View Full Version : Official Shotgun Rules...

06-01-2006, 02:49 PM
Here is an amusing site listing the Official Shotgun Rules.



06-01-2006, 04:11 PM
THANKS for this - I have a most interesting use for it. Gonna print it and post it in my classroom.

Some of my MS/HS students use "shotgun" in reference to anything. Stuff not remotely related to travel in a car. It has become a synonym for "dibs." Example - they will say "shotgun last Mt. Dew," or "shotgun that chair."

It drives me friggin' crazy.

I have explained to them how it makes them look when not referring to a car, but that doesn't stop them. It's become the like "dude," which can be used for anything and everything.

I have given them the whole history of the term, which goes back to sitting atop the wagon for the purpose of shooting indians in the old west, rather than inside. Nothing. It's still "shotgun not having to go get the door."

I will get one or two kids per year that help me out by correcting/admonishing the offenders.

Those kids always get As. :)

This is almost as bad as the freshman girl that came in to my room and said "How's it hangin', Mr. Van?"

By the look on her face I could tell she was just trying to be cool and had not a clue as to what she just asked. I asked her if she knew what she had just inquired about. She said that she didn't. After I told her, she responded "I will never say that again."

When kids don't like something, it's "gay." I usually respond by saying, "you know, you're right, that WAS pretty attracted to a member of the same gender." They look at me with a puzzled expression.

Oh well. I suppose we were all idiots at that age. :shake:

06-01-2006, 04:44 PM
I don't know shotgun rules vary with me and my friends. Back in HS when we made more of a big deal with it sometimes we the rule would be as soon as you have stepped out of the car you can call it for the return trip. If one or more people called it at the same time the only appropriate measure was to wrestle for it. Now we just call shotgun if we get it fine if we dont who cares.

06-01-2006, 06:45 PM
I don't get all this. Sometimes we over-think things native to our beings, when we all know you cannot change Mother Nature.

"Shotgun" is a ritual of youth at the age where a motor vehicle becomes part of the social environment. Something automatically understood, just like bumps under Margaret Mary's white 250 count percale peter-pan collared school blouse. If she's showing bumps, I need to see them. Native, right? Innate? My father never had to explain Margaret Mary's bumps, or, "shotgun" to me.

This innate drive of the male animal is not a learned social trait. It's understood, that this is the way it is, and it's not open to challenge, or, modification by substandard "rules" meant to adjust the situation "out of fairness". Therefore, it's not a rule at all nor subject to add-on sissy rules. I like "shotgun" just the way I learned it, rather, how it taught me to be a man.

Besides...I was always rode shotgun anyway, got a letter for it in high school too, because I didn't bother with all the ACLU like "rock, paper, sissors" crap. That's for sissys too, an attempt to be fair when fairness doesn't have anything to do with it.

As a youth, I simply carried the "rock" portion in my pocket and when I was (infrequently I might add) challenged to my rightful spot as the approved "shotgun", he who thought he could take that from me would not like his seat. It's a lot like "who gets this parking space" at the mall. It's mine, b!tch, best move on...

Later in life, as an adult, I was begged by many partners to ride "shotgun" with them, and 'cause I really carried a real shotgun. '76 to '80, that was a Rossi side-by-side "coach" gun, a 12 gauge dual trigger break open. The later version ('80 to '90) was a Rememington 870 Police with folding stock. In '90, I made sergeant, and lost my shotgun access. Alas, these are "in the old days" now.

Trust me on this...Not everything in life is fair, or, played out by a list of "rules" even the Supreme Court could not digest. No "Cliff notes" pocket sized water-proof cheat sheets either. Sometimes ***** was so because I said so, and who argues with a "shotgun" who carries a shotgun?

In the words of the immortal Mr. T, "Fooos!"

06-01-2006, 06:57 PM
I prefer a 45 1911.

One hand free standing @75'.

06-02-2006, 07:05 PM
Got-damn hilarious! I was laffin my (__|__) off when reading it!