View Full Version : Taking a moment...

05-28-2006, 07:36 AM
Prayers, and sincerest respects, while remembering those who gave their all (!), and wishing our nations living Warriors, a great Memorial Day Weekend.

God Bless America! Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave. :flag:

05-28-2006, 07:49 AM
Hear, Hear!:bows:
Thanks to all that have served our great country, and all that are currently serving.

jim geary
05-28-2006, 08:23 AM
God Bless you one and all.

05-28-2006, 09:12 AM
I have watched the public display of thanks and tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country decline steadily over the past years . It seems to come in short-lived spurts and with unbelievable intensities. Whether you agree with the politics or objectives, you should honor those who gave their lives defending what they believed in---the preservation of human lives and human dignity wherever they were needed. There were 11 veterans in my wife's and my family---we are the only two alive---thank God, all came home safe--but we would have laid down our lives doing our jobs. I just got back from the D/FW National Cemetery when 2,200 new graves have been added in less than 8 months---I don't guess we will ever run out of veterans----politicians and maniacs will keep on taking young lives.We need more veterans in the Legislatures and on the Supreme Court--use your vote to make this happen. God Bless all who proudly serve their country. God Bless America, Maury

05-28-2006, 09:18 AM
I have watched the public display of thanks and tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country decline steadily over the past years . It seems to come in short-lived spurts and with unbelievable intensities. Whether you agree with the politics or objectives, you should honor those who gave their lives defending what they believed in---the preservation of human lives and human dignity wherever they were needed. There were 11 veterans in my wife's and my family---we are the only two alive---thank God, all came home safe--but we would have laid down our lives doing our jobs. I just got back from the D/FW National Cemetery when 2,200 new graves have been added in less than 8 months---I don't guess we will ever run out of veterans----politicians and maniacs will keep on taking young lives.We need more veterans in the Legislatures and on the Supreme Court--use your vote to make this happen. God Bless all who proudly serve their country. God Bless America, Maury

Couldn't have said it any better than that! Thank you veterans. Rest in peace brave souls.

http://images.animationfactory.com/imagedir/animations/holiday_events/memorial_day/memorial_day_flag_waving/memorial_day_flag_waving_lg_nw m.gif

05-28-2006, 12:50 PM
If you believed the Drive By Media you'd expect that there would be no thanks visible at all, yet, there it is, plain as day and not easily ignored by those who would want the US to bend over to terrorism.