View Full Version : There's a first time for everything I guess:

05-18-2006, 11:36 PM
Okay, I've bought transmissions before, but this will be the first time That I've ever installed one, and therefore is also the first time I took shipment of a transmission, and got to open up a box with a brand new competition transmission inside it, that was staring back at me, all nicely foam packed, and wrapped in plastic.

So there are things that I'm looking at that I never noticed on any other transmission before....

This is a TH400 trans rated @ 950 HP max, w/a hardened input shaft, beefed-up, hardened, & modified front drum, special line pressure (235 PSI :eek: in every gear @ 2,000 RPM ), Red Eagle clutches, Koleen steels, 34 element sprag, full manual reverse shift pattern valve body, and a pro tree trans brake. But there's something I'm looking at that has me a bit puzzled, that perhaps you guys can shed some light on for me....

There's a tube that protrudes out of the top of the transmission case, that's a few inches long, and is very small. It's somewhat flexible, and is only about a 1/4" in diameter at the very most. What the hey is this? Can it be merely a vent tube? I know that rear end housings have and need vent tubes, but I never thought that transmissions have them too. Could that be what I'm looking at??? (where's Zack when you need him?) :alone:

05-19-2006, 12:48 AM
Could it be for the dipstick??

05-19-2006, 02:44 AM
I'll vote vent tube. You have trans built for racing, and that tube prolly means to mate with an overflow can to keep the track dry.

Our 4R70/75W trannys have a vent on the top center of the tranny, just behind the bell housing flare, but no drain tube connected to it. I ever you overfill the fluid, or, boil over, you will find the vent easy enough.

05-19-2006, 05:18 AM
Definately a vent tube. Sounds just like the one on my 700-R4 in my Monte Carlo.

Don't ask how I know it's a vent...

05-19-2006, 05:34 AM
All turbo 400's came with a vent tube since their conception.

05-19-2006, 05:56 AM
Definately vent tube. Have always had to extend these to above the would-be high water mark on 4x4's for the trans, transfer case and both difs.

If it were me, I would extend it to someplace on the firewall near the top of the bay....


05-19-2006, 06:00 AM
Billy something like this???


05-19-2006, 07:06 AM
Thanks everyone for your replies. Yes Javier, that's where it is, however, on my TCI TH400 transmission, the tube is much smaller in diameter, and it doesn't have a cap on it like that one does. That's what threw me off. Maybe I should extend it to the fire wall or something like "Magindat" said. Maybe it's nothing to worry about. perhaps I should call TCI to ask them what they recommend if anything. brutus, no it isn't for the dipstick. It's near the top of the case, and the dipstick tube hole is located on the bottom of it near where the pan bolts onto the case. You can see it in Javier's pic. It has the green cap on it (I mean the dipstick tube hole).

05-19-2006, 07:12 AM
Where's the car now, Billy? Will I get to see it?

05-19-2006, 07:20 AM
Where's the car now, Billy? Will I get to see it? The way it's been going, I really don't know the answer to that Chuck. It's still at the body shop! :mad2: (long story) :rolleyes:

I might have the car back by the time you get here. Only time will tell. It should definately be painted by then, but if the guy doesn't have all the hardware back on it yet, then the only way that you'll be able to see anything more than the engine , transmission, and rear end, is if you want to see it badly enough to take a 1 hour ride with me to the bodyshop which is in Columbia, CT.

Otherwise, all I'll have to show you is the drivetrain. But time will tell my friend. This can go either way at this point. The guy is really busy, and he's giving me a fantastic price on the paint and bodywork, so I can only prod him so much. So to a certain extent, I'm at his mercy right now, and I'm trying to be patient (and it isn't easy!).

I had really hoped to have the engine in and running so that you could hear it run, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen by the first week of June. :shake:

And to complicate things more, I just learned today that I might be getting a visit from a special uhmm, uh, friend from Russia in the latter part of June. My summer is just getting more and more busy as the weeks go on, and it hasn't even begun yet! But ofcourse that hasn't anything to do with your visit, and I look forward to hangin' out with you again my friend.