View Full Version : To those MM'rs that are into firearms....

03-30-2006, 07:44 PM
Well, the Nebraska Legislature passed the Right-to-Carry-Concealed Bill today. The Governor has stated that he WILL sign the bill. :-)

We will of course have to go thru a background check, fingerprinted, have to take a State Patrol certified course, apply, and pay a $100 fee for a 5 year permit. FELONS NEED NOT APPLY!!!!

03-30-2006, 07:48 PM
+1 :D


How dare you try and use your Constitutional Rights!!!

BRAVO!!!!! Now if we can just make it easier to carry in Ohio!


03-30-2006, 09:33 PM
Welcome to the 20th Century. :D

They give away CCW permits like library cards around here.

03-30-2006, 09:47 PM
Doubt that!

03-30-2006, 11:43 PM
Hey that's great news.

I 'm sure Westchester NY will be following suit any day now.:mad:


03-30-2006, 11:44 PM
Thats awesome. Yea here in Utah just about everyone has a permit. I'm one! :) I forget my car keys before I forget my little friend getting ready for the day.

03-31-2006, 04:10 AM
Doubt that!

Like your opinion counts for anything outside of your backyard.

03-31-2006, 04:45 AM
Hey that's great news.

I 'm sure Westchester NY will be following suit any day now.:mad:


Look into getting one :laugh:

03-31-2006, 04:57 AM
Congrats. Iowa has a CCW permit law, but each County Sheriff has the right to approve or deny each application. I had my permit for 4 years with my reasoning being my job. I changed jobs and the Sheriff would not renew. I think it S**KS!!!! Iowa also has a "Shall Issue" bill supposedly in the works, but I have not heard much on it lately.

03-31-2006, 05:37 AM
Congrats. NJ isn't a shall-issue state (mostly LEOs carry concealed), but MI is such a state. Unfortunately, there are severe restrictions on when you can conceal carry with a valid CCW and for some of us, getting a CCW isn't really worth it (work and school are pistol free zones, not even legal in trunk). In addition, certain zones can prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons and you'll have to lock it in your car. It's $105 for the application, and $100+ for the class. The CCW is valid for 5 years. Just remember to yell out that you have a CCW and a pistol in your car to the LEO as soon as he stops you. Informing the LEO about a CCW and pistol at any later time is a felony offense.

However, open-carry w/o a valid CCW is permitted in MI. The stickler is that you cannot carry it in your vehicle; the firearm must be unloaded and stored in the trunk during transport.

There were news articles in Macomb county that detailed how the crime rate dropped as more CCWs were issued. I think in 2004, 3400+ CCW permits were issued for people in Macomb county. Gov Jen Jen has pretty much kept quiet about CCWs and assault weapons. Both Republicans and Democrats appear to be very pro-pistol/pro-hunting in Macomb county. Just recently pre-86 Machine Guns were made legal thanks to the opinion of our Attorney General. Next up is sound suppressors. I'm hoping SBRs will be legalized within 10 years. My PS90 needs a 10" barrel.

03-31-2006, 07:15 AM
yes congrats!

Good luck you dont live in the PDR of NJ (Peoples Democratic Republic of New Jersey)

FL we have a statewide CCW program which is 'Shall issue', I think its $65 every 5 years.

03-31-2006, 01:41 PM
Another blow for freedom! :beer: Carry wisely and carry always.

03-31-2006, 09:30 PM
It is better to have, and never need.........Than need, and not have......

You never know where the threat is going to come from these days. If the people inclined to threaten, feel there is a good possibility of running up against an armed capable citizen.............. I got to beleive it helps dissuade the gutless predators anyways. So I am sure it will save lives and lessen the number of victims of crime in Nebraska.

Even if you don't carry, you have to applaud politictians who protect law abiding citizens rights.

Best regards,

03-31-2006, 11:15 PM
It is better to have, and never need.........Than need, and not have......

You never know where the threat is going to come from these days. If the people inclined to threaten, feel there is a good possibility of running up against an armed capable citizen.............. I got to beleive it helps dissuade the gutless predators anyways. So I am sure it will save lives and lessen the number of victims of crime in Nebraska.

Even if you don't carry, you have to applaud politictians who protect law abiding citizens rights.

Best regards,Very well put....... ditto

Dave Compson
04-01-2006, 10:00 AM
I think thats great! Just follow the rules, and carry safe.