View Full Version : Our future leaders!!!

04-16-2006, 04:21 PM
I am truly scared for the future of this nation.


04-16-2006, 04:54 PM
Well there is much I could say....but I'm not going to. :D

04-16-2006, 04:56 PM
I am truly scared for the future of this nation.
Notice that they had to include the definition of "suffrage" at the beginning of the video. Without it, I suspect that 80% of the viewers wouldn't have a clue either. :rolleyes:

04-16-2006, 05:01 PM
Notice that they had to include the definition of "suffrage" at the beginning of the video. Without it, I suspect that 80% of the viewers wouldn't have a clue either. :rolleyes:

Yeah the word is not quite as common as, let me see, let me think of a common use word today....abortion.

04-16-2006, 05:14 PM
Notice that they had to include the definition of "suffrage" at the beginning of the video. Without it, I suspect that 80% of the viewers wouldn't have a clue either. :rolleyes:

80%er. :o

Oh well.

04-16-2006, 06:11 PM
The man show did this skit a while ago. They went around with a petition asking women to sign it to end suffrage. So, not only do the youth not know what suffrage is. They don't have any creative ability to come up with an original thought either.

04-16-2006, 06:37 PM
:shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake:

04-16-2006, 10:07 PM
TRUE STORY....(I'll swear to it, with my hand on a stack of Bibles).

Several years ago, my friends wife asked me; "Leadfoot, do they have houses in Alaska?"

True story! I swear! She had absolutely no idea that people in Alaska actually lived in houses!!!

And no, she isn't "mentally challenged" either. She actually graduated from High School in Wisconsin around 1990. Can you believe that some one can get all the way through High School and not know that Alaskans live in houses?!

Another time, I was helping them move. After setting up and filling their water bed, she laid down on it and she said to her husband; "Honey, feel the bed! We must have hard water here!"

There is something terribly wrong when this stuff happens in this country.

04-17-2006, 05:29 AM
I know somebody that is a history teacher,Back in Dec he asked his 7th grade class who attacked PearlHarbor 70% said the Germans.

04-17-2006, 09:09 AM
TRUE STORY....(I'll swear to it, with my hand on a stack of Bibles).

Several years ago, my friends wife asked me; "Leadfoot, do they have houses in Alaska?"

True story! I swear! She had absolutely no idea that people in Alaska actually lived in houses!!!

And no, she isn't "mentally challenged" either. She actually graduated from High School in Wisconsin around 1990. Can you believe that some one can get all the way through High School and not know that Alaskans live in houses?!

Another time, I was helping them move. After setting up and filling their water bed, she laid down on it and she said to her husband; "Honey, feel the bed! We must have hard water here!"

There is something terribly wrong when this stuff happens in this country.

I sincerely hope that chick is good looking. She has to have SOMETHING going for her...:shake:

04-17-2006, 09:17 AM
Wow... granted they looked like young highschool girls, and the word really isn't used that much. However, that was still funny

04-17-2006, 11:18 AM
80%er. :o

Oh well.

I didn't want you to stand alone on this one, I am an 80% as well

04-17-2006, 11:19 AM
TRUE STORY....(I'll swear to it, with my hand on a stack of Bibles).

Several years ago, my friends wife asked me; "Leadfoot, do they have houses in Alaska?"

True story! I swear! She had absolutely no idea that people in Alaska actually lived in houses!!!

And no, she isn't "mentally challenged" either. She actually graduated from High School in Wisconsin around 1990. Can you believe that some one can get all the way through High School and not know that Alaskans live in houses?!

Another time, I was helping them move. After setting up and filling their water bed, she laid down on it and she said to her husband; "Honey, feel the bed! We must have hard water here!"

There is something terribly wrong when this stuff happens in this country.

Was she blonde by any chance:D:lol:

04-17-2006, 11:35 AM
Have him ask whether Iraq and al-qaeda (sp?) are related.

I'm not saying this as a politcal issue - just read an article that most Americans still thought they were.

Lots of these things exist. Just watch Leno on "Jaywalking" sometime. He did the above example and got 0 for 4.

There was a guy named Al Qaeda (or some similar pronunciation but different spelling) who actually had to MOVE OUT OF HIS HOMETOWN because people were harassing him, and not in a joking manner, just after 9/11.

I know somebody that is a history teacher,Back in Dec he asked his 7th grade class who attacked PearlHarbor 70% said the Germans.

04-17-2006, 11:36 AM
I didn't want you to stand alone on this one, I am an 80% as well

There are plenty of words I don't know the meaning to, however since about the age of about 4 I had the ability to ask someone to tell me the meaning of a word they used when talking to me that I did not know the meaning of..................to put your signature on a document based on the meaning of a word unknown to you is - - - - - - !!!! Feel free to fill in the blank.;)

04-17-2006, 05:29 PM
TRUE STORY....(I'll swear to it, with my hand on a stack of Bibles).

Several years ago, my friends wife asked me; "Leadfoot, do they have houses in Alaska?"

True story! I swear! She had absolutely no idea that people in Alaska actually lived in houses!!!

And no, she isn't "mentally challenged" either. She actually graduated from High School in Wisconsin around 1990. Can you believe that some one can get all the way through High School and not know that Alaskans live in houses?!

Another time, I was helping them move. After setting up and filling their water bed, she laid down on it and she said to her husband; "Honey, feel the bed! We must have hard water here!"

There is something terribly wrong when this stuff happens in this country.

Ask a bunch of people where Alaska is on a map and I'm sure you would be surprised by how many people don't know. There was an episode of Street Smarts (its a game show exactly like Jaywalking) that asked the same question to a number of people. The question was, "How many states are there in the USA?" Nearly everyone on that episode answered 52. I was dumbfounded (pun intended). It makes you wonder if democracy really works if these people are the ones voting.

04-17-2006, 06:09 PM
[quote=WarpathIt makes you wonder if democracy really works if these people are the ones voting.[/quote]

That's why we have the electoral college ;)

04-17-2006, 08:49 PM
Didn't Leno do this also ???

04-18-2006, 07:49 AM
................to put your signature on a document based on the meaning of a word unknown to you is - - - - - - !!!! Feel free to fill in the blank.;)
..... or just plain Dumb :stupid:

Dr Caleb
04-18-2006, 08:05 AM
Several years ago, my friends wife asked me; "Leadfoot, do they have houses in Alaska?"

True story! I swear! She had absolutely no idea that people in Alaska actually lived in houses!!!

Leadfoot, I tell you truthfully, I get asked that often when talking to branch offices in the US. "Do you live in igloos?" "Isn't it tough being in darkness 11 months a year?" "Do you have indoor plumbing?" (In an igloo? Don't be silly!)

Knowing both countries like I do, I have to say the difference in our cultures is that Americans tend to be very inward looking, Canadians very outward. It's not such a bad thing, but it will come back to haunt the future.

A couple years ago a company I was working for got bought out by our main US cometetor, and a couple of the IT people came up to visit all the branches in the province. They wanted to do Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Fort McMurray and Grand Prairie all the same day. If you look at a map, that's about 50 hours driving. Even with an aircraft at our disposal, that is a daunting schedule.

They just didn't have a clue.

"Walking with Jay" has a northern counterpart - "Talking to Americans". You might be surprised, and aghast at the answers. But it's just as funny :lol:


04-18-2006, 09:12 AM
They just didn't have a clue.

"Walking with Jay" has a northern counterpart - "Talking to Americans". You might be surprised, and aghast at the answers. But it's just as funny :lol:

Funny stuff .... :rofl:

Reminds me of a story of a bill introduced into our Congress several years back that attempted to change the legal definition of "pi" to 3. It seems that school kids were having an awfully difficult time with calculations using the existing highly complicated number where "pi" = 3.14159265349.... Seems geography ain't the only place where there are problems. :rolleyes: :lol: