View Full Version : Do I need to go to anger management?

03-27-2006, 08:35 AM
Alright fellow Marauderers, I'm putting myself out here at risk of some of you thinking I am some kind of sadistic weirdo, but I really need some advice. The kind of advice only fellow car guys can give me.

Ok, so I admit I have fits of road rage. But not just your typical road rage where some one takes my parking space or cuts me off in traffic... I have what I like to call "legal road rage." :mad2:

Here is the scenario: I am driving to my house and I happen to live in a rural area with a two lane road. This two lane road has some twist an turns. This two lane road is Highway 170 and is a very dangerous road. Atleast 10 people have literally died in my front yard in the last 3 years from auto accidents. Some were alcohol related, other were just idiot related. Well as you can imagine on such a highway there are a lot of double yellow sections and these *******s feel the need to get impatient and pass me on a steep double yellow curve as I turn into my driveway. Once this guy did it and actually hit some one head on! :eek: Anyways, I'm sure you guys can see my concern here: These people have no idea what they are doing! I have lived here my entire life so I realize how dangerous this road is and all these friggin' morons are drivng me bonkers!

So here is the part where I turn from "concerned citizen" into "sadistic driver"... I was thinking today, actually about 20 minutes ago, as some crazy-b**ch-of-a-soccer mom passes me on the infamous double yellow in her Yukon Denali, looking at me as she drove by like I was doing something wrong by turning into my drive way, "What if, just what if, I decided to not complete my turn, but instead give chase to her after she passed me and then I proceed to copy down here liscense plate number? Then what if I did a reverse look up of her plate number on the internet? Then what if I found out where she lived and went to her home one night and painted a double yellow line down the side of her SUV?" Would I be so wrong for that? :help:

03-27-2006, 08:45 AM
Nah, just cut down on the caffeine a little bit. ;)

03-27-2006, 11:17 AM
They would not have any idea what the revenge was for. Doing stupid ***** is so instinctive, they can't even remember they did it. Your revenge would be wasted.

I similarly live rurally. My ONLY wreck EVER was in a similar circumstance.

They shouldn't be allowed to breed.

03-27-2006, 11:20 AM
Maybe you could call the local police and see if they can post a patrol there. These idiots not only endanger themselves, but oncoming traffic and you and your family. Imagine if a truck is heading for the passing car and swerves left instead of right and smacks into you.

Another fix would be for the town to put in an off-ramp to your driveway. If it is that consistant of a problem, be proactive, but don't get you ash in a sling over it...

03-27-2006, 11:22 AM
If you aren't being paid for it, why risk getting shot for it? If I caught you trashing my car, no matter your reason, I would hurt you.

03-27-2006, 11:59 AM
If you aren't being paid for it, why risk getting shot for it? If I caught you trashing my car, no matter your reason, I would hurt you.


Report them to the law enforcement of the appropriate jurisdiction.




03-27-2006, 12:04 PM
If you aren't being paid for it, why risk getting shot for it? If I caught you trashing my car, no matter your reason, I would hurt you.
Ahh youth:D
1st off she passed you as you pull in ur driveway so now she none of ur bussiness otherwise you could run into someone like this^^^(as i live by this rule as well)^^^and have a real problem and for what nothing really.
Best thing to do if you can;t help yourself is to go slow enough so they car see you laughing at them , that allways works.good luck with buddy rydel..:up:

03-27-2006, 12:07 PM
This two lane road has some twist an turns. This two lane road is Highway 170 and is a very dangerous road. Atleast 10 people have literally died in my front yard in the last 3 years from auto accidents. Some were alcohol related, other were just idiot related. Well as you can imagine on such a highway there are a lot of double yellow sections and these *******s feel the need to get impatient and pass me on a steep double yellow curve as I turn into my driveway.
I suspect that this 2-lane road is one of the ones that has a 50-55 mph speed limit. If all you say is true, there should be enough documentation on the safety problems in your particular section of Hwy 170 to get some improvements. Similar roads in Virginia are being widened, a center turn-lane added, and additional caution or no passing zone signs added. You should press the county/state for a safety fix through your representatives. :D

You might also consider widening the entrance to your driveway so that you don't have to come to a complete stop to make your turn in. If you are not using your turn signals, you probably should ... maybe it's just a case of folks not really realizing that you are slowing to make a turnoff into your driveway. ;)

Just my thoughts on this. And, no ... I don't think following anyone home is a good idea .... :rolleyes:

03-27-2006, 12:10 PM
If you aren't being paid for it, why risk getting shot for it? If I caught you trashing my car, no matter your reason, I would hurt you.

What Dan said. If I see someone sneaking around my house and car late at night, well...you know the rest of the story. Let it go, life is full of idiots, you will meet many more.

03-27-2006, 04:41 PM
My mother lives at the bottom a fairly steep hill on a resdiential street. Cars come down the hill as fast 60 MPH. Someone in the neighborhood put in an unapproved speedbump a few lots past my mom's. The city was all over that. Everyone but the FBI was called in to find who they could blame. I thought it was a good idea but, it sure got the city weenies excited.

03-27-2006, 09:05 PM
Pull nose out to the end of the driveway and aim a black hair dryer out the window.:D

Joe Walsh
03-27-2006, 09:23 PM
Keep calling the local LEOs until you get them to set up a speed trap and/or park in the area to get the numb-nuts to slow down.

BTW: Why is it that the WORST tailgaters are 'Soccer' Moms....???
I've had SO MANY of these HUGE SUV driving Moms locked on my bumper that it is ridiculous!! They are usually deep into a cell phone call and totally zoned out.
THEY should be the careful ones....but NO!!!!!!.... they latch on to my bumper like they have a 'tractor beam'. I try to 'scrub them off' onto another car, but it usually fails.
When I tap my brakes (ONLY to get the brake lights to come on.) they flip out and swerve around me like I'M THE BAD DRIVER! :dunno:

03-27-2006, 09:42 PM
I like to casually downshift and watch the sheer terror on thier faces in my rear view mirror when they realize my brake lights "don't work". Priceless...
P.S., I don't recommend this to anyone who isn't willing to lose a back bumper or worse. Me, I just don't care. Unless you're in an Ambulance or Police car, that's different, and I wouldn't be blocking them anyway. Little Johnny can be 2 minutes late for soccer, or Mom can have '1 of 328' stamped in reverse on her front end. Wow, this road rage thread really spun me up! Thanks!!

03-27-2006, 10:16 PM
BTW: Why is it that the WORST tailgaters are 'Soccer' Moms....???

I think it is because they haven't grown up with the idea that if you crowd some guys they will beat you up. Most guys know better.

But, I've talked to a lot of younger guys lately who have grown up with zero tolerance for fighting school. I wonder what happens when one of those guys does get punched in the face. When I was a kid we were constantly scrapping. You learned how to give a punch and take a punch. You learned that some actions had physical consequences.

I hate sounding like my dad.

03-27-2006, 10:56 PM
I think it is because they haven't grown up with the idea that if you crowd some guys they will beat you up. Most guys know better.

But, I've talked to a lot of younger guys lately who have grown up with zero tolerance for fighting school. I wonder what happens when one of those guys does get punched in the face. When I was a kid we were constantly scrapping. You learned how to give a punch and take a punch. You learned that some actions had physical consequences.

I hate sounding like my dad.

Crap like the McDonalds coffee burn law suit has basically got everyone scared to confront anyone else for being an idiot. No one wants to get taken to court for "public humiliation/slander" or whatever by the inumerable money grubbing lawyers without a conscience out there (no offense to the good ones on here). The point is, there aren't enough local police to manage all the BS that goes on today. Night time "direct action" stuff is not the way to go. However, I'm all for following someone and politely informing them of the potential disastrous results of their driving behavior. That too, has a risk factor, but if we (conscientious) motorist continue to let the idiots of the road, rule the road, the next person who finds themselves hearing the buzz of the jaws of life may be you. Sadly, people would rather deal with what is seen as a necessary evil than take the steps to initiate a change. You can always file a complaint with the police department too. The hour or so out of their day to deal with that would surely get their attention.

03-28-2006, 06:39 AM
Didn't I read somewhere recently that 99% of Lawyers are giving the rest of them a bad name? :D Dennis

03-28-2006, 07:39 AM
BTW: Why is it that the WORST tailgaters are 'Soccer' Moms....??? :dunno:
Keen observation, Joe !!! :D You can blame it all on equality and the women's liberation movement from the '60's and '70's. :rolleyes: Aggressive driving is not the sole domain of hormone charged guys anymore ... young, middle aged, and yes --- older women have joined the club. ;) Used to be a time that women's insurance rates were 1/2 to 1/3 of a new male driver. No more .... that's equality !!! :)

But be careful out there ... some of these Soccer Mom's are on the ragged edge of coming unglued. Not long ago, I merged into traffic cleanly in front of a GMC Suburban being driven by one of these soccer mom's. She was absolutely incensed to the point of running up on my back bumper. As I looked in the rear view mirror, I had a nice clear view of her "freaking out". Her eyes got huge, her mouth was running at a mile a minute (I could lip read some very nasty words coming from this well-dressed lady), and the hand gestures were constant. I am sure that the carload of kids she had with her got an education that day. I guess I should be lucky that she didn't have her Smith & Wesson under the seat .... 'cause I think she would have used it. ;) Temporary Insanity would have been a good plea ... but I still think she went "Freaking Nuts". :eek:

03-28-2006, 11:14 AM
inumerable money grubbing lawyers without a conscience out there

Hey, I think I just heard my phone ring! :beer: :lol:

03-28-2006, 03:36 PM
Simple answer: Give them a 'Brake Job".

Definition= Jam the brakes on them, then put the blinker on to pull

in your driveway ;) ;) ;)

Bruce Wayne
03-28-2006, 06:19 PM
I come across morons like this every day. I commute 30 miles each way to work so I have seen my fair share of idiots and soccer moms. Sometimes I think they just want to get a closer look at a real car, but there are a lot of people out there that just shouldn't have a drivers licence. Two weeks ago I watched in horror, as a taxi cab plowed into the back of the car behind me , stopped at a light, and proceded to crunch into the back of my "03 MM ! I just want to keep my distance from any other traffic, but today , on the way home I couldn't stand creeping along behind a row of cars doing 50 in an 80, so I blew the doors off of all of them! I guess i'm just as bad as the next guy. But not as bad as a tailgaiting soccer mom