View Full Version : Looks like a good movie

04-04-2006, 03:52 PM
Flight 93 Looks cool. heres the trailer

04-04-2006, 05:20 PM
That just gave me a chill and a morbid feeling.

Its a little too close to home after seeing it unfold first hand

04-04-2006, 06:06 PM
I don't like the idea. Discovery channel already did one of this last year. There is no reason to rehash it. Most of it is speculation because no one survived. It's a touchy subject and they should leave it be.:depress: What's the point in making this movie???:shake: Unless all the profits go to the families affected.

04-04-2006, 10:37 PM
I don't like the idea. Discovery channel already did one of this last year. There is no reason to rehash it. Most of it is speculation because no one survived. It's a touchy subject and they should leave it be.:depress: What's the point in making this movie???:shake: Unless all the profits go to the families affected.

I think the same could be said of any Civil war re-inactment. It's a gigantic peice of American history and should not be forgotten. A rebel flag painted on top of a '69 Charger is a touchy subject too.

04-04-2006, 10:56 PM
Looks cool, i like movies like this

04-05-2006, 03:34 AM
I think the same could be said of any Civil war re-inactment. It's a gigantic peice of American history and should not be forgotten. A rebel flag painted on top of a '69 Charger is a touchy subject too.

I agree it shouldn't be forgotten but I get the feeling it's being glamourized on the big screen. Which is a bad thing.

04-05-2006, 09:53 PM
I think the movie might be coming out a little soon. And I do have to wonder about the profits (proceeds?). Hollywood, even when honestly trying to be accurate, will always amp things up a bit.

Veiwing this movie in certain parts of the world, could be an eye opening experiance. Imagine people cheering at the end....:mad2: :mad2:

You know it'll happen. It's an interesting time we live in.

04-05-2006, 10:03 PM
Looks cool, i like movies like this

Join the Marines! Put down the pop corn, get out of the seats, and up on the screen!! Don't just watch the action, actually be a part of it!

I got a good view of it in 1990 as a generator mechanic (52d) in the Army.:)

04-06-2006, 06:14 AM
Yes, it's soon, but we owe it to these folks to never forget.

Since we have yet to be attacked again (thank goodness), aleady we hear about business getting down to usual: too much politics. (JC, we can't even agree how to rebuild that area in lower Manhatten.)

What these folks did was amazing. They knew that they probably didn't have much of a chance, but they could not, and would not, accept the alternative. They and the NY City public servants that ran into the Towers to save people were truly American heroes.

Two people I know were killed in the Towers. I, too, saw the Towers fall right outside my window on the Jersey side. Every day I drive to work down the Jersey side of the Hudson, I remember.

I remember the smoke, the sirens, the mobs of people in our building coming from NY on boats and trying to get home, the eerie quiet of the access roads to the Lincoln Tunnel being empty as roadblocks were set up miles away, women in the office crying, men chocked up/holding back tears, rumors of where the next plane might hit. (I left work early to drive home a friend that had walked for miles to get a ferry for transport to NJ.)

Yes, someone will make money on this film, but someone has already, and will continue, to make money on Pearl Harbor, The Alamo, and other American tragedies.

It takes money to make this type of film and, unless the government wants to make a movie with our tax money, I don't have a problem with someone earning a profit from the film.

To me, it's more important that we do not become complacent.

04-06-2006, 07:22 AM
Yes, it's soon, but we owe it to these folks to never forget....

I, too, saw the Towers fall right outside my window on the Jersey side. Every day I drive to work down the Jersey side of the Hudson, I remember...
I remember the Towers being built in the '70s I could see them from my bed room window. It was a sad day in American history, one we should never forget.