View Full Version : 9/11 Pentagon Bombing Coverup

05-08-2006, 07:44 PM
Don't know if any of you have seen this...but what did happen to the supposed 80 ton plane that hit the pentagon carrying 5300 gallons of fuel? Where was the wreckage that is normally left after a plane crash? How did a plane that big fly 530mph 2 feet off the ground and not impact anything else prior to the pentagon?


05-08-2006, 07:49 PM
I thought this was really interesting. I don't believe it, but it would make a neat conspiracy show.

05-08-2006, 07:59 PM
I worked at a hotel in Crystal City, I was there that morning. .6 miles from the pentagon.

There was a TON of smoke, bang was nothing to write home about, no wreckage removal. I had to drive from No Arlington every day to Crystal City. Never saw any major wreckage removal. Just a charred up building.

My roommate at the time worked in one of the rings, I can't remember which. I wish we knew about the wreckage conspiracy at that time. I would have asked him.

05-08-2006, 08:15 PM
Very interesting!:confused:

05-08-2006, 08:25 PM
I love that video BTW, I saw it a while ago and had trouble finding it, thanks for posting it.

05-08-2006, 08:33 PM
I saw that surveillance video. Where the hell did all the debris go? No giant explosion and there's only one hole going in with NO evidence of wingspan. I love this country but our government is frightening.

05-08-2006, 08:39 PM
I won't quote or miss-quote anyone in the government, but the level of infiltration in our country is FAR higher than we are commonly led to believe.

05-08-2006, 09:45 PM
*sigh* You can spin things how you'd like with a little ingenuity. Betcha he's loving the hits that video got his website. 15 minutes of fame huh?

I was lucky that day, myself, my family, and my friends weren't there. I know plenty who would've been. A few knocked back 20 feet from the rush of air from the explosion. A few who used to work there before moving their offices to another location in Alexandria and would've been about where the "hole" is. They knew folks who died.

This sorta stuff is garbage IMO. But I guess I take that from someone who is a stones throw away, has worked there, knows people who have and do work there - guess it's a little close to home one might say.

Before we jump to conclusions about us shooting missiles at our own HQ don't forget to perform the rest of the research, ok?

No this isn't it, but it's a start, and lends itself a bit more credence with detailed photos, expert quotations, and logic, rather than a few TV captures, "eye witness" accounts from people who saw nothing, and dramatic music.

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/911_pentagon_757_plane_evidenc e.html

Mike M
05-08-2006, 09:52 PM
Everyone take a deep breath....repeat after me....it was not a conspiracy...it was not a conspiracy...

Check out this link....

or better yet....

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/911_pentagon_757_plane_evidenc e.html

05-08-2006, 09:58 PM
This one also has more pics: http://anderson.ath.cx:8000/911/pen06.html

05-09-2006, 04:27 AM
This picture shows a snapshot of a video:


Have you seen this video? I have. It's scary. The thing that flys into the Pentagon is flying REALLY low, REALLY fast, and is no where near the size of a passenger plane.

05-09-2006, 04:31 AM
All of this begs teh question:

Was there a second spitter?

05-09-2006, 04:36 AM
There is a caption in the first link that states: "buildings don't swallow airplanes" can someone here post a picture or video link of the planes that hit the two towers that show an AIRPLANE after the impact, thanks.

05-09-2006, 04:38 AM
There is a caption in the first link that states: "buildings don't swallow airplanes" can someone here post a picture or video link of the planes that hit the two towers that show an AIRPLANE after the impact, thanks.

LOL, good point. Except, on the WT towers, they certainly left large holes :rolleyes:

05-09-2006, 05:17 AM
Have you seen this video? I have. It's scary. The thing that flys into the Pentagon is flying REALLY low, REALLY fast, and is no where near the size of a passenger plane.

Who's to say thats real? How do we know the Gov. doesn't have some mock up of the pentagon for situations like this, and they made their own tape, and put it out there? Anything is possible with stuff like this. Who knows whats real or not.

If American "didn't" hit the Pentagon...where did it go then? It's gone, and so are the passengers and crew...

I've been to the site of United 93 when it went down in Shanksville, PA. It hit the ground so hard, it burried itself more than 50 feet under te earth in an incinerated hole. Not much wreckage there either.

Also...well said Javier...


05-09-2006, 05:24 AM
Large holes?

Not really. Those holes looked more like little blemishes. I was amazed how long it took those towers to go down. I thought they'd go down quicker.

You also have to remember, planes are made out of aluminum, and aluminum alloys. They are made as light, and as strong as possible (for normal operating conditions) Add unreal impact speed, kerosene, weight, and momentum...and try to see how well that light piece of aluminum will hold up in those conditions.

Also...under "normal" landing conditions an aircraft the size of a 757 will have an approach speed of anywhere between 130-170 kts. 170kts is about 195 mph. Not 250 MPH like one of those websites stated. Planes are restricted to a speed of at, or less than 250kts, below 10,000 feet (Thats why ATC wasn't sure what it was, only the military can break rules like that)...unless you're a rotten terrorist hell bent on killing Americans...then it's whatever speed you want.

Just more to think about.


05-09-2006, 05:38 AM
LOL, good point. Except, on the WT towers, they certainly left large holes :rolleyes:

Yeah is a little easier to make a hole in glass,that is 80% of what the exterior of the towers are made of, is a little harder to make a hole in concrete, planes are made out of aluminun easy to crush and melt.;)

05-09-2006, 06:06 AM
LOL, good point. Except, on the WT towers, they certainly left large holes :rolleyes:
You are talking about two different types of buildings here. The WTC, vs. a hardened and outwardly protected DoD facility. Read up on it - the renovations on that side of the pentagon also included reinforcing the outer structure. That was one tough wall.

If it was a conpsiracy I think they would've picked a different side that hadn't been renovated and where the outer structure wasn't reinforced yet. Not all of the Pentagon had undergone renovation at that point.

BTW don't underestimate the size of the building. If you've only seen it on TV you may not realize it's pretty big. That can distort how size of objects is perceived.

05-09-2006, 06:31 AM
I thought the general consensus was that this particular plane's hijacker pilot was looking for the White House, couldn't find it, and opted for the more obvious Pentagon. I remember reading that somewhere - though there's still lots of conflicting information still.

05-09-2006, 06:43 AM
A guy on my shift was activated and deployed to the Pentagon. Simply put, It was a plane. He saw this video too. His own words- Its BS

05-09-2006, 07:52 AM
Did anyone see the smoke pic from the WTC that had the shape of the devils head? I guess then it is safe to say Satan is to blame cuz there is his pic and that is evidence, eh?

05-09-2006, 07:53 AM
Interesting theory. And very interesting posts and replies, good to see some common sense alive here again.

Pics of stuff don't do it for me anymore. With the level of sofistication we have achieved in special effects and photo-chopping still pics and video, you can make anything to look like anything you want.

I'd love to stay and play, but I just got another tip on another gunman in the grassy knoll...Sorry, gotta run.

05-09-2006, 08:59 AM
I don't mean to sound like I'm on one side of the issue or the other. In fact, I'm quite neutral to the whole situation for many reasons. Also, the video I was speaking of was scary to see - but I didn't just blindly believe it. This world is filled with so much propaganda that you can't really believe anything you hear or even see on video anymore...everyone's got an agenda.

And a further note on that video of the "missle" flying into the Pentagon - that video could have been EASILY fabbed up.

05-09-2006, 09:52 AM
I am more inclined to believe that TWA flight 800 was shot down. The question is... who did it?

Killing 3000 people to produce Bush's version of the 'Gulf of Tonklin' is a little too much to fathom, but is within the domain of possibility. Highly improbable however.

I don't believe much said on network news anymore and definately not on Fox News, since they are corporate owned, Bush supporting, sources of information. I occasionally listen to what foreign sources of news are saying on the SW bands to confirm information heard here first.

Reagan said it best when he quoted an old Rusian saying... "Trust, but verify".




05-09-2006, 10:12 AM
Just curious. What kind of horsepaower will this add to my car?

05-09-2006, 10:26 AM
I am more inclined to believe that TWA flight 800 was shot down. The question is... who did it?

Killing 3000 people to produce Bush's version of the 'Gulf of Tonklin' is a little too much to fathom, but is within the domain of possibility. Highly improbable however.

I don't believe much said on network news anymore and definately not on Fox News, since they are corporate owned, Bush supporting, sources of information. I occasionally listen to what foreign sources of news are saying on the SW bands to confirm information heard here first.

Reagan said it best when he quoted an old Rusian saying... "Trust, but verify".




Well Dave, I have bad news for you, Bush wants to start a war in Iran so the plan is to set off a nuclear devise in California, splitting the San Andreas fault, Cali dissappears under the ocean, Arizona becomes beach front property (Bush and Chenney already own Arizona), we blame the Iranians and bomb them into oblivion. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone....you and I are the only ones that know.;)

05-09-2006, 10:28 AM
I'm starting to think this has pretty much run it's course.

05-09-2006, 10:45 AM
I was on the grassy knoll and I saw the plane. It was an RC with a 2" bottle ROCKET flown by Hillary and aimed at Rumsfeld.:rolleyes:

05-09-2006, 10:46 AM
Well Dave, I have bad news for you, Bush wants to start a war in Iran so the plan is to set off a nuclear devise in California, splitting the San Andreas fault, Cali dissappears under the ocean, Arizona becomes beach front property (Bush and Chenney already own Arizona), we blame the Iranians and bomb them into oblivion. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone....you and I are the only ones that know.;)

Where do I send the money to support this move? Check is on the way. :D

05-09-2006, 11:12 AM
Well Dave, I have bad news for you, Bush wants to start a war in Iran so the plan is to set off a nuclear devise in California, splitting the San Andreas fault, Cali dissappears under the ocean, Arizona becomes beach front property (Bush and Chenney already own Arizona), we blame the Iranians and bomb them into oblivion. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone....you and I are the only ones that know.;)

To late...I own a building lot in Flagstaff too!

Screw the Iranians, we should seize all the middle east oil fields as payment for being the world's policeman.

We pay to keep the trade routes open and the rag-heads all hate us anyway.

What's to lose?


Mike M
05-09-2006, 11:46 AM
Thats why I moved to AZ...where is my beach towels????

05-09-2006, 11:49 AM
Sorry, a plan by our goverment to bomb our Pentagon at the same day that planes are flown into our buildings by terrorists is a bit too much, unless you write for the show "24".

So, what did they do, pay Bin Laden to take the rap? And, he agreed because he likes the USA and was promised citizenship?

And, of all the people that would have to be involved in a plan like that, no one would crack and spoil the plot?

Why even fool around with box cutters, when a plot this massive could have been pulled off easily by the highjackers if real weapons had been smuggled on board by members of the conspiracy?

Way too farfetched, but good reading.

05-09-2006, 11:52 AM
Bin Laden is employed in the US on a road crew with Elvis and Hoffa.

I've seen 'em.


King Fubar
05-09-2006, 12:11 PM
Bin Laden is employed in the US on a road crew with Elvis and Hoffa.

I've seen 'em.


Wasn't Jim Morrison riding with them too??

05-09-2006, 12:35 PM
Why even fool around with box cutters, when a plot this massive could have been pulled off easily by the highjackers if real weapons had been smuggled on board by members of the conspiracy?

Way too farfetched, but good reading.

That would just give it all away. :D

05-09-2006, 02:46 PM
Ill locate the Video and post it, It was a Military Test of a Aircraft flying into a Concrete wall to simulate what would happen if a plane flew into a Nuclear power plant, The plan hit the concrete at 500MPH and Vaporized , The only parts that remained were the wings that were sheared off.

Not only that, you think the Government hid all the missing people from that flight just to cover up?? Do you think all the people that would have to be involved to pull something like that off would be able to keep such a secret for this long??? I think not.

Its being fed to you in a nice package that looks like it could actually be such a conspiracy,
The Fact is that Animals flew a plane into the Pentagon. We were caught with our pants down.

05-09-2006, 03:51 PM
OK? If the plane did not crash then what happened to it?

Big aircraft do not vanish?

05-09-2006, 05:08 PM
OK? If the plane did not crash then what happened to it?

Big aircraft do not vanish?
Smoke and mirrors my little friend

Didn't someone do that with an elephant?

05-09-2006, 05:26 PM
Don't know if any of you have seen this...but what did happen to the supposed 80 ton plane that hit the pentagon carrying 5300 gallons of fuel? Where was the wreckage that is normally left after a plane crash? How did a plane that big fly 530mph 2 feet off the ground and not impact anything else prior to the pentagon?


This is BS. I saw the footage from the security camera's. Shows the plane and the mark on the ground were it sc***** before it hit.

Sorry guys. Find another conspiracy theory.

05-09-2006, 05:28 PM
This is BS. I saw the footage from the security camera's. Shows the plane and the mark on the ground were it sc***** before it hit.

Sorry guys. Find another conspiracy theory.

The Klingons did it.


05-09-2006, 05:34 PM
Smoke and mirrors my little friend

Didn't someone do that with an elephant?

Yeah right and how big is an elepant as say a 767/747/727/737?????

I was born at night, not last night.:laugh:

05-09-2006, 05:48 PM
OK? If the plane did not crash then what happened to it?

Big aircraft do not vanish?

They dont vanish, but they may vaporize at that speed and force of impact into a sturdy, reinforced, and secured building, as well as the intense heat of the fire.

I cant believe that people actually believe that conspiracy stuff. I suppose we never actually walked on the moon either....

05-09-2006, 05:57 PM
Yeah right and how big is an elepant as say a 767/747/727/737?????

I was born at night, not last night.:laugh:

It was the new 757 with a cloaking device installed.


05-09-2006, 06:01 PM
Bin Laden is employed in the US on a road crew with Elvis and Hoffa.

I've seen 'em.


I thought he worked at a Falafel stand in Cleavland.


05-09-2006, 06:13 PM
There is a great show on the National Geographic Channel about the moon landings and how some say they are "fake."

It all gets shot down - the conspiracy theories, that is, and then they show they still-working experiment on the lunar surface that we left there . . ..

They dont vanish, but they may vaporize at that speed and force of impact into a sturdy, reinforced, and secured building, as well as the intense heat of the fire.

I cant believe that people actually believe that conspiracy stuff. I suppose we never actually walked on the moon either....

05-09-2006, 06:14 PM
Nope, Bin Laden is the shovel leaner, Hoffa is the sign leaner, and Elvis is the butt-scratcher.

I thought he worked at a Falafel stand in Cleavland.


05-09-2006, 06:17 PM
In the words of an imortal man, our beloved Mr. T..."FOOS!"

05-09-2006, 06:26 PM
For those wsnting to see a fairly well contructed conspiacy theory about 09/11 and supposedly related and causal events check this one out:


Here's Your Sign!




05-09-2006, 06:40 PM
They dont vanish, but they may vaporize at that speed and force of impact into a sturdy, reinforced, and secured building, as well as the intense heat of the fire.

I cant believe that people actually believe that conspiracy stuff. I suppose we never actually walked on the moon either....

Dave! Why then is there no film of the airplane before it impacked?

And if it was moving at speeds of over (fill in the blanks) then how come no one saw it?

It flew over a freeway at 5 feet off the gtound and did not rip one light pole or overhead sign out of the ground?

I do not belive the conspiracy stuff myself, and I know how a film can be doctored up to show anything the person who edits it wants us to see.

My question to the conspiracy people is this..IF the plane did not hit the building then where did it go? It took off and never landed? Duh?

And yes were on the moon but, that is another a whole other story:)

05-09-2006, 06:42 PM
It was the new 757 with a cloaking device installed.


Yes folks we have a winner!!! Best answer so far, great job sir:beer:

05-09-2006, 06:44 PM
A well developed sense of the absurd never hurts...

I think it is time for a couple of beers!


05-09-2006, 06:50 PM
I cant believe that people actually believe that conspiracy stuff. I suppose we never actually walked on the moon either....

Watch it now! Buzz Aldrin's got a pretty good left hook for folks that accuse him of hoaxing his lunar trip! http://www.csicop.org/articles/20021018-aldrin/ (http://www.csicop.org/articles/20021018-aldrin/)


05-09-2006, 06:56 PM
A well developed sense of the absurd never hurts...

I think it is time for a couple of beers!


Well I am at work so I'll have a Kool-aid!:beer:

05-09-2006, 07:25 PM
[QUOTE=Smokie]Well Dave, I have bad news for you, Bush wants to start a war in Iran so the plan is to set off a nuclear devise in California, splitting the San Andreas fault, Cali dissappears under the ocean, Arizona becomes beach front property (Bush and Chenney already own Arizona)

Wasn't this originally Lex Luthor's plan?

05-09-2006, 07:47 PM
A plane did hit the Pentagon, the Main Gate to Henderson Hall is right across the freeway, one of my Marines who I have now was standing post that morning and saw the plane fly over the Main Gate and impact the Pentagon.

05-09-2006, 07:52 PM
A plane did hit the Pentagon, the Main Gate to Henderson Hall is right across the freeway, one of my Marines who I have now was standing post that morning and saw the plane fly over the Main Gate and impact the Pentagon.

I didn't know that you could own Marines.

I'd like two, one for each side of my front door.

p.s. A one terawatt laser and focusing assembly would be fun too!


Joe Walsh
05-09-2006, 08:58 PM
I know several contactors that were doing work at the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment plant just down the Potomac river from the Penatagon that day.
They were standing outside their trailers taking a smoke break that morning when a big airliner flew over them so low that they all turned and said:
"That thing is going to crash!!!" A few seconds later they heard the boom and saw the smoke from the Pentagon.
Sorry folks...No conspiracy here...just a real life tragedy.

Go Mifuni
05-10-2006, 10:17 AM
Michael Moore did it. :D

05-10-2006, 10:23 AM
Michael Moore did it. :D

Nixon has left the building.


05-10-2006, 11:15 AM
Michael Moore did it. :D

No but, he might make a movie some day:rolleyes:

05-10-2006, 11:16 AM
Nixon has left the building.:D

Thought he passed away a while back?:rolleyes:

05-10-2006, 12:02 PM
No but, he might make a movie some day:rolleyes:

There is certainly a lot of additional material to use since the last one.


05-10-2006, 12:35 PM
Dave! Why then is there no film of the airplane before it impacked?
At 540 mph (792 fps), the plane would have covered the 300 foot distance between Route 27/Washington Boulevard and the Pentagon wall in about 0.38 seconds. I have seen film but it is pretty low quality and not much of it. There were eyewitness accounts of people in cars on Route 27 that the plane approached just above light pole level. Since it came in from the Fort Myer/Arlington Cemetery side (higher than the Pentagon), the plane would have had to be higher and on a gradual descent.

FYI. Prince William County dedicated the Liberty Memorial yesterday at 7 PM, 9 May 2006 to the 22 county residents that died at the Pentagon that day. It was designed and built with contributions from family, friends and supporters of the victims.

My old office in the C-ring was obliterated that day. My son-in-law was one of the first responders on the site.

The conspiracy theory is BS ::bs:

Go Mifuni
05-10-2006, 01:27 PM
No but, he might make a movie some day:rolleyes:
Nah, he did it alright. Remember what he did to Mt. Rushmore. :lol:

05-10-2006, 02:05 PM
Heres a twist for you on flight 93. A rumor went around shortly after 9/11 that a F16 out of a certain upstate NY airbase was ordered to shoot down flight 93 by NORAD out of Rome, NY. Is it possible, yes. Is that rumor true? We'll never know.

05-10-2006, 03:53 PM
Heres a twist for you on flight 93. A rumor went around shortly after 9/11 that a F16 out of a certain upstate NY airbase was ordered to shoot down flight 93 by NORAD out of Rome, NY. Is it possible, yes. Is that rumor true? We'll never know.

This one is true, but the F16 was not carrying ordanace. The pilot was on a training flight and was ordered to intercept and ram the commercial airliner. It was unable to reach it's destination in time. Two F15 were scrambled out of the south and were under full burner from takeoff, but were unable to close into missle range when the plane disappeared. They were only five minutes out of range when they lifted off.

05-10-2006, 04:30 PM
This one is true, but the F16 was not carrying ordanace. The pilot was on a training flight and was ordered to intercept and ram the commercial airliner. It was unable to reach it's destination in time. Two F15 were scrambled out of the south and were under full burner from takeoff, but were unable to close into missle range when the plane disappeared. They were only five minutes out of range when they lifted off.

You guys must be referring to this........

http://www.infowars.com/print/Sept11/93_shootdown.htm (http://www.infowars.com/print/Sept11/93_shootdown.htm)

The story is a couple of years old and it never appeared on any "mainstream media", and then it sort of "died". Don't have a clue if there's truth to this but, it's still an interesting read.........

05-10-2006, 04:47 PM
This one is true, but the F16 was not carrying ordanace. The pilot was on a training flight and was ordered to intercept and ram the commercial airliner. It was unable to reach it's destination in time. Two F15 were scrambled out of the south and were under full burner from takeoff, but were unable to close into missle range when the plane disappeared. They were only five minutes out of range when they lifted off.

As I said it was a rumor that went around. The 174th took over the NORAD mission when Griffiths closed. They have F16s on the ready line 24/7-365. I can't remember if it was the morning of the 12th or 13th, but two of them went over our station headed towards NYC at full tilt breaking the sound barrier about 0300hrs. We all cringed wondering what was up... Never did hear.

Donny Carlson
05-10-2006, 08:41 PM
That pretty clearly explains the situation with fighter response to hijacked planes on 9/11.

Interested persons should read the 9/11 commission report. It explains what happened at all sites, including the pentagon, inlcluding eyewitness accounts of the plane that crashed into it.


The Hijacking of American 77
American Airlines Flight 77 was scheduled to depart from Washington Dulles for Los Angeles at 8:10. The aircraft was a Boeing 757 piloted by Captain Charles F. Burlingame and First Officer David Charlebois. There were four flight attendants. On September 11, the flight carried 58 passengers.<SUP>52</SUP>
American 77 pushed back from its gate at 8:09 and took off at 8:20. At 8:46, the flight reached its assigned cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. Cabin service would have begun. At 8:51, American 77 transmitted its last routine radio communication. The hijacking began between 8:51 and 8:54. As on American 11 and United 175, the hijackers used knives (reported by one passenger) and moved all the passengers (and possibly crew) to the rear of the aircraft (reported by one flight attendant and one passenger). Unlike the earlier flights, the Flight 77 hijackers were reported by a passenger to have box cutters. Finally, a passenger reported that an announcement had been made by the "pilot" that the plane had been hijacked. Neither of the firsthand accounts mentioned any stabbings or the threat or use of either a bomb or Mace, though both witnesses began the flight in the first-class cabin.<SUP>53</SUP>
At 8:54, the aircraft deviated from its assigned course, turning south. Two minutes later the transponder was turned off and even primary radar contact with the aircraft was lost. The Indianapolis Air Traffic Control Center repeatedly tried and failed to contact the aircraft. American Airlines dispatchers also tried, without success.<SUP>54</SUP>
At 9:00, American Airlines Executive Vice President Gerard Arpey learned that communications had been lost with American 77.This was now the second American aircraft in trouble. He ordered all American Airlines flights in the Northeast that had not taken off to remain on the ground. Shortly before 9:10, suspecting that American 77 had been hijacked, American headquarters concluded that the second aircraft to hit the World Trade Center might have been Flight 77. After learning that United Airlines was missing a plane, American Airlines headquarters extended the ground stop nationwide.<SUP>55</SUP>
At 9:12, Renee May called her mother, Nancy May, in Las Vegas. She said her flight was being hijacked by six individuals who had moved them to the rear of the plane. She asked her mother to alert American Airlines. Nancy May and her husband promptly did so.<SUP>56</SUP>
At some point between 9:16 and 9:26, Barbara Olson called her husband, Ted Olson, the solicitor general of the United States. She reported that the flight had been hijacked, and the hijackers had knives and box cutters. She further indicated that the hijackers were not aware of her phone call, and that they had put all the passengers in the back of the plane. About a minute into the conversation, the call was cut off. Solicitor General Olson tried unsuccessfully to reach Attorney General John Ashcroft.<SUP>57</SUP>
Shortly after the first call, Barbara Olson reached her husband again. She reported that the pilot had announced that the flight had been hijacked, and she asked her husband what she should tell the captain to do. Ted Olson asked for her location and she replied that the aircraft was then flying over houses. Another passenger told her they were traveling northeast. The Solicitor General then informed his wife of the two previous hijackings and crashes. She did not display signs of panic and did not indicate any awareness of an impending crash. At that point, the second call was cut off.<SUP>58</SUP>
At 9:29, the autopilot on American 77 was disengaged; the aircraft was at 7,000 feet and approximately 38 miles west of the Pentagon.<SUP>59</SUP> At 9:32, controllers at the Dulles Terminal Radar Approach Control "observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed." This was later determined to have been Flight 77.
At 9:34, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport advised the Secret Service of an unknown aircraft heading in the direction of the White House. American 77 was then 5 miles west-southwest of the Pentagon and began a 330-degree turn. At the end of the turn, it was descending through 2,200 feet, pointed toward the Pentagon and downtown Washington. The hijacker pilot then advanced the throttles to maximum power and dove toward the Pentagon.<SUP>60</SUP> At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.<SUP>61</SUP> All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed.

05-10-2006, 11:21 PM
I had no idea my little conversation started would go this far...

05-11-2006, 05:11 AM
I had no idea my little conversation started would go this far... 1) We're bored...And 2) we love showing our mutual respect for each other...

05-11-2006, 05:26 AM
Michael Moore did it. :D

You have it wrong. Michael Moore was supposed to be the original shoe bomber but during training they found out that he couldn't reach his feet.:)

05-11-2006, 06:02 AM
You have it wrong. Michael Moore was supposed to be the original shoe bomber but during training they found out that he couldn't reach his feet.:)

Now that's funny right there!

Git R Done.


Go Mifuni
05-11-2006, 07:19 AM
You have it wrong. Michael Moore was supposed to be the original shoe bomber but during training they found out that he couldn't reach his feet.:)
:laugh: I wonder when was the last time he SAW them, nevermind touched them.

05-11-2006, 10:08 AM
If not for the fact that you would be pimping the lives of the heroes and victims of 9/11, this Pentagon "what really happened" stuff would make an entertaining film.

Of course, we should agree that our government is not bright enough to pull off what's suggested here, and they can't keep their mouth shut either. Therefore, the chance that even one tenth of this crap is true, is remote...

05-11-2006, 11:42 AM
If not for the fact that you would be pimping the lives of the heroes and victims of 9/11, this Pentagon "what really happened" stuff would make an entertaining film.

Of course, we should agree that our government is not bright enough to pull off what's suggested here, and they can't keep their mouth shut either. Therefore, the chance that even one tenth of this crap is true, is remote...

Certainly not an administration of self serving inept wealthy pinheads like the present one!


They have been too focused on their priorities:

Tax giveaways to corporate war profiteers and wealthy patrons,
outsourcing, non-enforcement of immigration laws, non
enforcement of illegal alien laws, secret deals with Vicente
Fox, granting Social Security to Mexican citizens. allowing
profiteering by big oil, big health care, big pharma., the
deliberate sabotage of Social Security and Medicare, and
just yesterday, another tax gift to their wealthy patrons.


Larry Staunton
05-19-2006, 09:44 AM
If no airplane hit the Pentagon, then what happened to the American Airlines plane? The plane hit at 530mph practically fuel of jet fuel, how could there be anything left. Did anyone find the planes that hit the Twin Towers? This conspiracy stuff is a bunch of trash.

05-19-2006, 05:45 PM
I have one question and it has gone unaswered.
This is based on my opinion and what I've heard from a lot of people,
who work in several degrees of aviation.

We have all of this 'technology'.
I won't call it anything else because it can't be called anything else except "Garbage".

So all of the 'technology' is on these planes.
From what I've been told by a few people, most of our planes are flown by satellite.
Pilots basically take off and land the plane.
Once the plane is over 10,000 ft, it flies by satellite
and the pilots are basically reading gauges throughout the flight.
The pilots are our "fail-safe" system.

So what about a "backup" for the "fail-safe" ?

So the plane is connected to our satellites.
If the plane is feared to have been hijacked,
what keeps us from controlling the plane from a satellite ?
Why can't we just cut the engines and let the piece of metal fall from the sky ?
All we need to do is demonstrate this once or twice
and the hijackers won't even come here anymore.

Heck, no one will fly anywhere, anymore...

So what keeps us from using all this 'technology' to our advantage ???
If we spend all this time and money developing 'technology' and we don't use it,
then what we are really doing is creating "GARBAGE".

That's my take on this...

Donny Carlson
05-19-2006, 06:36 PM
Uhh, in that the auto pilot uses GPS to help navigate, that's a pretty big stretch. Aircraft autopilots used to rely upon R-NAV (radio navigation) in the past, GPS is just more accurate.

Modern aircraft are flown by onboard computers and can pretty much fly themselves, and I've seen some auto landing/take off systems that worked (that Airbus crash at the Paris air show a few years back being a pretty embarassing failure of an autoland system.) I don't think anybody could take control remotely, which is a good thing if you thing about it. Wouldn't need to go to the trouble of acutally hijacking a plane, just hack into the remote autopilot program and remotely fly it into a target.

BTW, all the hijacked planes on 9/11 were on autopilot when highjacked and one of the first indications of trouble was when they were disengaged.

If you've ever seen that F-4 footage showing a Phantom jet essentially disappearing into dust as it plows into a concrete barrier, you'll understand why there was no wreckage at the Pentagon. They hit at full throttle at over 500 mph into case hardened blast walls with full tanks of JP-4 on board.
There wouldn't be enough left to put into a shoe box.

05-22-2006, 06:05 AM
Google: PopularMechanics.com and do a search on 9/11

Interesting article. Takes the conspiracy points one by one and offers an explanation.

05-22-2006, 07:16 PM
Bin Laden is employed in the US on a road crew with Elvis and Hoffa.

I've seen 'em.

Their driver is Floyd the barber.
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

05-22-2006, 08:07 PM
Bin Laden is employed in the US on a road crew with Elvis and Hoffa.

I've seen 'em.

Their driver is Floyd the barber.
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Is that the same one as Cool Hand Luke?


05-22-2006, 08:57 PM
MENINBLK has a great point. We have the technology in that the planes virtually fly themselves. The technology exists for planes to be completely automated from takeoff to landing, but if people knew that they'd freak - so the human factor remains and trained pilots perform many of the portions of a flight.

I'm not here to debate whether or not computers should fly a plane, but with fly-by-wire and satellite technology it is perfectly feasible to design a failsafe in which a hijacked plane can be controlled remotely.

For that matter fill the plan with a gas that will knock everyone out (or simply depressurize it) and land the plan remotely using computer controls. Then the authorities can board the plane and sort it out with everyone unconscious.

The technology is there - I'm sure the creativity is there too. All we need now is money. ;)

05-23-2006, 03:13 AM
I flew out of Chicago at least 15 years ago on a 737-300 and was told then that the plane could be flown by remote control if the crew was disabled.

05-23-2006, 09:51 PM
O K, if you doubting Thomas's aren't convinced by the absurdity of the claim of conspiracy--let me qualify my following remarks. I am 77 years old, have been flying since 12 years of age, pilot's license at 16, 7 years in the Air Force, flew spy planes in the Cold War, have been debriefed by members of the National Security Agency, the CIA and the National Reconniassance Office, investigated aircraft accidents as a member of a pilot's union, flew for American Airlines for 32+ years and still hold a pilot's license. I have been Pilot in Command for over 20 THOUSAND hours and spent the last 15 or so years of my career trying to figure out how to out think hi-jackers. Every hi-jacking scheme used had been discussed hundreds of times in brain-storming and policy-making sessions by highly qualified pilots. We have always known "IT" could happen---the ultimate disaster--and it DID !!!!!!!
I lost good friends aboard those aircraft that "didn't hit the buildings"--they aren't being hidden somewhere--com'on, be realistic. THREE AIRCRAFT WITH ALL SOULS ON BOARD WERE DESTROYED ON September 11th. I spent a great part of my life traveling at speeds above 550 MPH and the time it took for the aircraft to cross the hiway and hit the building was less than the shutter speeds of a lot of cameras--including video and digital cameras. There are research films in the FAA archives showing what happens when an aircraft hits a solid object at high speed---do your research. Check the Air Force accident files and see how much is left of a fighter when it hits the ground vertically at over 500 mph--quite a few have---there is practically NO wreckage at the scene. I would like to know how much flight experience and accident investigation experience the writers of this trash have--
It makes me sick at my stomach to even think that there are reasonably intellegent people who can believe this hog wash.
Logan--Mary, I think this thread should be SHUT DOWN and ERASED in respect for the heroic people who lost their lives that day--I apologize to no one for the way I feel ---if I had my way, the authors would be tried for treason. If you don't like the present administration, vote them out--but for God's sake, don't defile the memory of these people. Captain Jewell Maurice Seitz

Mike M
05-23-2006, 10:17 PM
Ok enough with this silly thread.......tell me more about some of the planes you flew (millitary). Feel free to PM me if you want to stop with this thread.
I am a Air Force junkie...actually all branches of the military.

05-24-2006, 03:30 AM
The truth comes out in this thread. The only conspiracy was among the hi-jackers, and closing this thread will only feed the ignorence. Americans need to understand we are in a long term war with thousands of terrorists willing to die for their cause. Remember Pearl Harbor and 9-11.

05-24-2006, 08:25 AM
This thread does have some entertainment value, but not much.


05-24-2006, 09:04 AM
I've seen video tests of an F-4 fighter flying into a moch-up concrete wall, designed to that of a nuclear power plant (http://www.electronicaviation.com/downloads/f4wall.wmv). And the fighter just melted right into the concrete.

Objects do amazing things at high speeds.

I think the reason why many people want to believe this concspiracy stuff though, is because of the world in which we now live; it's fueled by doubt. People do not want to be labled as ignorant, and especially when it comes to government related items. Governments around the world have fed the common person with a lot of propaganda for many many years, and I think a lot of people are just plain doubtful of what "their" government tells them.

With that being said though, it doesn't mean there's an excuse to force yourself into thinking there is a conspiracy because of the propaganda. Also, it doesn't mean that when something suspitious happens, that it must be a conspiracy. With just a little research and common sense, in the case of the plane and the pentagon, you'll realize that it was a plane, and not some missle fired off by who knows what.

05-31-2006, 10:12 AM
There is a National Geographic special explaining in great detail what happened to the Pentagon. It answers every single question here and clarifies misinformation (like the plane DID knock down poles on the way in, why there were no photos, etc.) It's part of the series "Seconds form Disaster" from 2004 and it was on yesterday.

TiVo this if yer interested. I recorded this and am watching it now.

There was a man in the direct path of the plane who survived. The force of the impact/blast actually caused a pattern of shock waves that prevented his instant death. These people are interviewed as part of the documentary.

Very interesting stuff.

What would we do without computer animation?