View Full Version : Web Hosting

Agent M79
04-06-2006, 08:36 AM
I have asked about and compared services, pricing, reviews, etc. but would like a little more anecdotal information from those of you with experience with web hosts.

I need a single account that allows multiple domains, unlimted email accounts, and PHP and ASP (with ASP being the choice if one needs to be made). I'd prefer MSSQL but MySQL may suffice. Storage and bandwidth limits are all over the place but for now and the next year or so neither is a pressing concern.

I'd like to hear experiences, good and bad, that you have had.


04-06-2006, 08:49 AM
Cheap. Has all the services you want. A little dificult to wade through the pomp and showyness to get to the meat and taters. But it works and it's reliable.
I got 5 gigs for a little personal site with forums, albums, chat, calendar, 5 emails, etc. 76 bucks for 3 years with a domain name included. Can't beat dat wid a stick!

Agent M79
04-09-2006, 02:19 PM
Looking at bluehost.com currently. Probably make up my mind the first half of this week.

04-09-2006, 03:16 PM
You might want to consider ixwebhosting.com or hostexcellence.com.

04-09-2006, 05:59 PM
Datapipe.com (http://www.datapipe.com) is the host I have used for myself and my clients for going on 10 years now. Fast reliable network, humans that answer the phone even on weekends. Not the cheapest with SQL added on but well worth it if the site is mission critical.

Tell them Scott March sent you.

04-09-2006, 08:10 PM
at the office we're using webintellects


We push our limits pretty hard and in 3 years we've only had 4 hours of down time.

their customer service department seems really responsive too.

good luck.