View Full Version : I *OWN* a minivan

04-22-2006, 08:17 AM
I mean it too.

Many of you know Lisa and I recently sold our old house and moved to a new one. For anyone who has done this, you know when you sell, you (hopefully) walk away with a good bit of change.

We paid off all debts except the Marauder. Which means - we paid off Lisas minivan :mad: :mad2: :down: :fishslap: what was I thinking.

It made perfect logical sence!!! That makes me the not-so-proud, out right owner of - a minivan.

As much as I'd love to rid the family of this perfectly fine vehicle, I must except the fact that I will probabaly own it for a very long time.

At least it is a Mercury, really a rebadged Nissaun Quest.

Brace yourself, here is The DefyantWife Mobile:


Thanks for listening to my rant!

04-22-2006, 08:29 AM
Ditto...I'd rather be driving the marauder but with car parts and
tools the dogs and the Grandson the van gets the most seat time,,
Oh yea and the infamous parking lot dings...
All hale the sacrificial minivan!!:rolleyes:

04-22-2006, 08:47 AM
My wife purchased a 2001 Nissan Quest (new) sold it to my daughter last year and purchased a fully loaded Kia Sedona. ( to transport grand children):D

Joe Walsh
04-22-2006, 08:54 AM
You are both mature, and comfortable with your self image to be able to proudly proclaim 'Minivan ownership' to all members on the Marauder website!


04-22-2006, 09:18 AM
At least engine belts are available at your nearest Nissan dealer.

Does Defyant wife let you use it for Home Depot or Lowes????

04-22-2006, 09:27 AM
The pick up truck is used for the HD or Lowes runs. I use the company car off duty or the Marauder for incidental runs around town.

Brian, I got the PM, let me know your new email and I'll send the file.

Joe, most of the guys here are my peers and "get" where I'm coming from. I hate to rant about non-Marauder stuff here, but I know most of youz guyz understand what I'm talkin about. Thanks. :)

Larry Durham
04-22-2006, 12:04 PM
Around here there are more mini vans than cars so I gave them a name

04-22-2006, 12:09 PM
Ah, a necessity of modern life. At least you now own it.

04-22-2006, 12:34 PM
Around here there are more mini vans than cars so I gave them a name



Big House
04-22-2006, 06:21 PM
I will NEVER own, buy, or lease a minivan as long as there is breath in my body. But I must say the Honda Oddessey handles itself very well @ 90+.

04-22-2006, 06:55 PM
I will NEVER own, buy, or lease a minivan as long as there is breath in my body. But I must say the Honda Oddessey handles itself very well @ 90+.

I remember saying those words. :rolleyes:

Irony is - The Marauder was intended to replace the minivan, and that topic was already discussed in another thread.

Mike Poore
04-22-2006, 06:56 PM
I will NEVER own, buy, or lease a minivan as long as there is breath in my body.+.

I'm with you Big ........ those things are what the world's worse drivers :Soccer Moms drive. Anyone who's a biker is terrified anytime he sees one of these *^%#$ menaces on the highway.

Four kids in the back, all jumping around, a cell phone in one hand, and a latte cappuccino double mint swirl with a side of neut eye, topped with non-fat low carb snot in the other. :eek:

04-22-2006, 07:01 PM
I find it comical that half you posters speak of grandchildren. Yep, the Marauder is an old man's car....

.... with pretty wheels. :rolleyes:


04-22-2006, 07:16 PM
I find it comical that half you posters speak of grandchildren. Yep, the Marauder is an old man's car....

.... with pretty wheels. :rolleyes:

Watch who your calling OLD..:rolleyes:

04-22-2006, 07:23 PM
:geezer: yeah sorry Grandpaws :geezer:


04-22-2006, 07:27 PM
Being 39 I certainly don't feel that old!!
Sure you can catch the joke in the screen name..:D

04-22-2006, 07:30 PM
I find it comical that half you posters speak of grandchildren. Yep, the Marauder is an old man's car....

.... with pretty wheels. :rolleyes:


well no grandchildren... first kid on the way. but yeah we got a minivan! I like to think its for our dogs... i got em caged in the rear. they arent allowed in the MM.

04-22-2006, 07:42 PM
we paid off Lisas minivan ...... snip snip snip

cough cough TRADE IN TRADE IN cough cough

Look at the bright side .....

Owning it outright & having the title in hand ... gives you 100% of the trade in equity to work with. No being "upside down" & having to dump the remainder of any loan balance on top of a new purcha$e.

Just say you're running out(alone) to go get an oil change & wash on the minivan .....

But instead, run to your local Dodge dealer & trade it in on that V8 Magnum you always wanted.


04-22-2006, 08:08 PM
cough cough TRADE IN TRADE IN cough cough

Look at the bright side .....

Owning it outright & having the title in hand ... gives you 100% of the trade in equity to work with. No being "upside down" & having to dump the remainder of any loan balance on top of a new purcha$e.

Just say you're running out(alone) to go get an oil change & wash on the minivan .....

But instead, run to your local Dodge dealer & trade it in on that V8 Magnum you always wanted.

I like the way this guy thinks :D !

04-23-2006, 05:03 AM
Hey good idea, i can get the Lilac PT cruiser with violet flames and moonroof I've always wanted... w00t :rolleyes:

and have my $240 a month bill back in my life... oh... wait. am I listening to men speak again? Ugh.... anyway

04-23-2006, 07:39 AM
Hey Charlie and Lisa, you two are living in a place called "reality". I'd like to think that I am there two, having 3 kids, etc. It's really not a bad place to be, is it??

04-23-2006, 07:55 AM
Hey Charlie and Lisa, you two are living in a place called "reality". I'd like to think that I am there two, having 3 kids, etc. It's really not a bad place to be, is it??

You are correct sir. Zero payments on a Minivan is better than payments on the replacement "vehicleX". When the payments are done on the Marauder, we will be looking for a new MommyVan :D

Joe Walsh
04-23-2006, 08:14 AM
You are correct sir. Zero payments on a Minivan is better than payments on the replacement "vehicleX". When the payments are done on the Marauder, we will be looking for a new MommyVan :D

For a few brief, but 'Oh so enjoyable', periods of my life I've had NO car payments.
Right now I'm in for $480.00/month for 3 more years on my current daily driver....(not my Marauder)
Hopefully, now that I have an F150 supplied by my employer, I'll be able to keep my daily driver for some period after it is paid off.
I put lots of miles on my cars (except the Marauder) and they usually are worn out about the time I pay them off!:(
I really look forward to being able to spend almost $500 a month on whatever I want once the current ride is paid off.

04-23-2006, 02:04 PM
My wife drive's around in a 04 Mercury Monterey... It's got a tonne of torque for a minivan. It's a nice driver. I had an fully-loaded 02 Villager, the Monterey much nicer....

That being said, her lease is up next March and the kids will be almost 5, so she'll be stepping up a few notches into a nice SUV or something... Maybe a SRT8 Jeep or something... I just won't mention what that SRT part is all about... :)

Mike Poore
04-23-2006, 02:25 PM
My wife drive's around in a 04 Mercury Monterey... It's got a tonne of torque for a minivan. It's a nice driver. I had an fully-loaded 02 Villager, the Monterey much nicer....

That being said, her lease is up next March and the kids will be almost 5, so she'll be stepping up a few notches into a nice SUV or something... Maybe a SRT8 Jeep or something... I just won't mention what that SRT part is all about... :)

SRT = Safe, Reliable, Transportation. :D

04-23-2006, 02:37 PM
me too.
www.magindat.net/caravan.doc (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/www.magindat.net/caravan.doc)