View Full Version : Justice is served

04-18-2006, 03:55 PM
Prior thread (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=23673)

After four months of impatience the lawyer who hit my car finally paid for the repairs.

She wanted to pay out of pocket so her insurance wouldn't go up. I worked with her on it as much as I could for the 1st few wks but I wanted my car fixed, so I got it repaired thru my insurance co. She didn't like that and wanted to see every itemized receipt.

Eventually she said I'd best get a lawyer because she was going to dispute it. So I did... and my lawyer knew a partner in her firm (her boss):D

The subrogation dept for my insurance company was moving slow to get the money and she never responded to them- and barely to me.

I decided I wanted to take this to small claims a couple weeks ago and told my attorney. She took that to the lady's boss and finally all is well.

things I'm happy about:
I didn't decide to exact revenge on her car
I appreciate the rapport of my attorney and the lady's boss. It gave me the feeling that code of conduct in law is not taken lightly (which this lady obviously did not have)
I can use the $ for school

04-18-2006, 05:48 PM
Glad to hear everything worked out for ya it sounded kinda scarey there.Not to sound smart a$$ or anything but i'm gald you posted this because i will never go this way .i would be beating myself up to much worrying.ain't worth it..

The first impulse is to try to work with people, however there seem to be a great many people who fail even basic tests of character. I long ago decided that my piece of mind was worth more than others discomfort with their responsibilities. Looks like you learned a hard lesson that reflects badly on the lady. Dennis:cool:
I likes the way yous put it.:up:

04-18-2006, 05:56 PM
The first impulse is to try to work with people, however there seem to be a great many people who fail even basic tests of character. I long ago decided that my piece of mind was worth more than others discomfort with their responsibilities. Looks like you learned a hard lesson that reflects badly on the lady. Dennis:cool:

04-18-2006, 07:47 PM
She was a pro at it because she knew how she could pull the strings. I almost rather she'd just driven off instead of leaving the note if she was going to be such a POS.

Good words, Dennis. I do feel humbled seeing similar things for my dad & his busines - like a dealership holding out the bill for detail work, yet contractually bound.

As far as reflecting poorly on the lady; well, I'm sure her boss sees a new light on her actions. What goes around...