View Full Version : Fun in emission testing line

05-25-2006, 09:49 AM
I had to share this.

The office building I work in is located next to a vehicle emissions testing center and towards the end of the month the lines are usually around the block with folks looking to get their car's tested so they can renew their tags.

The excitement has been pretty hilarious, at least for those of us inside the office.

Today, a jeep cherokee waiting in line ... burst into flames! :bounce:

We had two fire trucks and the police arrive with lights and sirens to put it out. Fortunately, it didn't appear that anyone was injured but the jeep was a total loss. The firefighters put out the fire, then had to rip open the hood as well as hose down the interior. This was after a worker at the testing center used an entire extinguisher in vain.

Meanwhile, all these people who thought going to get tested during their lunch hour would be a quick process have been stuck in line waiting for this to be resolved. :banghead:

I'm surprised our building didn't tip over, because the entire staff -- including the president -- was pressed up against the windows watching the drama unfold.

Last week, we had a truck that "somehow" accelerate out of line fast enough from a dead-stop to total itself on a tree next to the building. Fortunately, I don't think anyone was hurt badly here either, but the truck had to be towed away as it was undriveable.

I don't think I'll ever come to this facility to get my marauder tested. :laugh: