View Full Version : Gas Prices!

04-19-2006, 12:10 PM
The latest Gas Prices in your area?


Be sure to thank our politicians appropriately in 2008 for the great job of holding down gas prices! They make the American Tax Payers pay to keep the Oil routes open and then give us the shaft instead of a return on our money!

I think I'll by some XOM this afternoon.

Only way to win!




04-19-2006, 12:52 PM
Yeah it freakin sucks that i can't drive my car hard anymore because am afraid off what it is gonna cost me at the gas pumps.

04-19-2006, 01:08 PM
Just remember, all the politicians (and environmentalist wackos) that stopped drilling in ANWR,off the coast of Florida, and the building of new refineries share a big percentage of the blame for the prices we pay today.
Don’t forget that.

It's all about supply and demand.

The only thing stopping anyone from riding a bicycle is laziness.

It is not the governments right or responsibility to tell companies what they have to sell items for. Sounds to much like Stalin's type of government for me.

04-19-2006, 03:07 PM
Typical of us consumers to have short memories. Back to back hurricanes caused considerably more damage to our oil processing and deliver network than we care to remember. Sad part about this is that after these systems have been completely rebuilt (and with newer and more efficient technology), the cost of gasoline won't be going back down.

This really sucks for me. Just settled a 3 year old labor contract dispute between my union and the City, which netted me an additional 400. raise in net income per month, and before I can make any plans for the extra "float" in my budget, it floats away in cost of living a normal life increases.

My only relief is that my #3 Marauder is getting much better MPG today than it did when I first bought it, but this has taken a serious effort on my behalf to limit my driving habits. Off the shelf CRD1/SCT tune with factory tranny shift schedule. Boring, but delivering 24 MPG, and at 3.179 per gallon here today, every bit helps.

04-19-2006, 03:12 PM
I agree with all of you,it sucks and its all BS but the proguard does help...

04-19-2006, 03:16 PM
The gas prices will keep going up, and I'll still be peeling out when I feel like it and leaving O/D off all the time around town. Unfortunatly, the station near me is at $3.00/9 - Maybe it will go up tonight - I can only hope.

04-19-2006, 03:23 PM
The price of gasoline (reg) was 2.91 on Mon and today it was 3.05.:(

04-19-2006, 03:28 PM
Guess you could say saw this coming from last year. It's an unfortunate necessary evil that, other than riding a bike, has no equal. Yeah you can downgrade to a more fuel efficient vehicle but your still attached at the hip to "Big Oil" just on a slightly smaller scale.
Either way smaller cars get you a smaller tank and "only" marginally better fuel economy. My MM gets me 275-300 MPT in the city and close to 425 MPT on the highway. So I'll keep the MM and enjoy it while I'm still around. Lifes too short to piss and moan about something I have no control over.

04-19-2006, 03:37 PM
It's $3.29 for premium (91 octane) out here in Phoenix. I balme most of this mess on alll of the people who must own SUVs but have no need for them. It seems to me that prices have risen as SUV sales have risen.

04-19-2006, 03:43 PM
premium was 2.86 here in the oil capital of the US

My mpg sucks though. I get around 11.75 city and I'd say a tank lasts me about 225miles. I don't know if it's a bad tune or my lead foot. I think I'm going to try my stock tune for a while.

300 posts woohoo!

Joe Walsh
04-19-2006, 03:45 PM
Hold on Folks!!!!

It is only going to get worse!

Most of our Oil is bought on the open market from overseas producers...

They have lots of willing bidders driving up the price of the Oil that they offer for sale.

China is just getting their 'automobile culture' started and they only have 1 BILLION potential car customers!!!

04-19-2006, 03:47 PM
I pass a getty every morning on my way to school, the damn prices have been jumping about a nickel everyday for the past 4 days. We are currently at $3.25 for their 92 octane. $3.30 tomarrow? :mad2:

04-19-2006, 03:48 PM
It is not the governments right or responsibility to tell companies what they have to sell items for. Sounds to much like Stalin's type of government for me.

If its supposed to be a free market then why are we paying for corporate tax breaks for exploration among other things? Who pays for the cleanup when they make a mess (Exxon Valdez)? With their current margins, its probably time for them to quit gnawing on the government teat and kick some back to us taxpayers.

Now try and twist that into a communist plot. :rolleyes:

Joe Walsh
04-19-2006, 04:02 PM
If its supposed to be a free market then why are we paying for corporate tax breaks for exploration among other things? Who pays for the cleanup when they make a mess (Exxon Valdez)? With their current margins, its probably time for them to quit gnawing on the government teat and kick some back to us taxpayers.

Now try and twist that into a communist plot. :rolleyes:

Yep! It takes major cojones to charge $3.00+ a gallon and then turn around and report record quarterly earnings with a straight face!

Those Big Oil CEOs are laughing their a$$es off at all of us.

We (the consumer) will continue to get 'boned' everytime we pay for a product that has very inelastic demand.

04-19-2006, 04:20 PM
Oil is an inelastic demand. We we all ways need oil as long as we have a need for plastics or gasoline. You know, George Washington after the Americn Revolution jailed profiteeriers, or merchants who greatly overpiced core goods, food, lumber, coal, during the American Revolution. After all profiteering is a crime. If you don't know what this word means, think oil! It's ripping people off for inelastic demands. Like what Todd said, it's a combination of all the above, enviornmental fringe groups, government not carring, and the oil companies profiteering over it. I'm praying Exon Mobbile will experience an AT&T like brake up after this so called 'shortage'. Oh yeah, you say it may not happen but comes Novembor, congressional re-elections will be in progress. I hate to say it but I may have to vote for a Democrat.

04-19-2006, 04:41 PM
Oil is an inelastic demand. We we all ways need oil as long as we have a need for plastics or gasoline. You know, George Washington after the Americn Revolution jailed profiteeriers, or merchants who greatly overpiced core goods, food, lumber, coal, during the American Revolution. After all profiteering is a crime. If you don't know what this word means, think oil! It's ripping people off for inelastic demands. Like what Todd said, it's a combination of all the above, enviornmental fringe groups, government not carring, and the oil companies profiteering over it. I'm praying Exon Mobbile will experience an AT&T like brake up after this so called 'shortage'. Oh yeah, you say it may not happen but comes Novembor, congressional re-elections will be in progress. I hate to say it but I may have to vote for a Democrat.

Nothing wrong with that. If is weren't for Democrats we would be living in an economy like Dickinsian England where all but the very rich and titled were permanantly poor.

Good citizens care about each other, period.

Counting tax gifts to corporations, no bid contracts in Muslim-I-Stan, bankruptcy law changes for the interest charging parasites, tax breaks for the ultra wealthy, and subsidies for oil companies, the American public has lost over a trillion dollars.

Get out there and vote these thieves out of office in 2006 and 2008!




04-19-2006, 04:46 PM
Hold on Folks!!!!

It is only going to get worse!

Most of our Oil is bought on the open market from overseas producers...

They have lots of willing bidders driving up the price of the Oil that they offer for sale.

China is just getting their 'automobile culture' started and they only have 1 BILLION potential car customers!!!

Yes, but China doesn't pay to keep the sea lanes open!

We do.


04-19-2006, 08:17 PM
ROTFLMAO!!! You people haven't even got any idea of what I go through.

On my farm I have 300 tires on the ground at any one moment that need to be ready to go. The Combine holds 300 gallons and can burn that in a day (It's used 70-90 days year, and usually for 18hrs at a time.) I have four Tractors that hold 100+ gallons a peice. My utility tractor accumulates 1800-2000 hr's year.

I have the fuel truck comes here weekly during the summer to fill my rigs. I also have 1000 gallons diesel in the ground with it's own pump and a 500 gallon gas tank. I buy oil in 55 gallon drums. (13 gallons in a John Deere 4020 and that's just the crank case. The Trans/hydraulics holds 15 gallons.).

You'd have to ask my accountant how much I spend on fuel a year. It's a fraction of my other bills. My electric bill is over $1000/month. And I net about 30k a year for all the 18hr days.

We drive full size luxury cars by choice. We have options. (and everyone here still wants 4:11's and a Blower.....and cheap gas).

"'No bids for Halliburton"? LoL!!! A twelve month bibbing process (and NO oil production during it) would have been sweet! (think $9/gallon gas!).

Halliburton is loosing it's azz financially over there.... I'll bet they don't want the contract anymore. Do you want the contract?

Quit yer :censor: !

04-19-2006, 08:23 PM
Nothing much we can do, and I think they all know that. ;)

04-19-2006, 08:45 PM
Supply and demand? Umm...Supply is at an all time high! We have plently of oil. They are charging what they can and not what they need to charge. Hence, record profits.

Has anyone noticed that Brazil (of all places) will be energy independent by next year? Yes, if a govenment wants to do things right it can. Likewise, if a govenment wants to take corperate money and screw the average joe it can as well.

04-19-2006, 09:18 PM
As long as they know we will still keep buying, even as it goes up, they will keep getting as much as they can get. How many of us can remember the days when we walked biked or took public transportation pretty much everywhere and didn't think nothing about it.
We'd be hard pressed to engage in such activities these days and they know it. Work is to far away, grocery store is to far away, school is to far away, movie house is to far away, resturants are to far away, we are constantly paying the price for progress in one way or another.
Just think,,, if we could cease the dependency on our modes of transportation, hmmm.......................... .......

Anyone want to start the ball rollin.

My two dollars and ninty five cents, for now

04-19-2006, 09:57 PM
My two cents:

Our Gulf coast oil refineries are still recovering from KATRINA and her kin. You just can't put a refinery back together over night, and you can't shut a refinery down in a second without causing long term problems
The oil market is going nuts because of instabilies in oil producing countries such as:

Venezuela As mentioned above, the population in China is starting to throw away their bicycles for autos, thus demanding more energy resources....oil.
Other than the Gulf region where we have the fleet patroling, where are we paying to keep the sea lanes open? We along with other coalition partners are jointly patrolling the Gulf region for stability and support to our military in Iraq and Afghanastan. The only other place we're patrolling is off the coast of Somalia on a anti-pirate patrol.
The other thing that is causing problems is Iran ranting about their nuclear program.
It's the chaotic world and Mother Nature causing problems with the worlds oil supply.

Bottomline, it's a multitude of issues that are causing these prices...their just by coincidence happening all at the same time.

Granted, the oil companies are making money because of the price of crude..this is a free market economy NOT a government RUN economy. Their profit margin believe it or not is only about 4 percent.

And if President Bush decided to open up the National Oil Reserve, it would take a couple years to get anything out of it. It's not a lot of fuel tanks just sitting there, it's an oil field that sits untouched.

You don't want to know what it's costing to fill up my 38 gallon tank on the Superduty with diesel.

04-20-2006, 05:22 AM
Don't forget what comes around goes around. All
shipping costs go up..Petroleum products they buy too!!
When it cost them 5.00 for ahead of cabbage they can thank
themselves for there own greed..:rolleyes:

04-20-2006, 05:46 AM
Last year I sat down and figured out the "minimum wage" vs "gas per gallon".
And lets just say you got more for your money back when I was a kid :).

Now I know why teenagers drive rice burners.

I'll have to see if I still have the comparison chart still lying around somewhere.

04-20-2006, 05:58 AM
A few thoughts:

1) No, not everyone can choose to ride a bicycle every day. There's no way my wife and I could both hold jobs in our fields and do that. We've been trying to get two jobs in the same city/metro area for years now. It ain't that easy.

2) I thought we got most of our oil from Canada, not the mid-east? Granted, the prices are all linked, but I thought we had a greater percentage of our oil right here in N. America. Am I wrong?

3) Again I say, screw gas prices. We will not "fix" them until we fix the rampant greed and sense of entitlement that is so prevalent in this country. That's going to take longer than my lifetime, as well as anyones here, so I'm just going to enjoy the ride no matter how much it costs.

I'm loading up two tour buses for Toronto this afternoon and we locked in prices before the latest fuel fiasco, so I call it a win.

Gas prices fluctuate quite a bit and that's why we notice/complain about them. If people only knew where your entertainment dollars are going and the average markup compared to just about every other "industry," they'd know how to save money for gas.

Just about $0.25 worth.

04-20-2006, 06:06 AM
Last year I sat down and figured out the "minimum wage" vs "gas per gallon".
And lets just say you got more for your money back when I was a kid :).

I remember a time when gas was $0.35 per gallon and the minimum wage was $1.00. That's about 3 to 1. Now, its less than 2 to 1 and dropping fast. :(

Of course, I also remember driving out of a gas station late one night saying "It'll be a cold day in H3LL before I pay 65 cents for gas." Famous last words ................. :rolleyes:

04-20-2006, 06:44 AM
I remember a time when gas was $0.35 per gallon and the minimum wage was $1.00. That's about 3 to 1. Now, its less than 2 to 1 and dropping fast. :(

Of course, I also remember driving out of a gas station late one night saying "It'll be a cold day in H3LL before I pay 65 cents for gas." Famous last words ................. :rolleyes:

It is a little cold today...by Hell standards!


04-20-2006, 11:28 AM
Supply and demand? Umm...Supply is at an all time high! We have plently of oil. They are charging what they can and not what they need to charge. Hence, record profits.

Has anyone noticed that Brazil (of all places) will be energy independent by next year? Yes, if a govenment wants to do things right it can. Likewise, if a govenment wants to take corperate money and screw the average joe it can as well.

Supply is at an all time high overall but so is demand. And other countries are now demanding more than they ever have.

We could theoretically be independant but as I stated before, lilly livered politicians catering to fringe environmentalists will not let us.

Republicans and Democrats alike. They have no balls whatsoever. We should be drilling in ANWR and off the coast of Fl. Period. Its that 'Not in my back yard' scenario.

04-20-2006, 11:51 AM
If its supposed to be a free market then why are we paying for corporate tax breaks for exploration among other things? Who pays for the cleanup when they make a mess (Exxon Valdez)? With their current margins, its probably time for them to quit gnawing on the government teat and kick some back to us taxpayers.

Now try and twist that into a communist plot. :rolleyes:

Theres a difference between communist and facist governments... Better get the facts straight before you post a thought...

Tax breaks for people (corps)who have the potential to make things better for us by way of future sources, additional jobs, etc is not a bad thing. PErfect example is the tax breaks for top income earners (which are usually business owners) caused a speedy increase in job production. Which in turn inspired the fastest economic growth in the last 30 years. By the way, that 30 years included slick willie's terms in office...

Regarding us paying for the Exxon spill... You didnt read about the settlement they had to pay the government, did you..? As of only 2 years after the spill Exxon had already paid 2.2 Billion in clean up money. That was outside the settlement to the state of Ak and entitled claimants which I think was over 5 billion but then reduced to 4+ billion.

04-20-2006, 12:09 PM
caused a speedy increase in job production. Which in turn inspired the fastest economic growth in the last 30 years. By the way, that 30 years included slick willie's terms in office...

Yep, right after the biggest plunge in history next to 1929.

Nowhere to go but up doesn't mean the growth was a boom. The first step out of the crapper is a big one.

04-20-2006, 12:33 PM
As much as I voted for Bush, and am happy with his performance overall, I think he and Cheney are too close to the Saudi's and American "big oil", and made some promises to envirornmentalists to get elected. We nned to cut our dependence on OPEC oil. Won't happen overnite, but the government needs to focus on this for Bush's time in office to end positively in 2008. Otherwise he will leave office with the worst approval rating of all time.

An extra $15-20 per tankfull every week when the avg. income of an American family is is under $40k per yr. is too much to swallow for most.

Me...I will drive my Marauder till it dies or I get rich, and I will cry or Bit#@ everytime I fill...........

04-20-2006, 01:32 PM
As much as I voted for Bush, and am happy with his performance overall, I think he and Cheney are too close to the Saudi's and American "big oil", and made some promises to envirornmentalists to get elected. We nned to cut our dependence on OPEC oil. Won't happen overnite, but the government needs to focus on this for Bush's time in office to end positively in 2008. Otherwise he will leave office with the worst approval rating of all time.

An extra $15-20 per tankfull every week when the avg. income of an American family is is under $40k per yr. is too much to swallow for most.

Me...I will drive my Marauder till it dies or I get rich, and I will cry or Bit#@ everytime I fill...........

Somebody just sent me this, just out of Photoshop...

Don't get mad at me, but I think it's funny!





04-20-2006, 01:44 PM
You guys crack me up. Gas is cheap. Even at $3 a gallon.

You want something to freak out about? Try this...do the math on your wife's nail polish. Let's take an "average" .25 oz bottle at three dollars a bottle. You're paying $1536.00 a gallon for nail polish!

Feel better now?

04-20-2006, 02:09 PM
Gas Has Been Going Up .04 Every Other Day.
Premium 91 Today Is $3.05 / Gallon

04-20-2006, 02:15 PM
You guys crack me up. Gas is cheap. Even at $3 a gallon.

You want something to freak out about? Try this...do the math on your wife's nail polish. Let's take an "average" .25 oz bottle at three dollars a bottle. You're paying $1536.00 a gallon for nail polish!

Feel better now?

LOL yeah, I worked at a pharmacy for a few years and I saw first hand what a lot of that stuff goes for, (like over 5 g's for a gallon of concealer....yikes!) Personally, I feel that others before me have endured substantially harder times (read the Grapes of Wrath), so I will press on. If I have to make other sacrifices just so I can afford to drive my car, then such is my choice, and I will still get a smile on my face every time I turn the key!

04-20-2006, 02:16 PM
Just thinking over on the rational side how much gross profit does Exxon Mobile make despite all the income they take in? For example, didn't they take in $100 billion in revenue in the 3rd quater but how much of that money is actual profit? After all drilling, mining, and refinning is very expensive. Thankfully, we are slowly backing out of the middle east oil reserves as the dry up and are finding other souces for fuel. Such as E85 ethanol and Canadian heavy sand oil, I think in a few years our fuel problems will be solved. Thankfully, companies like GM and Ford offer a wide variety of E85 and there a number of political as well as economically movements that are comming foward to make E85 much more widely available. Oil companies like Sunoco are starting to realize that the middle east is running dry and is drilling in the oil rich province of Alberta in Canada. Also, thanks to companies like Petro bank http://www.petrobank.com/index.html are making it as cheap to mine the Canadian heavy sand as cheap to drill as the light sands in the middle east.

Joe Walsh
04-20-2006, 02:28 PM
You guys crack me up. Gas is cheap. Even at $3 a gallon.

You want something to freak out about? Try this...do the math on your wife's nail polish. Let's take an "average" .25 oz bottle at three dollars a bottle. You're paying $1536.00 a gallon for nail polish!

Feel better now?

Yeah, But the little lady doesn't burn 6 gallons of NAIL POLISH on her daily commute....

04-20-2006, 06:33 PM
It will never ever happen, but I wonder what the price of gas would be after a three day general strike nation wide by everyone?

04-20-2006, 08:15 PM
Somebody just sent me this, just out of Photoshop...

Don't get mad at me, but I think it's funny!




Too funny Dave..... I support Bush but will call him out just the same. After doing a little research on the Dept. of energy website this aft. it seems the wheels are in motion on ANWR more than the press would lead you to believe, but we shall see. At least we can laugh a little about this. What about the poor slob who knocked up the wife 4-5 times being a good Catholic/ Baptist whatever and has to deal with this along with a job who's wage has not kept pace......... I feel for people like that.

I'm still gonna drive the Marauder tho....

04-20-2006, 08:48 PM
Things I can't afford due to high gas prices.

1. New hot tub. (mine is kind of old)

2. In ground pool. (with pool robot!). "Pool robot" just sounds cool.

3. "'Fresh" Calloway drivers. (I hate hitting the links with last years stuff. It's sooo embarrasing!!!).

4. Filet Mignon 10 times/month. (are food stamps next?)

5. A second vacation. (it's not fair that I get to go to Amsterdam ONLY once/year!)

6. Remodeling my house to include a billiards room.

7. A new ZO6 to park next to the Marauder. (life is SO unfair!!!)

You get the idea. I have a feeling that us MM's have more than most. I don't know any family that earns less than 40k/year. If they do exist they live in an area like mine, were 40k/year is actually plenty of money. Two bedroom apartments run about $350/month locally. And no one is faced with a choice of either paying their rent or buying gas.

Your cost of living is probably no where near what it is around here. At the same time, jobs in your area, probably pay far more than here.

Considering that the average high school graduate can't read their own diploma, I've got to believe that they don't handle their money very well either.:rolleyes: