View Full Version : Stephen Colbert 2006 commencement address

06-05-2006, 08:45 AM
This apparantly is a transcript from a commencement speech Stephen Colbert gave at Knox College on Saturday.

We must build walls. A wall obviously across the entire southern border. That’s the answer. That may not be enough — maybe a moat in front of it, or a fire-pit. Maybe a flaming moat, filled with fire-proof crocodiles. And we should probably wall off the northern border as well. Keep those Canadians with their socialized medicine and their skunky beer out. And because immigrants can swim, we’ll probably want to wall off the coasts as well. And while we’re at it, we need to put up a dome, in case they have catapults. And we’ll punch some holes in it so we can breathe. Breathe free. It’s time for illegal immigrants to go — right after they finish building those walls.
I don't want to start any political debates, because to tell you the truth I could care less. I wanted to post it because I think Steven Colbert is funny, and this is just hilarious!

06-05-2006, 11:47 AM
I think the fire proof crocodiles are a bad idea. A better idea would be frickin fireproof sharks with frickin fireproof lasers on their heads.

06-05-2006, 02:54 PM

*THAT* was funny!

I think the fire proof crocodiles are a bad idea. A better idea would be frickin fireproof sharks with frickin fireproof lasers on their heads.

06-05-2006, 03:32 PM
I just wanna know how Steven Colbert keeps a straight face when doing his shtick.