View Full Version : More On Ford's Stupidity!!!!

06-14-2006, 02:29 PM
This was in a newletter to a good friend of mine......Disgusting!!:argue:

June 14, 2006

Ford pleads with dealers: 'ask customers to support Ford'

Dear Xxxxxxx,

The boycott of Ford Motor Company is working! Sales of automobiles made by Ford dropped 2% in May. This follows drops of 5% in March and 7% in April. When AFA began the boycott of Ford on March 13th, their stock was selling for $7.86 a share. As of Tuesday the stock had fallen to $6.68, a drop of $1.18 or 13%.

The success of the boycott prompted Chairman Bill Ford to have an email sent to all Ford dealers pleading with the dealers to "ask customers to support Ford." The email said customers "should stand by our company because of our innovative products, because for generations we've been a positive force in American society, and because our successful Ford and Lincoln Mercury dealers have made their communities stronger."

It is clear that Chairman Bill Ford is willing to take Ford into bankruptcy to appease a small group of homosexual leaders. As you and other AFA Online supporters forward information concerning Ford's promotion of the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage, the boycott will continue to grow.

Did you know that Ford Motor Company forces their employees to undergo "Diversity Training"? At Ford, "Diversity Training" means forced attendance at company sponsored meetings which are used to promote the homosexual lifestyle. Attendance is required. Employees cannot opt out. In their "Diversity Training" homosexual leaders present the homosexual lifestyle and teach employees to accept that lifestyle.

No other view of homosexuality is allowed to be presented. No one is allowed to speak against the homosexual lifestyle or present the serious health problems associated with it. At Ford, "diversity" means there is only one view of homosexuality--that presented by the homosexuals--and that is the only view Ford will allow.

Take Action
When asked to remain neutral in the cultural battle regarding homosexual marriage, Ford refused and chose to promote the homosexual agenda.

Click here to call Ford Motor Company and let them know you are participating in the boycott.

Click here to print out a Boycott Ford Petition and distribute at your church.

Click here to sign the Boycott Ford Pledge if you have not already done so.

If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved.


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends


06-14-2006, 03:45 PM
This is simply one homo-phobe's interpretation of Ford's Diversity program. It couldn't be more innaccurate nor further from reality.

O's Fan Rich
06-14-2006, 03:52 PM
I doubt if that "boycott" is the total reason for Ford's sales issues.

If we started to pick products based on that, well I could never go clothes shopping. Want a suit that looks great on you? Just go the the Men's store and find the flamiest :flamer: guy there! He'll make you look good.
Just watch the inseam measuring.....:eek:

06-14-2006, 04:15 PM
I was gonna say it sounds kinda :bs: to me. I'm boycotting Ford too, but that ain't the reason. I've bought my last Ford vehicle until they turn things around. Maybe a truck - those seem to have held their own so far.


I find it so difficult to believe that there are many people in this country who actually blame our problems on "them damn queers." And yet...

Jon Stewart did a *really* nice job a couple nights ago talking to an author of a book about that subject (all of the country's problems basically boiling down to homosexuality)

Ford's problem is that they are idiots, and not because they are catering to homosexuals - even *if* they were.

Over 50% of marriages don't end in "gayness."

This is simply one homo-phobe's interpretation of Ford's Diversity program. It couldn't be more innaccurate nor further from reality.

06-14-2006, 04:20 PM
I was gonna say it sounds kinda :bs: to me. I'm boycotting Ford too, but that ain't the reason. I've bought my last Ford vehicle until they turn things around. Maybe a truck - those seem to have held their own so far.
Hah...Read up on issues with Ford's 6.0L Turbo Diesel...

06-14-2006, 04:26 PM
American Family Association supporting Homosexuals ?

You can thank Hillary for that...

06-14-2006, 04:45 PM
I would walk accross the street to avoid having anyone think that I supported the AFA. After Hurricane Katrina, the AFA newsletter had an editorial saying that God sent the hurricane to clean up the sin in New Orleans. Yeah, let me hang with that fun loving bunch!

What is Ford guilty of here? Someone at Ford realized, that in spite of the idiots in the AFA, some homosexuals got jobs and made a little money. And being a good employee, this guy at Ford said to himself, "Hey! Let's see if we can get some of that gay money for the company. If it works, maybe I'll get a bonus and I can move away from people who have nothing better to do than worry about who Ford's customers want to have sex with."

06-14-2006, 05:20 PM
Well I have only one thing to say.

06-14-2006, 05:42 PM
Hah...Read up on issues with Ford's 6.0L Turbo Diesel...

Screw the Turbo Diesel. I just picked up a brand new F-150 Super Crew and I love it. I traded in my 2005 F-150 off a 2 year lease for a new 2006. Sweet truck through and through. I drove all the brands, and I must admit, Ford makes a damn good full size truck. The "new" F-150s are very very well built. Nary a squeek or rattle out of a full size truck that can tow 9000lbs, great power, nice creature comforts, tons of utility. Its #1 in the truck market for a reason. I didn't think so until I bought my first F150 two years ago. Now I'm convinced.

06-14-2006, 05:43 PM
A lot of companies cater to homosexuals, Disney World in Orlando has a special day for homosexuals only. I could care less what people do behind close doors....key word here IS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.

I always thought the word phobia means an "irrational fear of" and when something makes you sick to your stomach you call that "disgusting"

Do phobia and disgusting mean the same thing?

06-14-2006, 05:43 PM
The hurricane missed the "gay" section of New Orleans.

I would walk accross the street to avoid having anyone think that I supported the AFA. After Hurricane Katrina, the AFA newsletter had an editorial saying that God sent the hurricane to clean up the sin in New Orleans. Yeah, let me hang with that fun loving bunch!

What is Ford guilty of here? Someone at Ford realized, that in spite of the idiots in the AFA, some homosexuals got jobs and made a little money. And being a good employee, this guy at Ford said to himself, "Hey! Let's see if we can get some of that gay money for the company. If it works, maybe I'll get a bonus and I can move away from people who have nothing better to do than worry about who Ford's customers want to have sex with."

06-14-2006, 05:57 PM
A lot of companies cater to homosexuals, Disney World in Orlando has a special day for homosexuals only. I could care less what people do behind close doors....key word here IS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.

I always thought the word phobia means an "irrational fear of" and when something makes you sick to your stomach you call that "disgusting"

Do phobia and disgusting mean the same thing?

If you don't like 'em, encourage Ford to take their money.

06-14-2006, 06:04 PM
If you don't like 'em, encourage Ford to take their money.

I think Ford is already doing that...their money is green just like anybody elses money. I dislike people one ********* at a time, not in groups.:D

06-14-2006, 07:57 PM
Don't Gay's make good dance partners? :hug2:

In Greece the men dance together. :eek:

I do need help dressing myself. :confused:

The new Ford floor shifters are "tailored" for Gays. Just the right size, and smooth. :banana: :censor:

06-14-2006, 08:31 PM
This is simply one homo-phobe's interpretation of Ford's Diversity program. It couldn't be more innaccurate nor further from reality.

Although I personally hate the word "homo-phobe" because it implies that those who object to public displays of homosexuality are scared of it, I cannot support a boycott based on lifestyle choices. While I am against this lifestyle, I make my decisions about cars and trucks based on more important criteria, like the products themselves. Ford has a lot of room for improvement in this area, but that's another subject.

I think that the selection of or loyalty to a brand should be based on the product and service delivered.

I think that the seletion of or loyalty of political leaders should be based on what they accomplish for the benefit of ALL Americans.

The fact that Ford advertises to a certain 'niche market' by placing ads in certain publications is Ford's perogative.

Using this particular issue to divide America's car choices is exactly the same ploy used to divide American working people and put the current regime into office in DC.

Voting for hatred of a particular group of people allowed the current regime to gain power and plunder the American treasury in a way our country may never recover from. All Americans, except for the wealthy, have been weakened by these politics of hate.

I stongly urge individuals to write to the corporate officers at Ford with their thoughts about Ford's products, or lack of them.

I strongly urge all individuals to vote for leaders who share a plural and common vision for a strong and prosperous America that includes all Americans and serves the needs of all Americans.

FYI...Subaru is the most popular vehicle with gays according to surveys! Go figure.

Take comfort that once in awhile a special product makes it to the market that we really love - Our Marauders!

Thanks and Best Regards,



06-15-2006, 06:01 AM

FYI...Subaru is the most popular vehicle with gays according to surveys! Go figure.

Thaat becawse iths fun to say thrubrarue with a lispth.:D
It's a joke not intended to offend.

06-15-2006, 06:27 AM
The gullibility of some people astound me! I couldn't care less about a person's sexual preferences as long as I am not negatively impacted. I may not agree but I dam sure don't have to participate. I have attended Ford's diversity training and it is nothing like depicted. Their training covers all aspects of diversity including gender, race, religion, sexual preferences, etc. All major companies do the same same. I do discriminate. I refuse to buy a "foreign" car. Too much money to send to an off-shore bank.

06-15-2006, 06:41 AM
...Their training covers all aspects of diversity including gender, race, religion, sexual preferences, etc. All major companies do the same same...

Adults should not require special training in treating ALL others with respect and courtesy, there should be no special laws to protect a certain group against crime, when you do that you are saying that this "special group" is better and deserving of "more" justice than the rest of people.

Whining should be against the law and punishable by repeated slapping until you quit whining.:fishslap:

06-15-2006, 07:21 AM
I think that we may be missing the point behind all these corporations and their "support diversity" seminars, meetings, programs, etc.

Do we really think that they are doing it because they want to? Absolutely not.

The purpose is to be able to defend themselves in the event that a lawsuit, frivolous or not, is brought against them.

What better legal defense in a lawsuit than to display all the programs, seminars, etc supporting different lifestyles and ethnic backgrounds?

My company just opened up a special website for black and hispanic information. I'm still waiting for the "Italian/American" website, but I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon.

06-15-2006, 08:05 AM
I think that the selection of or loyalty to a brand should be based on the product and service delivered.
Wow, what a radical concept. ;)

06-15-2006, 10:59 AM
I worked at a place that had all new hires take a two day on sexual harassment. Am I a bad person because I couldn't stop thinking that the instructor had a great rack?

06-15-2006, 04:34 PM
Count me in as "1 vote to close this thread"

06-15-2006, 05:10 PM
Hah...Read up on issues with Ford's 6.0L Turbo Diesel...

Yeah which they worked very hard to solve. I also believe that's being replaced by a Cumins unit. My 'Ford' hasn't given me any problems except a dying battery. So explain this one to me. My next car will probably be another Panther. Assuming the Grand Marquis ever gets the Mustang GT 24v V8.