View Full Version : Wonder if you can get one here yet ... auto-flamethrower anti-theft device

06-15-2006, 11:35 AM
Wouldn't you want one? A flame-thrower (http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/africa/9812/11/flame.thrower.car/) to deter would-be carjackers?

Check out the video link of the thing in action. You could definitely roast a marshmallo

Tidbits from the story.

The Blaster squirts liquefied gas from a bottle in the automobile's trunk through two nozzles, located under the front doors. The gas is then ignited by an electric spark to cast a man-high fireball, reportedly with no damage to the paint.


Blaster inventor Charl Fourie, 33, disputed concerns that the flamethrower could burn someone to death.

"My personal feeling is that it would definitely blind a person. He will never see again," he said

Firefighters, medical personnel and the police agree 100 percent "that it will never kill a person," Fourie asserted. "This is definitely non-lethal.... A person is not going to stand there for a minute while you roast him. It will fend off the attacker, and that's the end of it."


Of course, that could depend ... since the breadth and depth of blast can be modified according to individual preference. Check out the video on that page linked above.


The first buyer, Police Superintendent David Walkley of Johannesburg's crime intelligence unit, is satisfied the Blaster is legal, provided it is used correctly.


Wow ... yet another reason never to visit South Africa. The police need flame-throwers on their cars to feel safe.


P.S. I should note that this story is from 1998. I wonder if they have changed the laws by now?

Don't ask my why I'm researching flame-throwers on my last day of work at my new job. (I start a better job tomorrow ... so don't expect to see my on the 6 o'clock news tonight.)

Dr Caleb
06-15-2006, 12:18 PM
I first heard about the South African policy a few years ago. I want one.

Not that carjacking is a big deal around here, but to make sure it's mostly legal; I'd increase the pressure of the gas, and angle of the nozzle, then delay the spark.

Then you have a guy doused in gas with a gun standing by your door, and all you need to do is crack your window and show him your Zippo. Detente.

06-15-2006, 03:08 PM
I want it!
Not just for the self defense but how cool would that look doing a burnout in front of a crowd of people and have those flames shooting up like that!
However I think after a few times, there wouldnt be any plastic moldings and frosted glass on the doors