View Full Version : Whatever it takes...

04-15-2006, 03:42 PM

Man, what a day! I wanted to share this with the community, as I feel the team effort by my fellow SSM members is worth hearing about, and sets quite an example.

As many of you know, we undertook what I believe is the world's first and only double-header supercharger install. I know what you're thinking-Claude and Chuck are at it again. Well, yes. And no. The day started much earlier than usual, as I arrived at Carfixer's house shortly after 8AM Friday morning. He was already turning wrenches, and I walked in, poured myself a fresh cup of coffee [Thanks, Paula!], and got to work alongside him. We were doing Bootlegger's car first, and it went quite well. Shortly after I arrived, King Fubar showed up, and jumped right in with us. This one was a little trickier than others, as Mel's car is equipped with Nitrous and the head cooling mod from Dennis Reinhart. This made for some tight quarters at the back of the blower, and we had to re-install the Nitrous into the new system, along with a K&N FIPK. We worked until it was done, and it went perfectly. Upon completion, we turned the key and the car started like we never touched it. Fired up immediately, and settled into a flawless idle. After a hew high-fives, we backed it out and enjoyed some take-out Chinese for lunch. A perfect start to a great day.

Ghost03 got there as were having lunch, and we pulled his car in, popped the hood and let it cool down as we dined. Then, after lunch, we put the first wrench to Rob's car.

This where the concept of "teamwork" manifests itself of it's level of importance in today's society. First, we discovered [due a lack of communication on my part] that the car was still equipped with underdrive pulleys, and a custom tune. I had forgotten to tell Rob we needed all the OEM parts, and would have to but the car back to bone-stock for this transformation to take place. He had all the parts necessary to do this. Problem? They were back at his house, on the other side of the state. Our first inclination was to put Rob in my car to make a bonzai run across the state and back, as Carfixer's wife ran to Scanlon to get the puller we would need. But, I knew Shakes_26 [tonight's MVP] was headed our way from Boca Raton. I called him, and after working out the logistics, he stopped at Rob's house to get the OEM parts and tuner we needed.

Disaster averted. Shakes_26 [the cavalry] was on the way, and Carfixer, King Fubar, and I continued wreching away. In the meantime, Our leader, Cobra25, MaLo03, Silver2004Marauder, and Bootlegger showed up. Quite a gathering on it's own. Shakes_26 arrived, and the install progressed with confidence, as we now had a full roster of installers and parts at our disposal. I took a breather and downed a cold one as the install was nearing completion.

Then, we found out we had problem with identifying exactly with tuner [Rob has 2 Excal1 tuners] held the stock tune. Then, we couldn't get the new tune to load properly, due to a touchy communications cable. All efforts to get the tuning situation correct failed, and we were left dead in the water. Phone calls to Jerry Barnes and Lidio Iacobelli were placed. As we were scratching our heads wondering what to do, Shakes_26 was nosing around the pcm and computer codes on Rob's car. Then, he said "no problem", I've got my stock Trilogy chip with me [he has a custom DiabloSport/Scott Beer tune now], and the only difference will be the gears, so the speedo may be a little off.

We installed Shakes_26's chip and turned the key. Crank-no-start. Problem? I had forgotten to re-set the fuel pump switch, which we always de-activate.
Press the little red button in the trunk, and try it again. Car fires right up, and settles into a perfect idle. Problem? The alternator light is on. *****. We trace that down to a poor connection in the harness. With that repaired, we hit the key again, she fires right back up, no more alternator light. Problem? King Fubar looks at me and says "I smell coolant". Sure enough, we're leaking coolant. We found the culprit, a cut o-ring on the driver's side crossover tube. We had more in stock, so we replaced it and re-tested. Done!!!

Rob and Claude went for the test drive, and were gone quite a while. Now, here's what I'm waiting for...The customary "all is well" sign, is for the customer to return to Claude's house, stop in front of the driveway, and drop the hammer. I was standing alone, downing an ice-cold Bud Light as they returned. All I could think was "come on, man, line that sumb!tch up, and roast those tires". I breathed a huge sigh of relief when Rob did exactly that!! A brief clean-up period, handshakes all-around, and the night was complete. The world's first double-header was in the books.

It was a long, tired, but satisfying drive home. I would like to thank my fellow SSM brethren for thier support and cooperation. We couldn't have done it without you. Times like this make me proud to be associated with all of you...:up:

King Fubar
04-15-2006, 03:49 PM
A long day it was at that, but fun to say the least...

04-15-2006, 04:11 PM
Great :beer: :beer: :beer: :burnout:

04-15-2006, 04:23 PM
Awesome story! Another top notch memory for the books :beer:

04-15-2006, 05:08 PM
Great summary Chuck, And thats the way it was. Plus, I didn't get in anybodys way, Paula (Mrs Carfixer) and I sat in the driveway and talked most of the evening, about you guys... Great time.

04-15-2006, 05:30 PM
Wow! You guys are awesome!

Ghost03 and Bootlegger congrats on the new power! Go easy on the :burnout: untill the rear tires get back in stock!


Bradley G
04-15-2006, 06:07 PM
You guys have networked to an amazing level.
Be very proud of your achievements!
Thanks for a great story!

04-15-2006, 06:19 PM
I had the time of my life there. I wish I had gotten off work earlier to help. All of you guys are total gentlemen and it was a pleasure to see everything that each of you had done to make your Marauder unique. Of the 8 Marauders there- mine was the MOST unique!!! No Trilogy under the hood made mine pretty unique huh?. C'mon guys!!! "Hey Kenny, where's YOUR Trilogy?? No pressure..." Nice pun on top of that one. I will have my day in the spotlight. It was nice to see all of you again and I give a heartfelt thanks to those of you who drove the distances you drove to attend this event especially with the price of fuel.

Jerry Barnes
04-15-2006, 08:15 PM

As always, the Florida crew are great !!!!!!!! Great story. You know these installs always have a little wrinkle to them. Sounds like you had more then one wrinkle to Rob's install. But, the team down there is fantastic!!!

Two installs in one day, WOW, I think you guys and Marty have new world records!!!

Great job guys, wish I could be there!!!!



04-15-2006, 08:47 PM
Man, you guys are having all the fun. That is awesum, 2 in one day. Congrats to the new owners! Cant wait to see you guys in August!

04-15-2006, 10:01 PM
Congrats to Ghost03 and Bootlegger. Welcome to the "Kool Aid" family. You will enjoy your cars even more now. Also, great job guys. You guys got a good thing going down there.

04-15-2006, 10:16 PM
Yes, a full day to say the least. I knew when I got the call at 3pm from Tallboy, things were not quite on course. A brief explanation later, I shot down to Rob's house, and being the helpful guy I am, threw a brick through the window to get in... alright his Brother in Law showed up and let me in(4:15pm). But I would have done it, thats how far I'll go for my friend Rob. Well 35 minutes of searching around I find all the required pieces.. ah but the car needs fuel, I tank up at the local Hess, and roll (5:02pm). I hit I-595 traffic...crap this is not good! I make it to I-75, Alligator alley, light the afterburners to make up for some time. Well I got on it and stood on it, "actually officer if you must know, I don't have a lead foot, just this brick I wedge onto the accelerator...".

I arrive to a scene of Marauders parked all over Carfixers place, and some anxious looks (6:31pm). Parts delivered. Heck I even delivered Eggie's shirts! Ha Brown has got nothing on a Marauder!


Just glad I could help! Oh and the window and the mess, yeah...Uh... just see Claude about that....

PS Those of you not aware of the distance involved, it was 121 miles door to door. No I did not use any JATO rockets, just 93 pump gas, and my Trilogy equipped Marauder. Oh yeah, and for those of you who worry about these things, I averaged 20.13 mpg, AC on crankin' cold.

04-16-2006, 06:02 AM
Sounds great.! Someone mention Kool Aid?


Have a drink on me. :D

04-16-2006, 06:11 AM
Man, reading this thread again makes me wanna get another MM just to Trilogize another one!!

04-16-2006, 07:09 AM
I was glad I could make it . As always I had a nice time . Got to hang out with some of my friends I don't get a chance to see too often. Mel's S/C looked great. He's got the only engine bay that is just as clean if not cleaner than mine. Look's great Mel. Rob's S/C install hit a few bump's along the way but everything worked out nicely. I know he's a happy guy now for sure. Thanks Paula & Claude for the food and drinks. As always, Great Host's .

04-16-2006, 08:28 AM
We sure had a busy day. The team we assembled to knock out 2 installs in 1 day is awesome. Chuck, Fubar and Shakes are the MVP's. Fubar just stopped by to hang out. It didn't take long before we had a wrench and screwdriver in his hand! Marc with his heroic parts delivery and factory like wiring job. Chuck on his usual list of tasks including disassembling the top of the engine, fan, replacing the plugs, installing the injectors... We never had to wait for a clamp, Shawn (7 years old) was on it.

It was great having a great bunch of people come from all over the state to hang out. Eggie drove 4 hours to get here, Marc and Z over 100 miles, Chuck over an hour away and our locals never miss one of these.

Most installs we do are "uneventful". The small bumps in the road we experienced with these installs were very minor and we consider them non-events. We have a pretty good stock of parts to overcome most situations. Tuner issues, no problem, we have a chip. Cut o-ring, we have a spare. Pullies and tuner over 100 miles away, we have someone to pick them up. Besides, there were a couple of "donor" cars in the driveway if we needed them.

We're running out of Marauders that aren't supercharged! I don't know if that's good news or bad news?!

04-16-2006, 08:58 AM
Now for the east side SSM, we will do a vortech, Procharger, and a Twin Screw install in 1/2 a day. This will have to be done in the Bermuda Triangle, so the lack of time passage won't be a factor. This also will require ever elf Santa has to spare.

OK now that I've finished my day dream.

:bows: You guys over there are off the chain.:bows:

Tallboy, Carfixer, Shakes26, and King fubar, are you guys trying to get all So. Florida MM S/Ced? Boy do I have some catching up to do.

:banana2: Congratulations to Bootlegger and Ghost03, Enjoy the Force, G force that is.:banana2:

I will I was there to see the inception but why do I think I'll see these two on the track really soon.

04-16-2006, 08:59 AM
Congrats to both Ghost 03 and Bootlegger. Now your mission from this point forward is to "Smoke 'em if got 'em" and I don't mean cigarettes and cigars.

I sure hope that my future install goes smoothly. I am the only one here in the group with the CRD0 code.

04-16-2006, 09:35 AM
I am the only one here in the group with the CRD0 code.QUOTE pita<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________
Brian, not to worry buddy. the fruit punch cure for the CRDO code is in the jar. Just drink and relax. Dennis.

Congrats guys, sorry to miss the party. I love it when no matter what it takes you guys make it happen. I think that Brian is looking for some UD pulleys for his ride.....Rob, done with yours? Dennis. See you guys Friday..watch out...the FriutPunch is on the track...and...has no clue. :beer: