View Full Version : This is well done.

04-30-2006, 11:29 AM
And, a lot of fun to watch too.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=67242247084271 8521&pl=true

04-30-2006, 11:37 AM
They correctly gave John Williams credit! Yuban coffee and Sir Marks-A-Lot Dry Erase markers too.....LOL Very well done. When we made movies in school, it was nothing like this!

04-30-2006, 12:09 PM
looks like they have some serious editiing / FX skills but man those guys need to get laid.

jim geary
04-30-2006, 12:51 PM
[quote=SergntMac]And, a lot of fun to watch too.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=67242247084271 8521&pl=true[/quote
Excellent, very well staged. Congratulations.]

04-30-2006, 12:58 PM



04-30-2006, 01:15 PM
Yea it was well done, I especially like the choreography. One discrepancy from the star wars universe I noted though. I am assuming that "Dorkman" is Sith because of the red hue of his saber and the fact that he is dressed in all black. Ryan, the supposed Jedi in this film, not only drew but ignited his saber first. Jedi Knights are not aggressive by nature and a true Jedi would never have attacked first. Although due to the angle of the shot it is hard to tell who started attacking first, the Jedi should not have ignited the saber until after the Sith had already done so. Wow, ok now that I have fingered myself a total and complete dork, i'm ducking out of this thread now.

Hey, I'm not as good as they are, I have to find something to whine about right? LOL, JK, this was fabulous, I always wanted to do something like this but never had the talent to put it together.

04-30-2006, 01:23 PM
Thanks Mac. These young people who put this together have a lot of talent. Dennis:2thumbs:

04-30-2006, 01:33 PM
Yea it was well done, I especially like the choreography. One discrepancy from the star wars universe I noted though. I am assuming that "Dorkman" is Sith because of the red hue of his saber and the fact that he is dressed in all black. Ryan, the supposed Jedi in this film, not only drew but ignited his saber first. Jedi Knights are not aggressive by nature and a true Jedi would never have attacked first. Although due to the angle of the shot it is hard to tell who started attacking first, the Jedi should not have ignited the saber until after the Sith had already done so. Wow, ok now that I have fingered myself a total and complete dork, i'm ducking out of this thread now.


04-30-2006, 01:34 PM

Check this one out, it's the sequal to that one.

04-30-2006, 01:35 PM

If I got my own TIE Interceptor I'd be there in a second! LOL

04-30-2006, 03:14 PM

Check this one out, it's the sequal to that one.

Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark. :P

04-30-2006, 06:24 PM
I would love to hear what George Lucas has to say.

04-30-2006, 06:53 PM
.............................. .....

04-30-2006, 06:53 PM
I would love to hear what George Lucas has to say.

You know what they say:
Imitation is the sincerest form of lawyer's income.

04-30-2006, 07:24 PM
You know what they say:
Imitation is the sincerest form of lawyer's income.

Nahh, I think he'd be impressed that a few fans could put together a fight scene like that.

Nice Vader / Marauder pic BTW ;)

04-30-2006, 08:42 PM
As far as what lucas has to say:
Ryan, the kid that puts those together, LucasArts saw the video he made with that kid in the shop class on the internet, Ryan now works for LucasArts. He's worked on the in game SFX for several games.
From his website Ryan-W.com:
"Thanks to Ryan vs. Dorkman (http://ryanw.michaelfrisk.com/ryan-w/ryan_vs_dorkman.html) and this site working as an online portfolio for me, I was noticed by the effects team at this esteemed games company(LucasArts). I was brought on as an effects artist, and got to work on a number of high-profile projects with a variety of tools. "

LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had a cool hobby that I could use to land a sweet career like that. Not only can he make his own lightsaber duels, not only does he work for George Lucas, but he programs video games!! I'm a preschool teacher who's getting laid off in 2 months, man I gotta kill my guidance counselor. LOL

BTW TripleT/A, love how u stuck the TIE Interceptor Prototype in the garage like that. Mad skillz in the photochop dept!