View Full Version : Not to sound like a lunatic but...

06-04-2006, 08:43 PM
This tuesday's date is 06/06/06... lol! Anyone else feeling a bit supersticious lately? :fire:

Not to try and scare anyone... Just making a simple observation...

06-04-2006, 09:06 PM
From: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20060604/D8I1BSP00.html

You should come to the party.

Hell, Mich., Heats Up for 6-6-6 Party

HELL, Mich. (AP) - They're planning a hot time in Hell on Tuesday. The day bears the date of 6-6-06, or abbreviated as 666 - a number that carries hellish significance. And there's not a snowball's chance in Hell that the day will go unnoticed in the unincorporated hamlet 60 miles west of Detroit.

Nobody is more fired up than John Colone, the town's self-styled mayor and owner of a souvenir shop.

"I've got '666' T-shirts and mugs. I'm only ordering 666 (of the items) so once they're gone, that's it," said Colone, also known as Odum Plenty. "Everyone who comes will get a letter of authenticity saying you've celebrated June 6, 2006, in Hell."

Most of Colone's wares will sell for $6.66, including deeds to one square inch of Hell.

Live entertainment and a costume contest are planned. The Gates of Hell should be installed at a children's play area in time for the festivities.

"They're 8 feet tall and 5 foot wide and each gate looks like flames, and when they're closed, it's a devil's head," Colone told The Detroit News for a Saturday story.

Mike "Smitty" Hickey, owner of the Dam Site Inn, wasn't sure what kind of clientele would show up Tuesday.

"We're all about having fun here. I don't think we're going to get the cult crowd, the devil worshippers or anything like that," said Hickey, whose bar's signature concoction is the Bloody Devil, a variant of the Bloody Mary.

Colone, meanwhile, has been in touch with radio stations as far away as San Diego and Seattle that are raffling off trips to Hell in honor of 6-6-6.

The 666 revelry is just the latest chapter in the town's storied history of publicity stunts, said Jason LeTeff, one of its 72 year-round residents - or, as the mayor calls them, Hellions or Hell-billies. But LeTeff wasn't particularly enthused.

"Now, here I am living in Hell, taking my kids to church and trying to teach them the right things and the town where we live is having a 6-6-6 party," he said.

According to the town's semiofficial Web site, there are two leading theories about how Hell got its name.

The first holds that a pair of German travelers stepped out of a stagecoach one sunny afternoon in the 1830s, and one said to the other, "So schoene hell" - roughly translated as, "So bright and beautiful." Their comments were overheard by some locals and the name stuck.

The second holds that George Reeves was asked after Michigan gained statehood what he thought the town he helped settle should be called, and reportedly replied, "I don't care, you can name it Hell if you want to." The name became official on Oct. 13, 1841.

06-04-2006, 09:22 PM
June 6, 1942 D-Day......................

06-05-2006, 04:10 AM
June 6, 1942 D-Day......................

A MUCH more important date to remember.

06-05-2006, 04:16 AM
June 6, 1942 D-Day......................

Yes the date above should reminds us that good man that make a stand will kick evil's ass everytime....

06-05-2006, 04:22 AM
I read somewhere that "666" is not the mark on the beast. "616" actually is.

"Satanists, apocalypse watchers and heavy metal guitarists may have to adjust their demonic numerology after a recently deciphered ancient biblical text revealed that 666 is not the fabled Number of the Beast after all.

A fragment from the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, dating to the Third century, gives the more mundane 616 as the mark of the Antichrist.

Where more conventional versions of the Bible give 666 as the "number of the beast," or the sign of the anti-Christ whose coming is predicted in the book's apocalyptic verses, the older version uses the Greek letters signifying 616."

BTW... the zip code for Grand Rapids, Michagan is....

you guessed it 616 :eek:

O's Fan Rich
06-05-2006, 04:31 AM
7 being the scriptural number for Divine perfection and completion, 6 is short of that number. Triple 6 is used to emphasize just how incomplete and imperfect, far from Divine perfection the Wild Beast truly is.

06-05-2006, 05:16 AM
A MUCH more important date to remember.

Couldn't agree more. Lots of lives lost to take control of Normandy but we did it!

06-05-2006, 07:45 AM
I read somewhere that "666" is not the mark on the beast. "616" actually is.

"Satanists, apocalypse watchers and heavy metal guitarists may have to adjust their demonic numerology after a recently deciphered ancient biblical text revealed that 666 is not the fabled Number of the Beast after all.

A fragment from the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, dating to the Third century, gives the more mundane 616 as the mark of the Antichrist.

Where more conventional versions of the Bible give 666 as the "number of the beast," or the sign of the anti-Christ whose coming is predicted in the book's apocalyptic verses, the older version uses the Greek letters signifying 616."

BTW... the zip code for Grand Rapids, Michagan is....

you guessed it 616 :eek:

Does that mean that Amway is the Spawn of Satan?

06-05-2006, 07:47 AM
Yeah, but 664 is the Next Door neighbor of the Beast. He's the one who complains about the noise. "Hey! Can't you torment those souls quietly. I gotta work in the morning."

06-05-2006, 08:05 AM
The date only means that the new Omen movie is comming out that day.:D

06-05-2006, 08:09 AM

Imagine the Devil in Hell. Yelling up at all the Satanists saying prayers, doing unholy deeds, getting tattoos... all with the "666" moniker.

Like "Ay you dumas's! Its 616! Get it right ya frikin morons!"

And what a beating they must get when they finally show up.... "Hey Devil, I did a great job, eh?"

"Sure did, but you sent them to the wrong address, ya dumas!"

This is like Y2K. It is just another day. Nothing more - nothing less.

06-05-2006, 08:34 AM
I read somewhere that "666" is not the mark on the beast. "616" actually is.

"Satanists, apocalypse watchers and heavy metal guitarists may have to adjust their demonic numerology after a recently deciphered ancient biblical text revealed that 666 is not the fabled Number of the Beast after all.

A fragment from the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, dating to the Third century, gives the more mundane 616 as the mark of the Antichrist.

Where more conventional versions of the Bible give 666 as the "number of the beast," or the sign of the anti-Christ whose coming is predicted in the book's apocalyptic verses, the older version uses the Greek letters signifying 616."

BTW... the zip code for Grand Rapids, Michagan is....

you guessed it 616 :eek: Sorry to be the party pooper :P but 616 is the area code for Grand Rapids, MI. The zip codes for Grand Rapids are listed here http://zipcodes.addresses.com/zip_codes_by_city/22014.html

06-05-2006, 08:36 AM

Imagine the Devil in Hell. Yelling up at all the Satanists saying prayers, doing unholy deeds, getting tattoos... all with the "666" moniker.

Like "Ay you dumas's! Its 616! Get it right ya frikin morons!"

And what a beating they must get when they finally show up.... "Hey Devil, I did a great job, eh?"

"Sure did, but you sent them to the wrong address, ya dumas!"

This is like Y2K. It is just another day. Nothing more - nothing less. Getting tattoos reminds me of the nascar commercial for Dale Earnhardt JR when he annouced he was changing his number from 8 to 6.7. They showed ppl that 8's all over the place, in their hair and getting tattoed and the look on their faces when Dale Jr said "Nah I'm just kidding were staying with 8". :D

06-05-2006, 08:51 AM
That's my anniversary. :D

06-05-2006, 09:48 AM
Sorry to be the party pooper :P but 616 is the area code for Grand Rapids, MI. The zip codes for Grand Rapids are listed here http://zipcodes.addresses.com/zip_codes_by_city/22014.html

See that google hit the mark again. Nice!:rasta:

06-05-2006, 09:49 AM
Sorry, I already have the 666 in my VIN (at one point in TWO VINs before a car was sold) and on my driver's license. Please don't tell me I am not the Antichrist anymore. I have too much fun wierding people out and stealing their souls.

06-05-2006, 11:10 AM
This tuesday's date is 06/06/06... lol! Anyone else feeling a bit supersticious lately? :fire:

Not to try and scare anyone... Just making a simple observation...Steven, Steven, Steven, you have too much time on you hands. You can always come down the block and Wax my Truck.:D Just keep your hands off the Marauder ! :nono:

06-05-2006, 11:54 AM
Steven, Steven, Steven, you have too much time on you hands. You can always come down the block and Wax my Truck.:D Just keep your hands off the Marauder ! :nono:

Just have him do it outside with the garage door locked. :lol:

06-05-2006, 01:05 PM
Just have him do it outside with the garage door locked. :lol:

I don't know if Cobra would be too happy about that. If I wax the truck outside it could ruin the paint :eek:

06-05-2006, 01:26 PM
Does that mean that Amway is the Spawn of Satan?

I'm not sure about that, but I know that my kids run screaming in fear when they see me approaching them with paper towels and the dreaded bottle of..... (wait for it....)


...Evil incarnate!:nono:

(good one, dwasson)


06-05-2006, 03:50 PM
My last girlfriend had a tatoo of fire on her left leg and a tatoo of the devil on her right leg.

When she crossed her legs, it really looked like Hell....:rolleyes:

(be carefull with this joke people, it's really old! :) )

06-05-2006, 03:53 PM
I can't be bothered with all this 6 stuff. I am to busy trying to figure out how fast Defyant's gas moves. That is close enough to the anti-christ for me! Dennis:D

06-06-2006, 04:20 AM
I am to busy trying to figure out how fast Defyant's gas moves.
Is that what I smell. :ewww:

01 Interceptor
06-06-2006, 02:28 PM
June 6, 1942 D-Day......................

Actually D-Day was in 1944. In 1942 on that day we won the battle of Midway. I also turned 25 today! My insurance rates went down, so today is a good day IMO.

2003 MIB
06-06-2006, 03:01 PM
I also turned 25 today! My insurance rates went down, so today is a good day IMO.

I turned 41 today and don't believe any of this hooey about evil. I just with that damn flock of ravens would quit following me and doing my bidding...weird.

06-06-2006, 05:02 PM
Actually D-Day was in 1944. In 1942 on that day we won the battle of Midway. I also turned 25 today! My insurance rates went down, so today is a good day IMO.

Happy Birthday.:D :birthday: :party: :woohoo: :cake: :beer:

01 Interceptor
06-06-2006, 05:05 PM
Thank you!