View Full Version : Anyone like me?

04-17-2006, 06:12 PM
So in reading the "pinata" post in Community Discussion I got to thinking about how everyone reacted to that guy and I really thought it was funny. I think I mention this alot on this forum and to my car buddies here in town as well; I am a car guy and I like all kinds of cars. When I had a Honda S2000 I didn't slam Mustangs or Trans Ams or Ford or DC or Vipers or Prowlers or any other cars. I was a car guy that happened to own a Honda S2000. It was really funny too b/c the S2000 is like "God's gift to ricer's." So since I owned one all these guys with civic hatchies and coupes thought I was cool. I'm not joking, I mean you should've seen how some of these people acted around me and my car. But anyways I would go to meets and stuff and all these guys are talking $h!t about domestics and I would just not even comment. Then out of the blue (I mean I didn't tell ANY ONE! Not even my girlfriend!) I traded my Honda for the Marauder. Needless to say, the Honda fan-boy's reactions were priceless.

I've just never been one to argue over cars. It's pointless to me. I hear all the arguements:
"You got a ____?! You could've spent $XX on a ____ with a _____ and gone faster for cheaper!"
"Do I wanna race? No I don't race ______s."
"For 30Gs you could've bought a much nicer car."
I don't think I have to go on. You've all heard people make these comments at meets, drives, shops, show, etc. I hear people say these things to other people they don't even know! There have been a couple of times when I just went off on some of my friends for saying stuff like this. Case in point: The Marauder. I rolled up to Hooters in it and two of my friends start ragging me for trading the S for it. So I lost it, I pointed out the fact that they are both directionless 20 somethings that still live at home and can't afford anything more than a complete pile-of-$h!t that usually does't run. I don't like being mean like that, but everyone has there boiling point.

I know friendly ribbing has always been a part of this hobby, but it always gets out of hand. Does anyone else share my view on this subject? Is anyone else an all around car guy?

04-17-2006, 06:45 PM
I have noticed that as you approach thirty years of age and beyond, the give a **** factor decreases dramatically. I drove a 1986 Mercury Capri for eight years from the time I was 16 till 24. People razzed me about it, but I enjoyed being different. I paid for it myself, $ 3000, but I got my moneys worth. Be different, be eccentric, and the ones that are still standing are you real friends:D

P.S. I (really my wife) have two Z's also.

04-17-2006, 07:02 PM
Does anyone else share my view on this subject? Is anyone else an all around car guy?
I sat for nearly 4 straight days on Woodward Avenue last August and enjoyed the parade of automotive talent that is the Woodward Dream Cruise. Yes, Marauder owners are car guys. :up: Some are experts and others just enjoy good looking cars. :D

I thought that the response to SS Pinata Boy was rather civilized. Some joking, some ribbing, and some good natured comebacks. However, it really didn't turn as nasty as it could have because (I think) of the maturity of the MM Family. There was no profanity, etc.

That said, I think the kid got off fairly easy considering the fact that he came into your house uninvited, called your wife ugly, kicked your dog, and spilled beer all over your new furniture. He was looking to provoke a reaction ... probably on a dare ... and hence the staged Pinata PhotoOp. Yeah, he got off pretty light..... car guy or not. :rolleyes:

04-17-2006, 07:08 PM
I just wanted to know if that guy had a mullet. :confused:

04-17-2006, 07:16 PM
Did someone say Mullet??????

RF Overlord
04-17-2006, 07:18 PM
bryan, I agree with you completely.

My buddy at work has always been into the Teutonic autos: Mercedes, Audi, VW, and especially BMW. I, on the other hand, have always been an American car fan. So we go at it all the time...the BIG difference, beside our ages (he's 32 and I just turned 50), is that, in the end, we can always find good things to say about each other's choices and show each other some respect. I guess you could say that we're both "car guys that like all kinds of cars". You can ALWAYS find bad things to say about anyone's car choices; the trick is finding the GOOD things, too.

BTW, I think the S2000 was one of the better products Honda ever built...it was well made, had endless performance upgrades available, and was even decent looking (for a ricer) :D ...like the purple one Johnny Tran drove in The Fast and The Furious...(althought it would be better without all the Kanji characters all over it... :rolleyes: )

My favourite Japanese car of all time has to be the Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R...(switch to Homer voice, drooling: "Ohhh, baby!")

04-17-2006, 07:52 PM

I think you are wise beyond your years.

So many "car" people are really "brand" people. If they like Audis, BMWs suck. And anything that isn't even German sucks worse.

I don't get it. I have great respect for lots of cars I don't like... "like" is just a question of taste. Can you imagine two idiots standing around an ice cream shop debating the merits of vanilla versus cookies & cream? How do you argue about taste? But, "brand" people do it all the time, and as life goes by they never know what they're missing.

I've been lucky enough to have had a little of everything over the years and I've enjoyed them all. None of them are perfect, but I think guys like you get way more enjoyment out of cars than the others get out of "brands".


04-17-2006, 08:06 PM
So many "car" people are really "brand" people.
...but I think guys like you get way more enjoyment out of cars than the others get out of "brands".


Ya know, that's basically what I was trying to say. Thanks for summing it up!


04-17-2006, 08:09 PM
I do not know the thread you speak of, but I understand your point and agree completely.

Regardless of the fact that all my cars bear a Ford emblem (thought the Mercury Villager is really a Nissaun), I am a brand loyalist. Dont ask why... I just like Fords products. The look, feel, smell and sound has always been an attraction for me.

Dodge almost got me with the Magnum, but a greedy dealer spoiled their chance, oh well.

Back on topic:
It's about the hobby of owning and modding your car. That is the common thread across all car guys. Wether it is rebuilding an old car or mod a new one to suit your taste - we're all the same when you boil it down.

A Marauder with modified exhaust like a complete Kooks set up is more like a ricers Honda with a fart can muffler than you think.

04-17-2006, 08:13 PM
A Marauder with modified exhaust like a complete Kooks set up is more like a ricers Honda with a fart can muffler than you think.

LOL :D I guess I see what you mean.

04-17-2006, 08:46 PM
I'm probably the only person, in this hemisphere, that will admit to owning four Ford Fairmonts in a row. I told chicks that I was really into recycling and that I was only doing my part to save Mother Earth. (effective pick-up line BTW :D ).

I get asked all the time why I own a Marauder. Actually, it's more like this; "why did you buy a big four door?". Lol! That's when I pop the hood. A second later, their jaws drop! That's the best!

My ex-girlfriend asked me that once. I said; "Well, I guess I just like my cars to be just like my girlfriends, BIG, FAST, and with a HUGE trunk!!!"

Women tell me they couldn't park something the size of my Crown Vic or Marauder. I just tell them; "I'm good at cramming big things into small places.."

Can you tell I don't care what guys think about my cars? Cars were invented to impress women, right?

04-17-2006, 09:08 PM
I think the difficult part is that when the first post by a person is pictures of them bashing the car the forum is about, it's kinda hard to take.

People with different cars often joke around with each other, and in the end they're good friends, respect each other and their rides, and have a good time. But this sort of thing is built upon a foundation of past respect, good attitudes, and maybe a few races.

A post like that will not go over like a lead balloon if the person is a long time friend, or atleast a known name/face.

Instead you see someone come up you never have seen before, show you how he made a model of your car and hit it with a baseball bat, and then he bashed your ride saying obviously him and his club is smarter becuase they apparently spent less money and run faster. (Key word = apparently)

Is it just me when I think this: "How do you expect that to go over?"

BTW, I agree with much of the above. I'm a car guy. I like the Imapala SS's, and the 9C1 caprices are cool too. I've owned a fair amount of cars, each different makes. I can find something cool in just about anything. I've got respect for someone and their ride so long as they return it and don't take an ego with what they have.

Of course, if it's got a V8 and RWD I'm gonna be more inclined to yell "COOL!"...but that's just me.

04-18-2006, 05:11 AM
I agree too. But I am drawn to lage sedans for some strange reason. I also am not a fan of FWD but I have owned some ('85 Daytona Turbo Z was a lot of fun in my youth but I prefered my 70 T'bird ) My big complaint about a lot of import and domestic mods is they don't make sense. Lowering a car is generaly good but a lot of the imports lower the car so far that the suspension no longer functions. Big tires can improve a cars performance and looks but 26" wheels on a crown vic is just dangerous nevermind impracticle. Spoilers can help cut drag and improve downforce but does a 4 cyl car need a half sheet of plywood suspended above the trunk? A free flowing exhaust helps make power but the import fart cans are designed to just make noise? I'm rambling but you get the picture.

04-18-2006, 05:19 AM
I'd read about trolls on this site, but never encountered one. I had a ball with that kid yesterday. i even showed the wife some of the posts. She was aghast that Alex had the nerve to post such pictures. It was hilarious. It all really made my day go by faster at work. I'm sure I'll be seein' that kid at the next Tower meet. I can't wait to meet his demeanor. I'll either become his mentor or his worst nightmare... all depends on his 'tude.

Hopefully, it turned out to be a good learning experience. We have all had an experience when the more mature crowd gives us a wake up call. Maybe this was his.

Oh yeah, I'm a car guy. I've been a ricer. I've owned POS's that were tough to keep runnin. I've been a lowrider (still am, sorta). Will always be a bass-head. I just love it. I have tastes and likes and dislikes, but man do I ever love good work whether it's engineering or custom.

Guess I'll let ya'll now how Alex (BEATURMEATR sp? Ha!) is like in person!


04-18-2006, 05:48 AM
To answer your question: Way to few at any age, bryanthomas; and not many at all at yours. You have a good head and a good heart. You will go far, young man. Your parents must be proud. :) Dennis

2003 MIB
04-18-2006, 06:01 AM
I want to have owned something representative of each automotive group before I die. So far...Ford, Mercury, Chevy, Pontiac, Cadillac, GMC, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Jaguar, Datsun and AMC...It's been fun and I ain't done. Everything has had a different personality and as a car guy- I like that.

04-18-2006, 09:24 AM
Bryan, Blue et all:

To me there is nothing wrong with being loyal to a brand that has treated you well. You can be a "car guy" with a favorite brand. Its ok really.

For me when I bought the 03 MM in Jan. 06, I looked at alot of used cars including......an S2000 believe it or not.

I the purchased the Marauder after much analysis, based on:

What the car would be used for
-Daily driver.......... The F150 super crew, and the MM S60R came to the top here considering I would use it for everything.

How important was it to get another ragtop
- 03-04 Cobra, and S2000 here

- Marauder hands down S60R 2nd.

Speed, Handling, Braking
-S60R-S2000- Cobra- Marauder

Reliability- since I buy used, what has the least chance of being beat on

-The MM is the most unique looking vehicle under$30k in my mind. What else do ppl. look at, and exclaim "what the bleep is that"???

- Looked long and hard at a new Volvo S60R That I could have picked for invoice( $34k)All the other cars would have cost me way more $$$ to acquire than what I paid for the MM. In the end I could not justify the S60R even at invoice knowing the 1st year depreciation. Truth be told tho....That car is a bat out hell ride, that does not get the respect from the press it deserves. Believe me.

Pervious experience
- My 95 GT took very good care of me for 8 yrs, eventhough I beat the stink out of it. Bought w/ 30k traded with 158k........Driven like a demon:D

So this coupled with wanting a fast car, but not needing the fastest, and wanting more comfort than my 95 GT convertible, the 03 Cobra, or S2000 could provide, led me choose the Maruader. Another Ford product. I very much consider myself a car guy, but I think we all do our own version of analysis when buying a car. Very few can go and say "I want that one...like what I saw on that TV show". Unless of course you watch 24. If I could, the MM would still be in my driveway next to my Porsche Turbo Cab X50 pkg.

Best regards,

04-18-2006, 11:42 AM
I consider myself a "carguy" my 03 blue MM is the 30th new car I have purchased and is one of my favorites. I personally do not like Japanese cars at all mostly because of the impact on our economy. Ford and GM are hving a hard time because they pay a good wage. Henry Ford started that trend early on when he started paying 5$ a day so that his employees could afford to buy the product they were producing. Worked fine until the "oil crisis" in the 70s. I expect to see people who consider themselves good Americans line up to buy Chinese "cars" at Walmart in a few years. Soon, there will be very few cars produced in the USA. You will still be able to buy a Ford or GM but it will be assembled off shore. My other rides are a F150 4X4 and a '89 Mustang GT Conv. My bike is a Harley. I hope I never have to buy an off shore produced car or bike.