View Full Version : Sign This Petition To Stop Ford!!!!

05-27-2006, 07:15 PM

The Story!!! http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060510/MONEY/605100302/1003

05-27-2006, 09:44 PM
totally signed

Bob Mathis
05-28-2006, 01:41 AM
I signed and reminded them that maybe they should really see where the word mustang came from. I may not be the most intellgent person but I remember the word mustang was used for a house long before it was used on a car. I own all Ford cars and Trucks one which is a 04 Mach1. So Ford get off of this.

Bob Mathis

05-28-2006, 04:47 AM
Ford, you suck. Get off your high horse and enjoy the free advertisement that you have enjoyed. What's next: MM&FF magazine? What a bunch of crap.

Oh yeah, tried to sign the petition and keep getting an internal server error. Will try again later.

05-28-2006, 05:07 AM
Are they protecting their investment in "mustang", or trying to make easy money?

I own 3 Fords. This crap makes Dodge vehicles look better and better.

O's Fan Rich
05-28-2006, 05:33 AM
I'm getting a server error message.

Ok, I got it in now.

05-28-2006, 05:34 AM
Could this be a result of two recent name dabacles on behalf of Ford:

-GT40 becomes the Ford GT because they never registered the GT40 name and someone else snagged it after Ford used it. How embarassing.
-Futura went to PepBoys for their tires even though Ford used the name on a car first. Thus Futura became Fusion.

Unfortunately this small business owner will likely get bullied and forced to change his company's name.

The Blew Oval strikes again.

BTW, has anyone ever tried going to www.nissan.com. Surprise...it's not a website at all related to the car company. They are even being sued by Nissan Motors. Kinda the same story about name usage.

05-28-2006, 05:49 AM
Some of y'all love Ford. But, when they do things like this, it seems that Ford is just self destructive.

05-28-2006, 11:58 AM
Some of y'all love Ford. But, when they do things like this, it seems that Ford is just self destructive.

Yeah, what a complete and utter waste of their financial resources. Hey, let's spend lots of money on lawyer fees to make companies stop using the name Mustang. Comapnies that have been in business for many years supporting the very car that Ford is trying to protect the name of. Selling performance and restoration parts to Ford vehicles to keep them on the road and keep people interested in them. The same people who buy Ford trucks, family cars, SUV's to help keep them in business. What a crock of ***** on Ford's part.

05-28-2006, 12:56 PM
The nissan name is not a really good example, because last I heard it meant (translated) "made in Japan."

Point taken, however. Copyright is a "first come first served" process.

Ask Mike Rowe, founder of MikeRoweSoft. Bill Gates chewed him up and spit him out in the courts because the name is *close* to Microsoft. Of course, that's deliberate in that case.

Could this be a result of two recent name dabacles on behalf of Ford:

-GT40 becomes the Ford GT because they never registered the GT40 name and someone else snagged it after Ford used it. How embarassing.
-Futura went to PepBoys for their tires even though Ford used the name on a car first. Thus Futura became Fusion.

Unfortunately this small business owner will likely get bullied and forced to change his company's name.

The Blew Oval strikes again.

BTW, has anyone ever tried going to www.nissan.com. Surprise...it's not a website at all related to the car company. They are even being sued by Nissan Motors. Kinda the same story about name usage.

05-28-2006, 02:24 PM
totally signed
It's a done deal, I'm number 386 on the list.

05-28-2006, 03:10 PM
I am number 401...

What a bunch of :bs: .


05-28-2006, 03:39 PM
The nissan name is not a really good example, because last I heard it meant (translated) "made in Japan."

Doesn't matter what the translation is. The name Nissan.com was first owned by someone other than Nissan motors and the car company isn't happy about it so they are taking legal action. Mustangs Plus is owned by someone other than Ford Motor, and Ford isn't happy about it. Perhaps the makers of Back to the Future could sue Ford for naming a car Fusion given Mr. Fusion powers the DeLorean?


05-28-2006, 04:13 PM
Why are they doing this to people that are supporting and promoting their products? Signed, #426.

05-28-2006, 04:15 PM
wow, when i signed i was number 140. Looks like that list is gaining some momentum.

05-28-2006, 04:18 PM
wow, when i signed i was number 140. Looks like that list is gaining some momentum.

I finally got through as #420

05-28-2006, 04:51 PM
#432. And I'll echo all the other sentiments that have said "What a waste....":shake:

Mike Poore
05-29-2006, 09:09 AM
[quote=Eric91Z]Ford, you suck. Get off your high horse and enjoy the free advertisement that you have enjoyed. What's next: MM&FF magazine? quote]

Oh, there's more to consider. What about publications such as "Mustang Monthly", or even Mustang Club of America, and it's publication "Mustang Times"? What about all the Mustang enthusiast clubs across America? Must they change the name of their respective clubs?

Copyright and trademark infringement issues are real, and corporations can be very strident in their protection of them, with plenty of legal precedence. Usually, however, corporations grant or support license agreements, and it seems there ought to be some accommodation made in this case. It makes you wonder what's at the bottom of this flap; although it wouldn't be the first time we've seen Ford management go off on a wild tangent, with seemingly no reason for their action(s).

Wild hair up Elana's azz perhaps?
Stranger things have happened with that bunch. :banned:

05-29-2006, 10:01 AM
Perhaps the makers of Back to the Future could sue Ford for naming a car Fusion given Mr. Fusion powers the DeLorean?


Yes, they could, *IF* they trademarked the name.

My point was that there have to be thousands of products that read "nissan" on them and Nissan motors can waste a lot of time and money suing them but it's a lost cause. That's like me naming a company "Made with recycled paper," and then trying to sue the companies of anyone who manufactures that way. Ain't gonna get very far.

A year or so ago Donald Trump tried to trademark the phrase "you're fired" from the Apprentice. Turns out three other businesses had already tried that, and the owner of the trademark was some small pottery/ceramic shop.

The little guy won in this case - it shows the system *can* work from time to time.

05-29-2006, 10:14 AM
I read that on another board. That totally sucks. I'm #616.

05-29-2006, 02:44 PM
DONE! What the hell is wrong with corporations?

05-29-2006, 04:27 PM
What is Logan going to rename"[I]MERCURY[I] Maruder.net to when Ford comes Knocking.Could happen.

You ask why I didn't include Marauder? Suzuki Motorcycles may own a piece of that allready.

Bradley G
05-29-2006, 04:44 PM