View Full Version : Another Mustang Pic

05-18-2006, 05:45 PM
Cleaning out the digital camera. Came across another pic of my Mustang.

The MM is usually parked to the left...

05-18-2006, 05:56 PM
Still looking good, chuck. dennis:2thumbs:

05-18-2006, 06:09 PM
I am always happy to see those.

05-18-2006, 06:53 PM
I got just 1 Question, How do you keep your garage so clean with so much room ?

05-18-2006, 07:02 PM
I got just 1 Question, How do you keep your garage so clean with so much room ?

Just in front of the Mustang is a roll-around toolbox with all my paraphenalia in it, next to that is a utility sink. Seperate laundry room keeps the washer/dryer out of the garage. Unseen wall to the left has a locker and some bigger tools hanging from a rack similar to the one you see in the pic.

A clean home is a happy home.:)

05-18-2006, 07:07 PM
Always nice stumbling on pics of our pride & joys.

I need to go thru here & other places for any posted/saved attachments of mine, & re-save them on my computer.

I've had yet another hard drive take a dump on me .....

You would have thought after losing (2) in the past, & only being successful at recovering important photos & such from only (1) of them ......

Would have taught me a lesson :rolleyes:.

The real kick in the ass is ...... I just got done building a new PC all on my own(which I have never done) & it went fairly well.

My old PC really wasn't on the way out by any means ..... I was just ready for something new with more updated technology/abilities, more space etc etc.

So here I was all set & gung-ho to start using the new PC.

I pick up a program & cable to make the final transition to move stuff onto not one but both the new PC's hard-drives, & go to fire up the old PC for what was probably its very last time(by choice - mine that is, or at least it was supposed to have been) ..... only to find the HD had suddenly become severly ill .... it wouldn't boot or even allow itself to be recognized.

So far everything I have tried to do to rectify the issue, even if it's only long enough just to save my stuff on the new HD's ..... has been UN-successful. I'm now even getting the all too familar "itchy & scratchy's" I've come to know. Time to do some more research I guess & see what I can do.

:mad: :censor: :mad:

:uzi: -------- > Me

/rant highjack OFF

05-18-2006, 08:29 PM
Wow! Lookin' great!!!! :D