View Full Version : This is bull isn't it?

05-10-2006, 10:33 AM
I was parked at my friends apartment yesterday and this guy on a bike comes up to me and says "Thats a bad*** car dude." I said thank you. He said he looked exactly like his friends car. (the guy who had a Marauder at my college too who I later wanted to race) I was like what happend to him. He said he got caught selling coke and was the biggest bust in this town in the past 20 years and it wasn't his first trip to jail so his life is done. The guy on the bike said his car was all tricked out with tvs and stuff, but he said the car also had a twin turbo. I was like no it didn't.... turbos are around, but not twin tubros. Do they really exist? Also guess what the car sold for at a police aucton? $1,500. Not $15,000. See what drugs can cost you? :shake:

Fourth Horseman
05-10-2006, 11:19 AM
What if I only sell enough coke to get the twin turbos and then quit?

O's Fan Rich
05-10-2006, 11:20 AM
Drugs are bad, mmmkay.

I'd imagine the fellow on the bike was familiar with their use also.

05-10-2006, 11:40 AM
What if I only sell enough coke to get the twin turbos and then quit?

Just grow yourself some pot and be happy.

Be sure and get a Doctor's note!


05-10-2006, 12:48 PM
Betcha fifty cents his drug buddy had an older crown vic or GM, not a Marauder.

05-10-2006, 01:40 PM
With enough money anything is possible......I don't think those turbo sound exhaust clip ons count as a TT. Though I wonder if anyone has given the thought of doing a front mount turbo with a rear exhaust mount turbo or better yet a tri-turbo setup with 2 rear exhaust mount turbos lol

05-10-2006, 01:43 PM
I would guess the Twin Turbos is :bs: . But....that's just me.


05-10-2006, 02:49 PM
Maybe the "nator" is silent. So in writing it's Twin Turbonators but in word of mouth it's Twin Turbos. :shake:

05-10-2006, 03:49 PM
Drugs are bad, mmmkay.

I'd imagine the fellow on the bike was familiar with their use also.

Well...he was on a bike, which is one step down from a moped, and you know what kinds of people ride mopeds:D

05-10-2006, 04:03 PM
So I'm guessing there is no ready to order twin turbo for our cars?

05-11-2006, 07:47 AM
While I seldom take the word of druggies riding bicycles, I'm not sure why the idea of twin turbos on a Marauder is so unthinkable. Lots of guys running dual hair dryers on lots of different cars out there. I saw a '57 Chevy with 4 turbos at a car show last Saturday. In the immortal words of the Rutles: "All you need is cash".

05-11-2006, 08:12 AM
Well...he was on a bike, which is one step down from a moped, and you know what kinds of people ride mopeds:D

HEY! I ride a moped and a bicycle! What do you mean by that?

05-11-2006, 08:23 AM
HEY! I ride a moped and a bicycle! Livin' large, eh?

05-11-2006, 04:24 PM
But not JUST a moped and a bicycle.

HEY! I ride a moped and a bicycle! What do you mean by that?

05-11-2006, 05:07 PM
So I'm guessing there is no ready to order twin turbo for our cars?

No, but we're working on it! :D There is the single turbo kit, but not twin, which is what I want. If that guy actually did have twin turbos, it would have to have been a custom job, and probably the first twin turbo Marauder, at least that I know of.

05-11-2006, 06:15 PM
What if I only sell enough coke to get the twin turbos and then quit?

You could let them sell the coke, and the TAKE their money...

05-11-2006, 08:36 PM
What if I only sell enough coke to get the twin turbos and then quit?

Selling the dope is easy. After the loads of cash start rolling in, quitting is hard.

Then you-know-who- comes over with a big ram and breaks down your door, locks you up puts you in a little room with...... :puke: .

David Morton
05-12-2006, 05:34 AM
For drag racing, turbos are the way to go.

Click here (http://www.ststurbo.com/2005__mustang_twin) to see the Squires twin turbo setup for the 05 Mustang.

From the way they're set up, looks like a twin is in the future for Quicksilver. They've got a vid of an 8 second Corvette using twin turbos.

Right now I'm working on the QA1 DA shocks all around with the adjustable front springs mounts, an ADDCO rear sway bar (sorry Quickor. Couldn't wait any longer) and the MMX propshaft. Then she'll be ready for some serious power.