View Full Version : My own car trivia addition to the site

04-16-2006, 12:44 AM
Or: How I announced, in a deadpan way, that I am no longer a Marauder owner.

The Marauder is gone. I've alluded, in other threads, how the Hulk's mechanical state and my own frustration levels went in some highly inversely proportional directions (read that "different ways" for those of you not versed in nerd-speak), and I'd had enough.

So...what'd I get? Here's the hints...not surprisingly, TripleTA figures prominently in at least 2 of them.

1) Not built by Dodge. I know I'd said that I was going after a Charger; fate intervened in the form of the fiancee, who said she wanted something that she could drive too and she wasn't comfortable with the big Dodge.

2) Not built by FMC or any of it's subsidiaries.

3) TripleTA owns three cars from this company.

4) TripleTA also showed us once in one of the threads here that he used to own one of these cars, made by the same company that also made his three "ladies".

5) It could have been grounds for industrial espionage charges from L-M against said car company; the specs on it read EXACTLY like the Marauder...until you get to the drive wheels, which are the front end.

6) Not really a hint...more of a declaration that no, I haven't lost my mind completely; I DID make my color selection Black. It's the Son of Hulk.

Meanwhile...I have some final dispositions to make. I have a few small Marauder things that I'd just as soon part with; as the line from the Bob Dylan song goes, "I can't use them...anymore." I've got the following that I'll discuss terms of sale on:

1 2XL Marauder jacket---will be willing to go about $30 and cover the cost of shipping charges.

1 Marauder-specific nose bra and hood cover---bought the kit from Ray last year, used it for maybe 1000 miles or so. Make offer; include shipping charges in same.

For the local HI-based MM types: I got 1 rear tire. The mate to it was punctured in shipping the Hulk over here and this one's sat in my garage since September. I guesstimate the mileage on it at about 7,500, give or take a bit. Price: Only the cost of the gas to come out here to Hawaii Kai and get it.

My head's a real mess right now; I'm sorrowful that the Marauder had to go....I'm happy as hell with the replacement and so is the fiancee...and I'm still shaking from having to deal with the dealer for 5 hours this afternoon...and I'm feeling heavily the emotional "crash" that happens after a big life-changing experience like this---in other words, I'm really beat.

The Hulk did not go in vain; I did learn one big lesson out of it that got applied today: I bought the extended warranty. I'm covered now for the next 6 years or 70,000 miles, which will cover me for the length of the loan.

Now for some elaboration:

While it has not always been a pleasant experience being here in the Marauder community, it has never failed to be both stimulating and educational. I came to realize this afternoon just how much I'd learned about this car; as we were making our way to the dealer, my fiancee was asking me questions: "What's that creak?" "that's just the front swaybar dear..." and I was able to explain why. "What's that popping noise?" "That's the front shock mounts honey..." and again I explained it. "Why are you at only 1000 rpms at 40 miles per hour?" "Well, sweetie, it's like this..."and went into about 10-15 minutes of explanation about transmission shift schedule programming.

These were all things that I never knew 3 years ago. I have this community to thank for improving my education on the subject. You see, I never had the fun (and yes, I do actually mean "fun") of an automotive shop class in high school. I've never taken any real education on automotive mechanicals; all of you, in some way or another, have become my de facto teachers on the intricacies of modern auto technology. For this, I am obliged to offer to each and every one of you a very humble note of thanks.

I commented just a little above this on how it hasn't always been fun. Anybody remember the Darkside? I think I can point to that as the starting point for the chain of events that ended today. There are not words enough or adequate to express my supreme frustration (and some real feelings of betrayal) when the one site that I count heavily on for support with a super-unique vehicle instead turns me into an unwitting guinea pig. (To this day, I'd still like to see Logan's doctorate in Human Psychology, the one that allows him to conduct such experiments.) I made up my mind at that point that the Marauder was going to have to go, because my one source of any help at all was now closed to me.

We all know the rest of the history from here; the Darkside closed, Menace got *****canned, and things settled down to a dull mutter---albeit an uneasy one. For my part, I eventually got over it...not without some difficulty, but I dealt with it in my own way.

And then the Hulk started falling apart along some very serious seams, and I had a new problem on my hands...for a while there, around late November/early December, it seemed like for every one thing I'd fix or have fixed, 3 more things would break. At one point I was limping along on busted front control arms, a bad A/C, a gross misalignment, and severely weakened shocks. The car felt like it would fly apart at the seams any minute. Not good. Even worse, really, because I'm out here literally on the edge of the civilized world...and they don't know too much about Marauders out here.

I even considered putting out an SOS to Lidio; actually considered the idea of asking the man to ship his tools out here, get on a plane, and come out to try and alleviate some of the suffering. My sanity reasserted itself after a while.

Faced with a crumbling vehicle, and not being too sure about my source of aid, I found myself in a tough situation and having to make the call: The Marauder was going to have to go. I didn't really want to do it, but as I've said before, there comes a point in any endeavor where you just have to ask yourself "Is this really worth it?"

And so here I am. When last seen, the Hulk was on the back lot of the dealership, looking weathered and beaten under a rusty lean-to shed. The replacement is enjoying its new home in the garage. I don't have Homelink in this one, so I'm back to using the clicker like anybody else.

I wish to extend sincere notes of thanks to Donny Carlson, TripleTA, Mac, MartyO, dwasson, wchain and the STOMP boys, Cruztaker, Bob Mathis (good to see you back!), Petrograde, Maury, Gunslinger, vpalhories, HwyCruiser, Dennis Rinehart, and Lidio; I enjoyed conversing with all of you at various times during my Marauder days. Should I ever encounter any of you on the road, the left lane is yours, gentlemen, and I will be most happy to give it up for you. If I forgot anybody, the fault is mine and mine alone, and I deeply apologize.

A special note to jabird56: Might see ya again in STL in a few years...we'll see. I'm really bucking for a Florida assignment though. Keep a tight grip on that "little red button", sir....may need ya out here sometime. Al says hi and he's doing well.

For Logan himself: You've a fine site here, even if you are an ogre about managing it sometimes. To be fair, as I stand back and look at the big picture, I guess such an approach is a necessary evil in this territory. Thank you sir! :bows:

My final note for the evening: One last note of thanks to MM03K, aka "The Bunny Lady". Mary, you've been remarkably kind and helpful to this old burrhog. Without ever having met me, you've helped me out on at least a few difficult spots, and been the very picture of cheerfulness and assistance. I'm sure we won't see "BurninRubber" again anytime soon....please allow me to extend a heartfelt and humble thank you.:bows:

That's it. If you ever hear a throaty V-8 rumble, look around...might be me.:burnout:

Bradley G
04-16-2006, 01:05 AM
V-8 Impy?
Great read!
Best of luck with the new ride!

04-16-2006, 03:46 AM
Hey! I traded mine in (for the "mechanical problem" reasons, and I had many, many more of them than you had), but it doesn't mean that you can't still hang out :)

04-16-2006, 04:46 AM
Sounds like he bought a "GXP" [think Bonneville], which are actually quite nice and perform well, even if it's wrong-wheel-drive. Congrats and nice write-up 307. I do you'll hope you'll drop in from time-to-time. :beer:

04-16-2006, 04:53 AM
Best wishes my friend, you're always welcome here.

04-16-2006, 05:35 AM
Best wishes my friend, you're always welcome here. ^^^ What he said. ^^^ I wish you and your fiancée only the best, Baker. Please keep in touch! :lovies2:

04-16-2006, 06:15 AM
PM Waiting for you on the Jacket!


04-16-2006, 07:02 AM
Sorry to see a nother Marauder owner go but I can understand your frustration. I would also venture to say a GXP sweet looking car.

RF Overlord
04-16-2006, 07:26 AM
I think I remember our friend /Steve mentioning he once owned a Parisienne, which IIRC was called the Bonneville here...

If you find out who buys your MM, send them here...we can still help.

Sorry to lose you from the ranks, but I hope you have better luck with your new wheels...

04-16-2006, 07:26 AM
Sorry the Marauder had to go.:(
You bought a Pontiac Soltice.:D

04-16-2006, 01:55 PM
To all those who guessed Bonneville GXP, you all win. A round, all around. :beer: I didn't want to give up my full-size four-door room, and Terri
(the current fiancee/future boss...er, wife. Sorry dear...) thought the B-ville looked sexy. Not surprisingly, she used to be a Grand Am owner...

The stats on the Bonnie read like a carbon copy of the Marauder:

4.6L 32V V-8 (in this case, the Caddy's Northstar)
Full-size 4-door body (looks clean---Pontiac finally got rid of all that tacked-on plastic crapola)
4-speed automatic
18 X 8 specialty rims (the Bonnie has same size tires all around---Goodyear Eagle RSA 235/50WR18s)
And I get red-painted calipers and brushed aluminum doorsills and pedals from the factory---Woot!

The dual exhausts aren't true duals; because the engine's mounted funny (transversely) Pontiac could only get a single exhaust running aft. It hits a
Y-pipe just forward of the gas tank and then goes out back. The tips look suspiciously like SLP Loudmouths. They got the exhaust tone right, for sure;
sounds even more aggressive than the stock exhaust I had on my Marauder.

And there's BUTTONS! Buttons, buttons everywhere. For an incorrigible technophile like me, this is heaven; we actually sat on the lot for about 20 minutes last night, with me pushing buttons. Terri finally tugged my arm and said, "Sweetie, we have to go now..."

An interesting sidenote: The Pontiac place actually had a Grand Prix GXP on the lot; Arrest-Me Red with all the options. But they wouldn't sell it to me; it was brought in by Pontiac's corporate brass for the big Hawaii Auto Show last weekend, and Pontiac wouldn't let their own dealer sell it...at least, not yet anyway.

Pics will follow, and I'm looking at the PM's I got overnight...I promise I'll answer everybody!

Thanks! :up:

04-24-2006, 12:06 PM
Finally....the pics I promised!







Having fun with my new Photobucket account...:D

04-24-2006, 12:20 PM
Nice looking hunk of metal!

04-24-2006, 05:57 PM
Excellent choice.:D I am suprised you could find a new one 2005 was the last model year.

04-24-2006, 09:17 PM
Excellent choice.:D I am suprised you could find a new one 2005 was the last model year.

Yeah...the Pontiac place had 4 of them still left on the lot. 2 of the White-Gold Tricoat (pearl white---you still see it on the Escalade/some of the Cadillacs/Buicks), the black one I bought, and 1 Crimson Tintcoat (just like the DTR color on the MM).

This car-buying experience in Hawaii has taught me a few things about the place. #1: Dealers out here charge absolutely criminal markups---all of those leftover GXPs had $4k markups over sticker; mine, after markup, came out to over $40k. (I only got a break because I looked 'em square in the eye and said, "I know this car's been here a while, you guys need to move it, so gimme a break." It had been too; the state inspection paperwork was dated 3/15/05...) #2: Hawaii is---apparently, anyway---a dumping ground for unsold new cars. The dealers here end up taking a lot of unsold inventory. I saw this at the Dodge dealers while digging around for a new Charger; all of a sudden, the Dodge places ended up with a ton of new Charger R/Ts with the R/T package.

For ckadiddle: well, mostly metal. Considering the size of that rear bumper cover, I think I've got an entire recycled Fiero hanging off the rear end. :lol:

04-25-2006, 10:01 AM
The best I can say for it is that it is AMERICAN.

04-28-2006, 04:01 PM
4) TripleTA also showed us once in one of the threads here that he used to own one of these cars, made by the same company that also made his three "ladies".

Egads... we're talking a generation here, 1985 to the present! And technically, the '85 wasn't a Bonneville... Pontiac allowed that car to shrink to an intermediate 80s-Lemans-sized 4 door. So our full-sized Pontiacs up here were Parisiennes.

Bit of history: for tax reasons, US car companies built their Canadian models up here in Canada. For cost reasons, many platforms were shared between the different divisions within GM. For that reason, one look at a full size Canadian Pontiac from the 60s will show what looks much like a Chevy from the side, but with Pontiac-specific cues front and rear (and a full Chevy Powertrain, which sometimes wasn't all that bad a thing). Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't... it all depended on the model year and the actual model.

For example, I tend to prefer the Canadian Chevelle equivalent... the Pontiac Beaumont. A Pontiac Beaumont SD with a 427 Chevy is the best compromise between the Chevy powertrain in a Pontiac package (always a tick more luxurious than a Chevy). Exceptions to the rule were the GTO and the Firebird which were available as-is up here in some circumstances.

By the 70s, cross-border car sales were now an open-affair so no more need to share platforms although it took until the mid 70s before most models became identical to their offerings in the US... albeit keeping their Canadian-specific names. For example, the large Pontiacs were Strato-Chiefs and Laurentians and Parisiennes instead of Catalinas and Bonnevilles.

This stayed like this until the early 80s when the new and shrunked US Bonneville showed up here in Canada. However, the large Parisienne continued to be sold in its circa-1980 form until 1983 or so, when the US market decided it actually wanted a LARGE full sized Pontiac. So Pontiac brought the Parisienne to the US in 1984 but for some reason they gave it some lame Caprice-like taillamps and shared body panels (yuk). Gone was the 2 door as well.

In 1985, the car reached true beauty in my opinion. The taillamps were restyled to reflect the Canadian Parisiennes of the early 80s and the body panels were made unique. This carried over to 1986 and then the only remaining large Pontiac in RWD was the wagon version, the Safari.

In 2002 or so, I was considering a Bonneville. I preferred the mid 90s styling of the top level Bonny and I found the early 2000s versions to be a bit "busy". Lately, I've found it practically impossible to find a GXP leading me to think that they are not available up here at all. Having driven a few early 2000s Bonnies, I'd have to say the driving position really focuses on the driver. The drivetrain was a bit bland but then again, it was a far more pedestrian version of the Bonny as compared to the GXP. I for one would be very interested in knowing how the car fits you.

However, it's looking more and more like a Charger R/T is in the works for me, given the GXP is out of reach for me up here. It's just a matter of finding the time when I get back home, and timing the wheeling and dealing (ie. end of month, end of season, finding a buyer for MM#2 or getting a good trade value, etc...). I certainly won't fawn over the styling like I did for the Marauders, but it's handsome (and aggressive enough) for me and I spend most of my time inside the car rather then outside looking at it.

Hopefully your GXP turns out to be as reliable and solid as my 1998 WS6 has been. My wife was mentioning several months ago how she still considers the WS6 to be our "new car", funny considering how it's an 8 year old car with 55000 daily commuter miles on it, and we've had 2 newer cars since then.

04-28-2006, 05:31 PM
In 2002 or so, I was considering a Bonneville. I preferred the mid 90s styling of the top level Bonny and I found the early 2000s versions to be a bit "busy". Lately, I've found it practically impossible to find a GXP leading me to think that they are not available up here at all. Having driven a few early 2000s Bonnies, I'd have to say the driving position really focuses on the driver. The drivetrain was a bit bland but then again, it was a far more pedestrian version of the Bonny as compared to the GXP. I for one would be very interested in knowing how the car fits you.

However, it's looking more and more like a Charger R/T is in the works for me, given the GXP is out of reach for me up here. It's just a matter of finding the time when I get back home, and timing the wheeling and dealing (ie. end of month, end of season, finding a buyer for MM#2 or getting a good trade value, etc...). I certainly won't fawn over the styling like I did for the Marauders, but it's handsome (and aggressive enough) for me and I spend most of my time inside the car rather then outside looking at it.

Hopefully your GXP turns out to be as reliable and solid as my 1998 WS6 has been. My wife was mentioning several months ago how she still considers the WS6 to be our "new car", funny considering how it's an 8 year old car with 55000 daily commuter miles on it, and we've had 2 newer cars since then.

It would be a heckuva haul, but there's still 3 GXPs left on the lot here in Honolulu: 2 White-Gold Tricoat cars (think pearl white---it's a popular color on the Escalade) which are loaded to the gills, and one Crimson Tintcoat car, decontented (about the same shade as a DTR Marauder)...

The trip out here to inspect/test drive one would give you an excuse to get out of the cold for awhile...:cool4:

Just tryin' to offer you a possibility. You'd have to ship it to SoCal, then drive across about half the continental U.S., pass Customs at the border, all on a dealer temp tag from Honolulu---which would really raise some eyebrows at the Canadian border.:eek: :eek:

Think of all the fun you could have with the Border Agents..."Is that temp tag from HAWAII?" "Why, yes it is...let me tell ya, it was a he11uva long drive---that submarine option was worth every dollar!"

As for me, I'm lovin' this thing. It's got a couple of issues which are tolerable and fixable at the next maintenance interval: The HUD image jiggles over the bumps/wake-up strips, and it needs to be slightly re-calibrated because there's a 1-2 mph disparity between it and the dash speedometer; and there's a TSB out for the foglight wiring harness. Word is that the wiring was the wrong gauge from the factory, and it leads to premature burn-out on the foglights. Not a big deal. I AM going to have to get used to the battery placement...durn thing's under the back seat!

But the pluses outweigh the minuses...I got the extended warranty. The car's comfortable as he11 to drive and the missus loves it too (she was scared of the Marauder). The brakes are tight and will slam that sucker down quick (probably don't want to ask me how I know...:rolleyes: ), and the steering is VERY fast...I've found myself turning too quickly in some situations where the Marauder would, by comparison, lumber around the corners. Didn't realize how much I missed having a dead pedal, but the one in the GXP is placed just right for me. And the Monsoon stereo flat beats the stuffing out of the Marauder's Audiophile setup, although I miss having the CD changer in the trunk.

I would recommend digging around some of the Pontiac lots south of the border...you could luck out and find a leftover '05 like I did.

For those who are interested, the B-ville types have their own forum: www.bonnevilleclub.com/forums .

04-28-2006, 06:05 PM
Sorry for your loss. I had a Bonneville SSE Supercharged in 1994 (it was a 1991) and it had the tacky ribbing and 3,500 gray buttons all over the interior too. Two transmissions by the 132K mark. Rack and pinion SIEZED and left me in a turn. Took out the Bose (blows?) audio system with the integral audio and HVAC controls in the wheel and lost all control of the A/C system after that. It ate motor mounts like Skittles and needed to be taken to the dealer for every hiccup. I swore off GM after that. Since then; 1989 Ford Probe LX.(every option), 1995 Taurus SHO ATX (no damn moonroof), 2004 Marauder (no changer or trunk organizer). It is THE reason I live.

04-28-2006, 10:07 PM
I was off on my guess, 2 weeks later. I was thinking right wheel drive holden goat. Hopefully the reliability issues of the 90s large FWDs are cleaned off the manufacturer's weak spots these days. Here's hoping you don't ever have to use that extended warranty. Best of luck with the car, the career, and the future family. (in reverse order) By the way, excellent blogging on the experience of saying bye bye to the MM and in general, the Hawiian experience. BTW, how much is gas there? Does the Pontiac use regular like my buddy's STS with Northstar?



04-28-2006, 10:44 PM
By the way, excellent blogging on the experience of saying bye bye to the MM and in general, the Hawiian experience. BTW, how much is gas there? Does the Pontiac use regular like my buddy's STS with Northstar?



Thank you!

Gas out here is hitting $3.55/gall for premium...in town. It's about .15c less per gallon on Pearl Harbor Naval Base.

The GXP's Northstar is the Caddy engine; in this case, it's detuned down to about 275 hp (the LD8 engine). With the 3.71 drive ratio and the drive-by-wire system, it's still pretty quick off the light...I'm still in the process of babying this one; haven't even gotten over 500 miles yet.

It IS pretty flexible on fuel; I've been running 89 in it for this tank, and the dealer delivered it with 87. The owner's manual does recommend 91 or better tho, and I think I'll go ahead with that for the next few tanks to see if the mpg gets better by running the best gas in it.

I'm eventually going to get back to blogging on the Hawaiian experience...I've had some pretty wild adventures just simply trying to get around the island over the last few months.

Thanks again! :D