View Full Version : Magic the Gathering -- anyone?

03-28-2006, 12:41 PM

I'm wondering if anyone here ever played or collected the card game Magic: The Gathering? I did years ago (like 10+ years ago) and have thought about putting together some of the old sets I used to play with. If anyone of you played this game and still have your old cards, or still play for that matter, give me a PM.

03-28-2006, 02:39 PM

I'm wondering if anyone here ever played or collected the card game Magic: The Gathering?
My oldest son played "Magic" quite a bit in high school and on into college. He had quite a collection. He's now 28. Not sure if he still has the cards or not. The Army, Iraq, and a wife have cut into his "magic" time. :D

03-28-2006, 06:52 PM
My cards are still in my basement. I remember having at least one powerful card (I don't remember the name). I have about 6" of them and my friends had more (at the time). I'll send you a PM.

03-29-2006, 08:05 AM
Waaaa you played magic? I used to have a huge collection of type 1 cards, 4th edition, ice age, chronicles, the fallen, homelands, etc. I gave all them away to my cousisns though because I felt I became a little old to still be playing with trading cards. They have them now. Hopefully they didn't rip or destroy all my cards yet. It had a really awsome black deck. It had three cabal coffers, four life drains, four dark rituals, a diabolic tutor, some other tutor card, a baron sengir, and three sengir vampires. It was pretty much a fast big creature/ drain life deck with a lot of mana power. It could kill most players within five or six turns or so. Of course, sometime's I'd get lucky, play two dark rituals and end up with a sengir vampire first turn. God, I was such a nerd in high school with Magic. Bleh, well I'm out of it now. Time to move on.

03-29-2006, 08:38 AM
I still have mine somewhere. I used to play in HS with some of the other Magic playing students. Most of the guys in my track team were also heavy into Magic the Gathering so we'd play it at the track meets.

03-29-2006, 09:32 AM
The deck I had was a really great Type 1 deck. It consisted of many beta, unlimited and legends cards. If any of you still have any cards from these sets, I'd be more than happy to buy them off or your hands if they're what I need.

Although I haven't played in many years, I have played online occassionally and would like to build up my old deck for casual playing every now and then. Some may consider it a kids game, and some stages of it certainly are, but the more advanced the type and tournament setting, it actually become far more complex and thought provoking than chess.

03-29-2006, 09:57 AM
The deck I had was a really great Type 1 deck. It consisted of many beta, unlimited and legends cards. If any of you still have any cards from these sets, I'd be more than happy to buy them off or your hands if they're what I need.

Although I haven't played in many years, I have played online occassionally and would like to build up my old deck for casual playing every now and then. Some may consider it a kids game, and some stages of it certainly are, but the more advanced the type and tournament setting, it actually become far more complex and thought provoking than chess.

No, Magic is by no means a kids game, and you are right about everything you said. A lot of my friends who did play magic were all from high school and they went there own way and I had no one to play with among other reasons. Playing Magic? I mean, it's a cool game and all but people who play Magic, not always, but generally get shunned the same way as the people who play Everquest, Dungeons and Dragons, and all the other fantasy type D&D games.

I was kind of getting tired of that whole D&D style games anyway. Not to say there is anything wrong with playing Magic but I felt it was time to put down the cards. I didn't start collecting in highschool btw, oh no! I started when I was in 4th grade and I bought lots of type 1. I wasn't old enough to start when the first editions, beta, alpha, and revised, came out. Though I did buy a few packs of revised. I pretty much played it on and off until my senior year in high school. There were five people at my lunch table that played magic obsessively and they were all scarringly good at it too. But I moved on and people change.