View Full Version : Marauder.45 quits his job!

05-08-2006, 04:17 PM
Hey everyone, I had to share. I worked at a job for 3.5 years. I have been in the top 3 (of 30) for earnings each year. 6 months ago my direct report quit under harrassment. That was the end for me. A ballbuster boss came in and just doesn't like my style. (I don't bow, and don't give respect until respect is given.) After 3 years of above average performance appraisals, he decides after 3 months of being my boss that I deserve an unacceptable (lowest, 4 grades lower than normal) rating for the prior year. (So the 9 mos. before count for squat) I get put on an improvement plan. This is the straw.

2 days later I interview with the biggest, most hated competition in our market. They love my attitude, and my experience. I move through 5 rounds of interviews, tests, and psych in record time they say. Green lights all the way.

I gave my 2 weeks notice last Monday. I wasn't sure that the new gig was good to go yet, just waiting for the pee test and references to check out. Today I got the word it was final. So I marched into the director's office and told him I was going to the competition. When an employee leaves for the competition, they are escorted out immediately. I knew this of course.

So the final effect. I took all of my vacation time during my improvement program. (4 weeks) I get paid out all my personal time remaining. (8 days) I get a free week off this week, paid. When you give advance notice, the employer must pay you if they decide to send you home. I go to a new job where my 6 month guarantee is more than I am making now. The opportuntiy for advancement is much better at this national company, rather than this sole company. My clients are anxious to deal with me at my new place.

Way to go boss, you just lost the company a top producer to the competition! Thank you very much.

Mike M
05-08-2006, 04:24 PM
Stick it to the MAN!

05-08-2006, 04:26 PM
He''ll probably get a raise.

I knew that one was trouble sir.

05-08-2006, 04:32 PM
Managers who are demonstrated *********s should have a 'Scarlet M'
tattooed on their forehead! This guy is toxic to any business!


05-08-2006, 04:38 PM
Thanks for sharing guys.

I can't tell you how good I feel.

It is a happy day for me today.:banana:

05-08-2006, 04:52 PM
Hey everyone, I had to share. I worked at a job for 3.5 years. I have been in the top 3 (of 30) for earnings each year. 6 months ago my direct report quit under harrassment. That was the end for me. A ballbuster boss came in and just doesn't like my style. (I don't bow, and don't give respect until respect is given.) After 3 years of above average performance appraisals, he decides after 3 months of being my boss that I deserve an unacceptable (lowest, 4 grades lower than normal) rating for the prior year. (So the 9 mos. before count for squat) I get put on an improvement plan. This is the straw.

2 days later I interview with the biggest, most hated competition in our market. They love my attitude, and my experience. I move through 5 rounds of interviews, tests, and psych in record time they say. Green lights all the way.

I gave my 2 weeks notice last Monday. I wasn't sure that the new gig was good to go yet, just waiting for the pee test and references to check out. Today I got the word it was final. So I marched into the director's office and told him I was going to the competition. When an employee leaves for the competition, they are escorted out immediately. I knew this of course.

So the final effect. I took all of my vacation time during my improvement program. (4 weeks) I get paid out all my personal time remaining. (8 days) I get a free week off this week, paid. When you give advance notice, the employer must pay you if they decide to send you home. I go to a new job where my 6 month guarantee is more than I am making now. The opportuntiy for advancement is much better at this national company, rather than this sole company. My clients are anxious to deal with me at my new place.

Way to go boss, you just lost the company a top producer to the competition! Thank you very much.

Good for you. Years ago I had a micro-managing a$$ of a boss and I too quit with proper notice adding about $12,000 / year to my salary. A good chunk at that time. Best of luck in your new opportunity!


05-08-2006, 04:55 PM
Sounds to me that your supervisor actually did your career a favor in forcing you to look for a more favorable work environment elsewhere. Perhaps in the coming fiscal quarter he'll realize his obvious hasty error after more closely scrutinizing the performance of his remaining staff.
Common sense would suggest that when a person is buying an established home he allows the existing fence to remain until he fully knows the reason for the fence, but then again, in my 61 years, I have found that common sense, like common courtesy, is really not so common afterall !
It is most important for a person to enjoy and to look forward to performing his daily tasks to maintain his overall happiness.
I think I read that somewhere when I was 12.
Keep up all your good works !

05-08-2006, 04:58 PM
I feel for ya.
I am looking to do exactly the same after giving my heart
to this employer for just about 12 years.
The last 6 years have been nothing but hell.

05-08-2006, 05:22 PM
sometimes you stay because you are comfortable, but you can only take so much and a move pays off. been there before.

Paul T. Casey
05-08-2006, 05:29 PM
Good for you .45. Seems to me that something has changed in management school in the last 30 years. They seem to realize that hey will be gone in a year or so, therefore all they are concerned with is this year's bonus. I've been dealing with it for the past few years at my main employer. His new plan, eliminate 1800 contract employees ( 100 who were hired to replace the permanent employees he forgot to replace) and continue to run a major construction project on time and under budget staffed by 1700 of said contract employees.

05-08-2006, 06:09 PM
Onward and upward....with a bullet. Take their business and bury the bastage. Been there done that more than once. 6 times as a matter of fact. Pretty much anymore the way up is out. I worked with the same businesses providing the same services and products for 32 years. With every move I was able to give better products and services to my customers and make more money for my family. Every one of those companies paid the price for failing to be what MY customers and I wanted them to be. Don't be afraid to demand excellence from yourself and demand that your company be as good as you are. Dennis:)

05-08-2006, 06:14 PM
You shoulda gone over to the other message board we're both on and recruited some friends to go up and mess with your bosses head a bit, LOL. JK of course. I know what you mean, I've gotten to that apathetic want to stick it to the boss mentality as well. I'm looking for a new job as we speak and I'm being laid off in 2 months, not much motivation to make me want to excel in my job you know what I mean. I flip out and tell my boss off, and she will just leave me alone and avoid me for the rest of the day and not bug me, I try to do it at least once within 5 minutes of coming in every day. Glad to hear everything worked out for you the way it did!

05-08-2006, 06:18 PM
I'm glad my sentiments echo all of your stories as well.

I plan on everything being better. And when that goes sour, it will be time to do it again.

I was already feeling good, you guys put me over the top.

Thanks:beer: :beer:

05-08-2006, 07:02 PM
I'm glad my sentiments echo all of your stories as well.

I plan on everything being better. And when that goes sour, it will be time to do it again.

I was already feeling good, you guys put me over the top.

Thanks:beer: :beer:
Great for you! I worked for a huge company - everybody on this board would know the name of - for six years. Each year was more tumultuous than the last. I was recruited by my current company for years but was afraid to move on to a relatively "little" company! Well, in '01, the doo-doo hit the fan and the conditions were right for me to move on! OMG, it was like a doctor had lanced a ninety pound growth off my back. I enjoyed going to work and didn't mind interacting with my co-ordinates and superiors! What a great ride it has been seeing my former company self-destruct from afar. :beatnik:

Best of luck in all your future endeavors :beer: ,


P.S. Make sure to smile large when you run into your old "cronies"!

05-08-2006, 07:08 PM
Nice. I used to work for a PITA Mrg.... head so far his arse he couldn't see light for days.

Glad I left that place.

Good luck in your new venture!


05-08-2006, 08:09 PM
Congrats and best of luck on the new position....

My answer was to buy a shop where I play with cool cars and trucks everyday....no $...but a LOT of satisfaction helpin' folks enjoy their vehicles more....and no CEOs to deal with...'cept myself.

05-09-2006, 05:19 AM
Good for you. It is refreshing to see that people like yourself stand up to idiots like that. Sooner or later in due time he will get what is coming to him. The sad part is your fomer company is the loser and your new company gains your experience.

05-11-2006, 10:09 PM
Funny how new managers come into a situation and shake things up without the "stop.....look.....and listen" approach to figuring out where to shake things up.

Their ego's are usually so pumped up, that it skews their judgement in these cases. Oh well..... Those are people to be fixed by others. in the mean time......Do what you do, so nobody can do it better...Do it humble and with class, and you will have employers beating your door down to hire you.

Best of luck .45! It sounds like you know that already.

Good selling!

05-12-2006, 12:20 PM
Can you give us a hint what kind of sales you do? Sure hope it isn't telemarketing ;). Stories like yours remind me of the movie "Office Space".

05-12-2006, 02:48 PM
Congrats and Best wishes.:D

05-12-2006, 06:16 PM
Can you give us a hint what kind of sales you do? Sure hope it isn't telemarketing ;). Stories like yours remind me of the movie "Office Space".


Went from archaic newspaper to Cable TV.

And my office was Office Space.

"Peter, we've noticed you've missed alot of work lately"

"Well Bobs, I wouldn't say that I have been missing work


05-12-2006, 09:20 PM
The problem I'll bet is you had a boss who never did your job and as a result is clueless so he percieves you as a threat. He knows you could run circles around him. Good to see you had the guts to do this. Hope you like the new job and best of luck to you!