View Full Version : Paranormal Convention, Richmond VA

03-25-2006, 08:33 PM
May 13th and May 14th, guest speakers include Jason and Grant from TAPS/Ghosthunters.

who's in ?

03-25-2006, 09:11 PM
Are George or Art going to attend as well?

03-25-2006, 09:16 PM
I'm not attending ... in my body... but I'll see everything anyway ... and save on tickets and travel.

03-25-2006, 09:25 PM
That stuff feaks me out. :eek:

03-25-2006, 09:31 PM
Sorry, I haven't had enough funny kool-aid to join in yet.

Catch me when I'm senile. :P


03-25-2006, 10:57 PM
Ca'mon guys, imagine how much fun it would be to ask them logical questions.

With all the Marauder events past and future I drag Lisa to, if she wants to go, I'll go too.

Now I need to make this into a poster:


03-25-2006, 11:20 PM
I grew up in a haunted house. I don't give a #$&* what ANYONE says about it. Some kids only thought they had "monsters" in their room, I actually did.

I won't be at the convention. Been there, seen that.

Mike Poore
03-26-2006, 05:23 AM
Might be fun.
Art had the Crop Circle guys on last night.
Go to some of the websites, look at the photos, and tell me how a bunch of drunks made some of those, covering as much as 20 acres, in the dark. :eek:

03-26-2006, 05:39 AM
heres the schedule of speakers

Schedule of Events

Saturday, May 13th
7:15 to 8:00 am - Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 to 8:15 am - Opening Statements with Teddy Skyler
8:15 to 9:15 am - GHOSTS OF GETTYSBURG, with Mark Nesbitt
9:15 to 10:15 am - PSYCHOLOGY OF A HAUNTING, with CPRI Founder and President Bobbie Atristain
10:15 to 10:30 am - BREAK
10:30 to 11:00 am - Reconvene and Hear about Sunday’s workshops
11:00 to 12:30 pm - E.S.P. with Dr. Sally Rhine Feather of the Rhine Institute
12:30 to 2:00 p - LUNCH BREAK (on your own)
2:00 to 3:30 pm - ELECTRIC VOICE PHENOMENA, (E.V.P.)
with S. Rorke PhD., Science Advisor, and CPRI Consultant
3:30 to 4:30 pm - Special Multi-Media EVP Workshop with S. Rorke, PhD. (limit 20 people) LOTTERY SYSTEM
3:30 to 4:30 pm - UFOLOGY, CROP CIRCLES AND THE PARANORMAL with Thomas Ginther of MUFON, BLT and CPRI
4:30 to 5:00pm - End of Day Wind Down
Instructions for BANQUET & TOUR

<hr> Sunday May 14th
8:00 to 12:30 pm - Workshop Sign-up
8:15 to 8:30 am - Wake up with Teddy Skyler
8:30 to 9:30 am - DEMONOLOGY with John Zaffis
9:30 to 11:00 - TAPS and GHOST HUNTERS with Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson
11:00 to 12:30 - Lunch & Hotel Check out
12:30-1:30 - Lecture by Ghostly Talk
with Stephanie Morris, Photographic Expert, Investigator
with Thomas Ginther, Area Director, Investigator
with Frederick Sineath, Historian & Area Director, Investigator

Leadfoot, how about a story or 2 ? :D

03-26-2006, 06:37 AM
I grew up in a haunted house. I don't give a #$&* what ANYONE says about it. Some kids only thought they had "monsters" in their room, I actually did.

I won't be at the convention. Been there, seen that.

"I thought my house was haunted 'cause nobody said 'Boo" to me"

Slow Turning
by: John Hiatt

Mike Poore
03-26-2006, 06:40 AM
Living near Gettysburg, we've thought it might be amusing to jump out of the bushes, some evening, during one of the downtown ghost tours.
BOO! :pumpkin:

03-26-2006, 06:50 AM
are they tall bushes ? :P

03-26-2006, 06:54 AM
"I thought my house was haunted 'cause nobody said 'Boo" to me"

Slow Turning
by: John Hiatt

Nice one.:up: I love that song!

03-26-2006, 09:11 AM
Lisa, I know of a house, about 1 mile from me, that has so much poltergiest activity that no has been able to go inside for many years. Someone maintains the grounds on a regular basis, but not the house. It wasn't a "rat trap" either when they stopped maintaining it. TAPS ought to look into that one if they could get permission and have the gonads to enter.

03-26-2006, 09:19 AM
Living near Gettysburg, we've thought it might be amusing to jump out of the bushes, some evening, during one of the downtown ghost tours.
BOO! :pumpkin:

I occassionally still get the urge to jump INTO the bushes...not sure that is paranormal..prolly more like abbynormal. As in- "I'd climb a tree for you babe." Good luck Charlie. Try to stay on the warm side. Dennis:eek:

03-26-2006, 07:31 PM
Want storys? Here ya go! All true. I'd swear to it with my hand on a stack of Bibles.

I've heard people walking around upstairs when no one else was in the house.

Crosses will fall off the walls. Bigger nails don't help.

My Mom has seen figures walk by her bedroom door, down the hallway at night.

With one light on in the room, (a ceiling light over the bed) I've seen shadows move across the bed, in front of me. My Mom has seen the same thing.

I've waken up at night and seen a figure standing at the foot of my bed.

On summer nights, out here in the "sticks", crickets can be heard chirping all the way around the house. Except by my old room.

People have seen my late fathers face looking out the upstairs bedroom window.

My Dad drank. Today, you can occaisionally smell 5 Star brandy in the air. (five years after he passed away).

I own the house today. It's 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths, and twice the size of my own house. I have my pick of three other houses to live in, but I rented those out and live here. Haven't heard any complaints or "weird" storys....yet. The renters always ask why I live in this place, and why their house is so much bigger than mine. I ain't saying!!!

03-26-2006, 08:47 PM
I grew up in a haunted house. I don't give a #$&* what ANYONE says about it. Some kids only thought they had "monsters" in their room, I actually did.

I won't be at the convention. Been there, seen that.

Likewise here dude. My old house had many of the same issues you describe. As you said, I don't care what anyone says about logical explanations and all that; I'm not a superstitious person, nor am I stupid. I know what I and my entire family, and even my friends have seen and heard. I don't need any conventions to reinforce what I already know, thank you very much. Besides, these days I'd rather be cruising than sitting in a lecture!

03-26-2006, 10:04 PM
Then you should sign up and make a cool million $. Check out the link I posted before. All they need is evidence.

Nothing to lose, right?

03-26-2006, 10:41 PM
This is not ment to insult or offend!

Death. I have been around alot of death. From 8 years in the vol. FD, then 8+ years as an LEO. I have seen people as they die and already dead. You name the cause of death and I most likely have seen it. From car crashes to to plane crashes. From being burned to deaths to homicides. From accidental deaths to suicides, etc, yup... seen it.

Even been involved in a police involved shooting, yup, been on that end of death also.

I have been in all kinds of homes. Occupied and vacant. New and old - some as old as 200+ years. I've been to countless homes and other locations that, granted were abit creepy.

With all this contact with death and creepy old places, you think I'd come across at least one paranormal experiance. Some sort of unexplained "thing". Nope, not one.

And I am not alone either. Most cops :blah: like it is high school all over again. I have worked for two police agencies in Maryland. Never has a case come up with some supernateral possiblity as a contributing factor. Not even remotely. If there was ever an X-File case, it would be all over the dept.

Dont get me wrong, I want to believe. Sure would suggest there is more to the end then a box in a 6 foot hole. I am not getting into religion for obvious reasons. So please do not go there.

But Lisa finds this stuff interesting. As does the investigator side of me. So if she wants to go, I will go willingly with an open mind. But without facts, and real evidence, it'll be like going to a movie or a play.
:hide: :flamer:

03-26-2006, 11:13 PM
This is not ment to insult or offend!

Death. I have been around alot of death. From 8 years in the vol. FD, then 8+ years as an LEO. I have seen people as they die and already dead. You name the cause of death and I most likely have seen it. From car crashes to to plane crashes. From being burned to deaths to homicides. From accidental deaths to suicides, etc, yup... seen it.

Even been involved in a police involved shooting, yup, been on that end of death also.

I have been in all kinds of homes. Occupied and vacant. New and old - some as old as 200+ years. I've been to countless homes and other locations that, granted were abit creepy.

With all this contact with death and creepy old places, you think I'd come across at least one paranormal experiance. Some sort of unexplained "thing". Nope, not one.

And I am not alone either. Most cops :blah: like it is high school all over again. I have worked for two police agencies in Maryland. Never has a case come up with some supernateral possiblity as a contributing factor. Not even remotely. If there was ever an X-File case, it would be all over the dept.

Dont get me wrong, I want to believe. Sure would suggest there is more to the end then a box in a 6 foot hole. I am not getting into religion for obvious reasons. So please do not go there.

But Lisa finds this stuff interesting. As does the investigator side of me. So if she wants to go, I will go willingly with an open mind. But without facts, and real evidence, it'll be like going to a movie or a play.
:hide: :flamer:

Sometime in your career you wil be involved in something that ain't quite right... It will most likely will not be involving a MVA or criminal activity. 30 yrs OTJ...

03-26-2006, 11:45 PM
No offence taken!:)

My Dad never once seen anything strange in that house. I have 3 brothers, a sister and a mom that did though. I don't need a million dollars either (Looong story:( ).

My renters have never seen anything strange either, (apparently). I haven't asked them, and I'm not going to!!! I've always believed that some people can experiance this stuff, and others can't.

While in the Army, I lived in a barracks in Bad Kissengen Germany, and late one night we heard the sound of boots racing down the hall. We all jumped up, ready to punch someone for messing up our freshly waxed floors. Nothing! We all heard it. Boots stomping down the hallway, yet there wasn't anyone there.:eek: FWIW, these were former S.S. barracks.

Personally, I envy people that never deal with this stuff. The mysteries of life could then be solved mathematically/"logically". As for me, I have little room in my life for logic (another long story). Logic is a very good trait/skill for a LEO though. (Mulder didn't actually solve too many cases, did he?)

Neat Thread BTW.

03-27-2006, 05:41 AM
This is not ment to insult or offend!

Death. I have been around alot of death. From 8 years in the vol. FD, then 8+ years as an LEO. I have seen people as they die and already dead. You name the cause of death and I most likely have seen it. From car crashes to to plane crashes. From being burned to deaths to homicides. From accidental deaths to suicides, etc, yup... seen it.

Even been involved in a police involved shooting, yup, been on that end of death also.

I have been in all kinds of homes. Occupied and vacant. New and old - some as old as 200+ years. I've been to countless homes and other locations that, granted were abit creepy.

With all this contact with death and creepy old places, you think I'd come across at least one paranormal experiance. Some sort of unexplained "thing". Nope, not one.

And I am not alone either. Most cops :blah: like it is high school all over again. I have worked for two police agencies in Maryland. Never has a case come up with some supernateral possiblity as a contributing factor. Not even remotely. If there was ever an X-File case, it would be all over the dept.

Dont get me wrong, I want to believe. Sure would suggest there is more to the end then a box in a 6 foot hole. I am not getting into religion for obvious reasons. So please do not go there.

But Lisa finds this stuff interesting. As does the investigator side of me. So if she wants to go, I will go willingly with an open mind. But without facts, and real evidence, it'll be like going to a movie or a play.
:hide: :flamer:

Did you forget that afternoon last Summer you called downstairs to me asking me where the kids were (they were in school) because you were standing in the kitchen and heard a child's voice right behind you say "Daddy" :D

I remember suggesting possible scenarios of "maybe hearing a kid outside" and you saying "no ! It was right here"

maybe it was our puddy tat :rolleyes: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v682/snexus/milo2.jpg

03-27-2006, 07:07 AM
Did you forget that afternoon last Summer you called downstairs to me asking me where the kids were (they were in school) because you were standing in the kitchen and heard a child's voice right behind you say "Daddy" :D

I remember suggesting possible scenarios of "maybe hearing a kid outside" and you saying "no ! It was right here"

My dad and I have heard the same thing too, only not "daddy", but things like our last name, telling our dog to stop barking, things like that. I'll tell you, when you're alone, all by yourself, and you clearly hear someone say something with no apparent source, well, there's nothing like a nice walk outside, regardless of the weather!

BTW, no offense taken Charlie, and thanks for backing us up Lisa!

03-27-2006, 07:10 AM
i was just reminding him... :)

03-27-2006, 07:38 AM
I've got to go with Charlie on this one. It seems to me that there are 3 possibilities.

1. There are ghostlike phenomena out there and there are people who can interact with them at will.

2. There are ghostlike phenomena out there but nobody can interact with them at will.

3. There are no genuine ghostlike phenomena out there.

If 1 is true, then one of them should contact James Randi and take his money. In the absense of this proof, my life doesn't need to change a bit

If 2 is true, then the existance of this phenomena does not require my life to change a bit.

If 3 is true, then my life doesn't need to change a bit.

So, in the absense of hearing James Randi complain about losing his money, my life will go on as if none of this phenomena is real.

03-27-2006, 07:44 AM
That stuff feaks me out. :eek:
Yeah, it feaks me out too !!! :rofl:

03-27-2006, 08:12 AM
Last I heard Mr. Randi was having some health issues. Hopefully the challenge will still stand even if he dies (he is rather old).

He is on the BS (Penn & Teller show) CDs.


I've got to go with Charlie on this one. It seems to me that there are 3 possibilities.

1. There are ghostlike phenomena out there and there are people who can interact with them at will.

2. There are ghostlike phenomena out there but nobody can interact with them at will.

3. There are no genuine ghostlike phenomena out there.

If 1 is true, then one of them should contact James Randi and take his money. In the absense of this proof, my life doesn't need to change a bit

If 2 is true, then the existance of this phenomena does not require my life to change a bit.

If 3 is true, then my life doesn't need to change a bit.

So, in the absense of hearing James Randi complain about losing his money, my life will go on as if none of this phenomena is real.

03-27-2006, 05:22 PM
I just know that there are many things we deal with everyday, that absolutely no one can prove.

Many more things can not be "proved" than can.

Ten eye witnesses can put a person on death row, yet those ten eye witnesses isn't enough proof for the million dollars. "B.S" indeed...:rolleyes:

I guess it's all about Who's the Judge, what evidence They're willing to hear, and what They're able to accept as "proof".

Prove I love my dog! I'll put $2,000,000 of my own money on that!:D