View Full Version : Is anyone on myspace?

05-10-2006, 03:54 PM
I'm on it and don't really use it that much. Is anyone else on it? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.view profile&friendid=9128766

05-10-2006, 04:08 PM
im in the same boat you are

05-10-2006, 04:46 PM
i'm not on it. i have looked a a few peoples pages... as far as i can tell all myspace is a bunch of people looking at others pages and requesting to be added to their friends page... maybe it is a contest to see who can have the most "friends" all they do is say thanks for adding me then thats it.

05-10-2006, 04:48 PM
My kids are on it.:rolleyes: :D

05-10-2006, 04:59 PM
i'm not on it. i have looked a a few peoples pages... as far as i can tell all myspace is a bunch of people looking at others pages and requesting to be added to their friends page... maybe it is a contest to see who can have the most "friends" all they do is say thanks for adding me then thats it.
Actually is was created to promote up and coming bands, but it pretty much turned into what you described. I use it to meet new people and hear some other bands. As you can see I don't have 30000 friends and about 80% of them are people I actually know. But yea it's misused.

05-10-2006, 05:21 PM
Ya im on it too, its funny to see the people with a zillion friends, Im proud to say I know everyone on mine. www.myspace.com/rvaldez1 (http://www.myspace.com/rvaldez1) if any one wants to add me

05-10-2006, 05:32 PM
I'm on myspace and I rule therefore, by default, myspace must rule too. There I'm glad that discussion is put to rest, LOL. www.myspace.com/Dark_Knight7096

Hack Goby
05-10-2006, 05:33 PM
This old geezer is over there but I stick with people around my age and theres a ton of them out there its not just for the kiddies.Dont have alot of friends but thats OK too.And there are alot of *********s out there but thats what the ignore is for.Tons of video.

05-10-2006, 10:36 PM
www.myspace.com/residentsmartass (http://www.myspace.com/residentsmartass)

05-10-2006, 11:19 PM

05-11-2006, 08:04 AM
I am on there www.myspace.com/crotchgobbler

05-11-2006, 08:20 AM
crotchgobbler (http://www.myspace.com/crotchgobbler)




05-11-2006, 09:30 AM
I'm on myspace and I rule therefore, by default, myspace must rule too. There I'm glad that discussion is put to rest, LOL. www.myspace.com/Dark_Knight7096 (http://www.myspace.com/Dark_Knight7096)
Forbidden, this page (http://www.myspace.com/Dark_Knight7096) is categorized as: Pornography. Please do not access from the :censor: network.

That's a hoot! I knew we blocked it due to some problems.

05-11-2006, 10:49 AM
Maybe Ill wait for the older members to admit they are on myspace before I submit my address

:geezer: :geezer: :geezer:

05-11-2006, 11:12 AM
It's not a bad place to meet some new bands and I found a few of my older friends I hadn't talked to in years on there.

It's also annoying though, I get spam friend reqeusts all the time, from very gorgeous women that have virtually no info about themselves other than that they love "doing it" and they have 300 friends everyone of whom is a guy and each of them think they have a chance, lol.

Oh yeah, oddly enough those aren't women I know and I certainly believe they aren't even women at all. ;)

05-11-2006, 04:36 PM
Yep I hang out in the panther section...
www.myspace.com/merc6 (http://www.myspace.com/merc6)

05-11-2006, 06:00 PM
Forbidden, this page (http://www.myspace.com/Dark_Knight7096) is categorized as: Pornography. Please do not access from the :censor: network.

That's a hoot! I knew we blocked it due to some problems.

Wow that's strange, It shouldn't have come up like that. I guarantee there is nothing pornographic about my page, well except my picture, I am dead sexy after all, LOL. I know some filters find myspace as a personals/dating/adult site, so maybe yours thinks it's porn. IDK.

05-11-2006, 06:27 PM
Here's my link---->www.myspace.com/pauljr1976 (http://www.myspace.com/pauljr1976)

Im one of those people that have way too much going on with the profile

05-11-2006, 08:47 PM
I got a bunch of crap on my profile too, LOL.

05-12-2006, 07:01 AM

Check out my page. Time to add some Marauder owners to my friends list.

06-01-2006, 12:34 PM
I don't know how I missed this thread. Here is the link to my page.


Group I started

I would also like to mention I've come across several ppl on myspace that have stolen mm.net members pics from their cardomain.com pages and using them as their own. It's a sad world when you have to lie over a computer.

06-01-2006, 12:41 PM
Yeah, I'm on there. Got to find me though.

06-01-2006, 12:55 PM
Yeah, I'm on there. Got to find me though. A lil info would help :rolleyes:

06-01-2006, 01:03 PM
I would also like to mention I've come across several ppl on myspace that have stolen mm.net members pics from their cardomain.com pages and using them as their own. It's a sad world when you have to lie over a computer.\

Are they taking pics from this site and putting together fake cardomains? Or taking pics from other cardomain sites?

I post a fair number of pics, I don't mind them being public domain and letting people have or use them, but letting someone claim my car is theirs isn't what I intended.

06-01-2006, 01:07 PM
taking pics from cardomain.com and putting it on their myspace.

06-01-2006, 01:10 PM
Oh gotcha. Not me, my MM is real. :D

06-01-2006, 01:16 PM
Oh gotcha. Not me, my MM is real. :D Yeah yeah I know it's real, we raced against eachother remember and yes you did beat me but thats only cause I wasn't really trying and you had magic triliogy fuel additive :lol:

06-01-2006, 01:19 PM
How do you know it wasn't just a MM conversion on a VW Beetle chassis???

If I take the body off it becomes a dune buggy!


06-01-2006, 01:56 PM
A lil info would help :rolleyes:
I don't realy want people to know... :P

06-01-2006, 04:27 PM
Have found people I have not spoke to in years.


06-04-2006, 04:01 AM
Have found people I have not spoke to in years.
yep it's like classmates but you can actualy talk w/o paying for gold.

06-04-2006, 04:31 AM
I heard a couple of my sons mention the site, I've seen some of their stuff when I walk by their computer monitor.

It required a very special car for me to go against my lifelong instincts that "if it's on a screen, it ain't real" but I guess I'm not too old to learn a new trick.

Some of the friendships that I have forged thru this "screen" have turned out to be quite real.:D

06-04-2006, 05:35 AM
me me me http://www.myspace.com/thecat84 (http://www.myspace.com/thecat84)

06-04-2006, 06:58 PM
Here's my link---->www.myspace.com/pauljr1976 (http://www.myspace.com/pauljr1976)

Im one of those people that have way too much going on with the profile

nice background. . .gods heads rule

07-07-2006, 08:52 AM
who else ?

07-07-2006, 11:41 AM
I am relatively new on MySpace but here is mine.... http://www.myspace.com/capt_h
I am still slowly building the page with some help from friends.....

Big D's Merc
07-07-2006, 11:43 AM
I'm on it most everyday. Gotta couple chicks that I talk to. http://www.myspace.com/60771381

07-07-2006, 04:55 PM
I just opened an account. www.myspace.com/defyant1

07-07-2006, 09:19 PM
Yes, I admit it, I'm on there too.

07-07-2006, 09:25 PM
Yep I hang out in the panther section...
www.myspace.com/merc6 (http://www.myspace.com/merc6)

You have Duckhunt on your myspace. That's just to cool.

07-08-2006, 08:00 AM
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.view profile&friendID=25137898

That's me!

07-08-2006, 08:16 AM
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.view profile&friendID=25137898

That's me!"Tu Sabes Que Yo Lo Tengo"

:lol: yep, yep!

Hack Goby
10-13-2006, 09:28 AM
Maybe Ill wait for the older members to admit they are on myspace before I submit my address

:geezer: :geezer: :geezer:

http://www.myspace.com/capt_wackencracker OK,Its been a long wait but heres mine.It`s all Marauder.

10-13-2006, 11:59 AM
Thought you guys would like to know we have you all categorized as "pornography" and blocked from my workplace. ;)

10-13-2006, 12:09 PM
www.myspace.com/magindat (http://www.myspace.com/magindat)

10-13-2006, 05:53 PM
I have a Panther group on myspace, but no one hardly ever talks on it.

Commodore Crap
10-13-2006, 06:12 PM
im on it. im pianoDORK extreme

Crown Vicman
10-13-2006, 06:16 PM
i'm not on it. i have looked a a few peoples pages... as far as i can tell all myspace is a bunch of people looking at others pages and requesting to be added to their friends page... maybe it is a contest to see who can have the most "friends" all they do is say thanks for adding me then thats it.
And here I thought I was the only person in the world without a myspace web page.:rolleyes:

10-13-2006, 06:26 PM
Thought you guys would like to know we have you all categorized as "pornography" and blocked from my workplace. ;)Ditto...My first exploration from my work desktop lasted about 6 nano-seconds before the "wiser" folks in Data Systems shut me off.

No so bad, they did the same with my AOL stuff once AOL broke their chains of Internet bondage...

Big Joe P
01-10-2007, 02:42 AM
Check it out IF YOU DARE (http://www.myspace.com/exitchicago)

01-10-2007, 02:04 PM
I was thinking of going there for the Psychobilly night. Do you work there or something? I think you posted something like this before, but I maybe wrong.

01-10-2007, 02:22 PM
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I am http://www.myspace.com/LethalVenom1
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">

01-10-2007, 05:22 PM
I'll fess up...


01-11-2007, 01:22 AM
My page
http://www.myspace.com/themercmarauder (http://www.myspace.com/1953244)

Group I started- has a decent amount of MM.net members on it. YAY lol

01-11-2007, 05:25 AM
I'm on it and don't really use it that much. Is anyone else on it? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.view profile&friendid=9128766 :santa: Yeah MOTORHEAD Mang I am too in myspace too but can't remember the email i just enter once but I still there.

:wreath: STRYKER. :wreath2:

01-11-2007, 09:24 AM

I am somewhat of a computer geek, but not in the ways of the web publisher. :eek:

How do you guys put all those fancy graphics on your myspace page ???

01-11-2007, 08:55 PM
:santa: Don't know Mang.

:wreath: STRYKER. :wreath2:

Crown Vicman
01-11-2007, 09:12 PM
Yep, Its official I am the only guy in the U.S. without a myspace webpage.

The Big Stu
01-11-2007, 10:50 PM
I don't have one either Vicman...I just never cared about it...I guess I am not a social person.

01-12-2007, 10:41 AM

I am somewhat of a computer geek, but not in the ways of the web publisher. :eek:

How do you guys put all those fancy graphics on your myspace page ???

I dont know...I had someone else do mine

Hack Goby
01-12-2007, 10:53 AM
Ok,Someone brought this thread back to life.I wondered why I got a couple of Marauder friend request.Im not a geek but once I learned how to change things around I change my homepage all the time.Being retired will do that to you.

01-12-2007, 11:35 AM
I was thinking of going there for the Psychobilly night. Do you work there or something? I think you posted something like this before, but I maybe wrong.

He owns Exit Dominick!
Dont get no ideas about free booze now.:beer:

01-12-2007, 11:52 AM

01-12-2007, 10:49 PM
:confused: I am on the site but can't remember long time not enter in the site, I'm surprised how many Marauderers are in this site.

:wreath2: STRYKER. :santaw:

01-14-2007, 04:18 PM
Ok if you add me to your friends list, Please be sure I know your first name so I do not call you by the wrong name. Kenny where did you go?

01-14-2007, 10:21 PM
:cool: OK JACKOFALLTRADES I will make the arrangements and let you know.

:wreath: STRYKER. :santa:

01-14-2007, 10:24 PM
:confused: But you are using the same name or nick or you're using other name or nick? let me know Mang.:up:

:santa: STRYKER. :banana2:

01-15-2007, 02:03 AM
He owns Exit Dominick!
Dont get no ideas about free booze now.:beer:

Zack knowing me, he'll have to face bigger problems if I show up! :D

01-17-2007, 04:38 PM
I'm there...

Personal page (http://www.myspace.com/rocketcouch)


ADTR page (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.view profile&friendid=109562178)

Add me! :cool:

And thanks to ctrlraven for making the Panther hang out!

01-17-2007, 05:07 PM
I'll let this be my first post here... www.myspace.com/428scj (http://www.myspace.com/428scj) is my little corner of the myspace world

05-03-2007, 07:52 PM
check out a new myspace group to compliment MM.net



rock on...

05-03-2007, 07:53 PM
check out a new myspace group to compliment MM.net



rock on...

05-03-2007, 08:25 PM

Ryans PI
05-03-2007, 08:41 PM

Joined :up:

05-03-2007, 08:53 PM
Cool, I started this group a while ago. http://groups.myspace.com/PantherPlatform

05-03-2007, 08:57 PM
Didn't realize their were two threads on this.

Cool, I started this group a while ago. http://groups.myspace.com/PantherPlatform

05-03-2007, 09:51 PM

05-03-2007, 11:40 PM
Theirs just too many myspace threads on this site I can't even keep up with them lol.

Your welcome RocketCouch (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/member.php?u=1051). It's been so far so good with that myspace group, a lot of good info has been posted and people helped out with their problems. Plus quite a few people plug ADTR lol.