View Full Version : Green Marauder

04-19-2006, 07:14 PM
Well, once again I found another oddball color. This time I only had to walk across my parking lot at work. Last year this car was blue.

This year it is green. Not me cup of tea. Notice the tinted headlights and the rubberband tires.

04-19-2006, 07:18 PM
Funny! My vomit is coming out the same color!!!

04-19-2006, 07:20 PM
And you guys thought I wasted money on my car?

04-19-2006, 07:22 PM
You have to admire the energy expended, not my cup of tea though...

04-19-2006, 07:23 PM
Dammit Slim!

Where do you find these guys! Who the hell takes the rearest of all Marauders and paints it puke green?!?!?!?!

04-19-2006, 07:32 PM
Hahaha!! Oh well, another ones bites the dust....

Was the paint job atleast well done?

04-19-2006, 07:35 PM
Well, I don't like the green but I think the blue is nice. Just curious as to where he might have purchased the headlight covers as seen on the green car. I have searched everywhere for them and have been told several times they don't make them, if anyone has any or information that would be appreciated.

04-19-2006, 07:49 PM
I don't think they're headlight covers. See the seam between the headlight and side marker? There used to be a translucent tinted paint for plastic windows for soft tops and convertibles. That's probably it.

04-19-2006, 07:49 PM
Dat be dope, def, phat and fresh, yo.

04-19-2006, 07:50 PM
And you guys thought I wasted money on my car?

Don't get too confident there, Marty. I bet that paint job add GOBS of HP. :D



04-19-2006, 07:58 PM
It needs some gold flake and white shag. That would be money.

04-19-2006, 08:07 PM
Well, I don't like the green but I think the blue is nice. Just curious as to where he might have purchased the headlight covers as seen on the green car. I have searched everywhere for them and have been told several times they don't make them, if anyone has any or information that would be appreciated.

Thats a Nightshades spray can job if I ever seen one.
They dont make Headlight covers for the Crown Vic or the Grand Marquis so there is nothing you can make work.

04-19-2006, 08:13 PM
what the :puke: ,:puke: ,:puke: , is that?? That's how I feel. Slim, you do find bizarre Marauders.

04-19-2006, 08:31 PM
Well, once again I found another oddball color. This time I only had to walk across my parking lot at work. Last year this car was blue.

This year it is green. Not me cup of tea. Notice the tinted headlights and the rubberband tires.

Looks like the day you took the first pic of it blue he walked out, saw that Jeep next to him and fell for the color...

I will say appears outwardly a good job was done on the color change, regardless of the choice of color...

04-19-2006, 09:31 PM
So Slim, I assume that you met this guy and invited him to our forum, right?

I mean, you have actually met him, right?

I think this place could use a little diversity and a lot less "brotherhood".

My .02...

04-19-2006, 09:36 PM
Yea, whut he sait....
http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9G_RqzDD0dESEgByRujzbkF; _ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwc m9m/SIG=11vtg6duj/EXP=1145594179/**http%3a//adam.pra.to/public/pics/dynomite.jpg

04-19-2006, 09:58 PM
Well, I don't like the green but I think the blue is nice. Just curious as to where he might have purchased the headlight covers as seen on the green car. I have searched everywhere for them and have been told several times they don't make them, if anyone has any or information that would be appreciated.
Those aren't covers. Those are tinted with Niteshades tint.

04-19-2006, 10:00 PM
Hahaha!! Oh well, another ones bites the dust....

Was the paint job atleast well done?
The paint job is not the best. It looks like they covered every surface but the paint itself looks lighter in some areas then others. Also, it doesn't have that factory shine.

04-19-2006, 10:01 PM
So Slim, I assume that you met this guy and invited him to our forum, right?

I mean, you have actually met him, right?

I think this place could use a little diversity and a lot less "brotherhood".

My .02...
Actually, I don't know him. He works at a different plant than I do.

04-19-2006, 10:56 PM
... Glad to see the parking lot got repaved...whats that large hunk of green snot next to that really sexy Silver Birch Marauder, though ? :puke:


04-19-2006, 11:05 PM
Next year upgrade list for this guy:
-Louis Vuitton Toneau Roof with matching interior
-Roof Spoiler A la 1983 Toyota Supra, and Mercedes SEL in the movie Black Rain.....

All kidding aside, in the pix anyways it looks like a very high quality application of the puke green.......:puke:

04-20-2006, 01:25 AM
hideous, just plain hideous...

Bradley G
04-20-2006, 03:30 AM
I do not see why diversity and brotherhood can't coexist.
After all, we have brothers(members) from 16-80 years old.
And less brotherhood?, well that does not merit a response.
Somebody wizz in your luckey Charms, John?

So Slim, I assume that you met this guy and invited him to our forum, right?

I mean, you have actually met him, right?

I think this place could use a little diversity and a lot less "brotherhood".

My .02...

04-20-2006, 06:04 AM
I think what he means is that there are some cliques here at MM.net.

And he would be right.

I do not see why diversity and brotherhood can't coexist.
After all, we have brothers(members) from 16-80 years old.
And less brotherhood?, well that does not merit a response.
Somebody wizz in your luckey Charms, John?

04-20-2006, 06:13 AM
I do not see why diversity and brotherhood can't coexist. After all, we have brothers(members) from 16-80 years old.
And less brotherhood?, well that does not merit a response.
Somebody wizz in your luckey Charms, John?

nobody whizzed in anything, yet, Brad...

My point is that without even approaching another Marauder owner, Slim and others have cast this person into a "stereotype" that seems less than favorable. No contact. Not carding. Nothing.

Some of us might see a particular group of members here (not all) in the same light but we still meet and enjoy each other's company.

But no, some people don't want to give this unknown person any benefit of the doubt. I said the same thing about the Lambo door MM before too. People, take your damn blinders off (and you know who you are) and see what wonderful people might be behind these unique creations.

Have we become so jaded that if someone doesn't own exactly the right S/C, in exactly the right color, with exactly the right buddy system in place that we reject them openly and publicly?

I'll probably get another vacation for this, but those of you who think you're in some sort of special "klick" can just get over yourselves. The rest of us are tired of it.


04-20-2006, 06:23 AM
John likes vacations.

But I think he's just priming everyone for his neon-pink paint job with 22" spinners and hydraulics that he's putting on his MM.

Wait, maybe that was my MM. Nevermind.

04-20-2006, 06:32 AM
nobody whizzed in anything, yet, Brad...

My point is that without even approaching another Marauder owner, Slim and others have cast this person into a "stereotype" that seems less than favorable. No contact. Not carding. Nothing.

Some of us might see a particular group of members here (not all) in the same light but we still meet and enjoy each other's company.

But no, some people don't want to give this unknown person any benefit of the doubt. I said the same thing about the Lambo door MM before too. People, take your damn blinders off (and you know who you are) and see what wonderful people might be behind these unique creations.

Have we become so jaded that if someone doesn't own exactly the right S/C, in exactly the right color, with exactly the right buddy system in place that we reject them openly and publicly?

I'll probably get another vacation for this, but those of you who think you're in some sort of special "klick" can just get over yourselves. The rest of us are tired of it.

I never put this person into any catagory. All I did was show off a car at work and make comments on the mods. Don't try to twist my words. It really bothers me when people twist words so they can look better. Get your facts straight John.

04-20-2006, 06:33 AM
Dammit Slim!

Where do you find these guys! Who the hell takes the rearest of all Marauders and paints it puke green?!?!?!?!
And getting rarer all the time !!! :D A couple more Blue MM repaints like that one and I may rent a bay in your 3-car garage and put mine in bubble wrap storage. ;)

04-20-2006, 06:38 AM
Is this how you guys talk about me?! :rolleyes:

That Jeep green IS the color I used for the stripes between the two tones. I used that touch of green to match the dash ligting. Guess he REALLY matches!!!!:eek:

That color has TONS of pearl in it. It never shows on pictures. Could be that's what makes it look the way it looks. In a picture, that color would look thinner on curved surfaces. That's why it works on a jeep with mostly flat surfaces.

I would definately no go all that color on any car. It does make a good accent color. I also would not full colorchange a Marauder. Mine is set up to go back to black if so desired.

04-20-2006, 06:59 AM
I never put this person into any catagory. All I did was show off a car at work and make comments on the mods. Don't try to twist my words. It really bothers me when people twist words so they can look better. Get your facts straight John.

My apologies Slim, you are correct. I re-read your first post.

However, the rest of my rant stands.

04-20-2006, 06:59 AM
Why a blue one :alone: The Blue looks great, but it almost seems cursed not to last, a lot of blues seem to be wrecked or repaints or other things. Oh well, if the owner likes it thats all that matters right?

04-20-2006, 06:59 AM
I love bright and shiney so I love the jade green paint but not so much the wheels...the blue was a little nicer in pics but do not know about in person...people change cars paint color all the time and I am ok with that...it his or her ride and they evidently like a Rauder so they got to be OK...K...willie

04-20-2006, 07:18 AM
The blue color is not correct either. Looks like this car has been painted a couple of times. Most likely HOT.

04-20-2006, 07:36 AM
The blue color is not correct either. Looks like this car has been painted a couple of times. Most likely HOT.
Car is not hot. This guy just likes to be different. BTW, the blue was not the original blue.

04-20-2006, 07:51 AM
I now see that my Louis Vuitton comment was not appropriate. Should not have shot from the hip so quick. It just seemed a funny thing to post at the time to me anyways. Slander aint cool. I promise to use restraint in the future.

I agree with John 100%..... I am a new member, so I have not seen the Clique thing rear its ugly head to much, hope I don't either. After all regardless of what your taste in cars may be, we are all car guys and gals who get kicks out of seeing each others stories, mod's and et slips.

Me personally I think its ballsy to take a car and truelly make a statement by personalizing it to be a unique reflection of you. The time, investment, and creativity is way more than I have to lavish on my MM as much as I would like too, so Kudo's to the guy who drives the puke green MM.

If he wants to join us, its ok by lil ol me.
