppliers' troubles could hit Ford with higher costs related to re-sourcing, supply disruptions or higher parts prices, Fitch said.

Production cutbacks at Ford and other automakers have contributed to bankruptcy filings by several major parts suppliers over the past two years, including Delphi Corp. , Collins & Aikman Corp. , Dana Corp. and Tower Automotive Inc. .

Dana, which filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this month, derived about 25 percent of its revenue from Ford in 2004, the latest data available.

Fitch cut the long-term ratings on Ford and its finance arm Ford Motor Credit Co. by one notch to "BB," two steps below investment grade, from "BB-plus." The outlook is negative, meaning another rating downgrade is likely over the next two years.

In January, Moody's Investors Service cut Ford's ratings by two notches to "Ba3," three steps below investment grade, while Standard & Poor's cut Ford by two notches to "BB-minus," also three steps below investment grade.

03-14-2006, 11:54 AM
What's the next level?

Dr Caleb
03-14-2006, 12:37 PM
What's the next level?

Topaz, then Lada.

03-14-2006, 12:54 PM
Wow, and all ford had to do is factory supercharge the Marauder from the beginning and they could have saved jobs and increased the bottom line. They had a good idea, but didn't complete the package. Lucky or us we have supporting venders to supply our performance needs.

03-15-2006, 06:53 AM
And maybe they should have put a real motor in the 500,

and maybe they should have kept improving the LS after the 2003 model year instead of trying to sell basically a 2003 car in 2004/5 and 6,
and maybe they should have done something to boost TBird sales after the initial sales jump wore off,
and maybe they shouldn't have made the exterior design errors in the Tarus/Sable vehicles,
and maybe they should have tried improving the Taurus, which was once such a hot seller, instead of sending it to fleet duty hell.

What would a factory supercharged Marauder have listed for? 39-40K? Even if they sold the car under MSRP, that still would have been a lot of money.

03-15-2006, 07:10 AM
Don't get me started! Dennis:mad2:

03-16-2006, 10:19 AM
...as long as the next level isn't 'Probe' - as in 'SEC Probe'...

03-16-2006, 01:16 PM
It's Ford Granada.

03-16-2006, 07:43 PM
Lincoln Versailles