View Full Version : Street racing becomming serious in Toronto!

06-15-2006, 06:50 PM

Check out the video in the link! You get to see two riced out civics get demolished on Toronto tv. Soo much for street racing... :nono:

Joe Walsh
06-15-2006, 07:10 PM
Wow! That is great what the Canadian Authorities did to those P.O.S. Ricers!!

I don't know why I enjoyed that video so much,......well, I DO know why.....

The streets of my area are chock FULL of
I'm tired of very slow economy cars trying to be fast muscle cars.
I'm tired of their coffee can 4 cylinder exhaust waking me up at 2:30 AM on my residential street.
I'm tired of their deafening subwoofers next to me at a traffic light.
I'm tired of their dangerous antics and 'rush hour rallies'.

:fire: :mad2: :mad:

It was so nice to see two of those turds removed from the roadways in such a manner!!!:banana:

I only wish that I could have been operating that heavy CAT bucket.

BTW: That was not STREET RACING, as that implies fast cars.

:soap:....There! I'm done now!

06-15-2006, 09:46 PM
A&E had a show about Toronto street racers. I think it was on a year or two ago. They interviewed the kids with the laptops and then a couple of the old school street racers who quit before they got caught or hurt. It was a typical "scare the folks on the couch" documentary.

06-16-2006, 05:19 AM
California started that about a year ago. They crushed a fox body and a 3rd gen camaro that they confiscated in a street race. I know crushing them sends a message, but auctioning them off would be best. No use destroying a good fox body because of the owners mistakes.

06-16-2006, 07:14 AM
Joe, why don't you just come right out and say what you are thinking?

06-16-2006, 07:45 AM
Joe's anti-rice tyraids are the best! :D

The car crushing alternative is funny when it's Honda's and Acuras, I do hate to see a Fox Mustang or even an old Camaro crushed. Those cars are pretty cool, it'd be better I think to either auction them, or put them up for sale for say $500 to the first buyer, and put some sort of restriction on the offenders license that says they cannot register the same make/model of car ever again.

But the worst thing is the people they interview in these street racing videos. I think it's actually true that the street racing types they interview are like this. They're such complete morons. The one that was on Dateline or whatever was the best.

They had these blockheads going on about how cool street racing it, that the cops are scared of them, and that they're just pushing the envelope and will never stop and don't care that it's dangerous or could endanger others. They basically say if someone else gets hurt that's just part of the game and to accept it.

But the WORST part is all the talk about those crappy Honda's. The one guy was going on about how cool he is becuase he "tricked out his ride" and is getting "300hp to the wheels man!"


They don't want to visit the tracks because they're all to embarrased to realize that while they feel cool on the street they'll look like idiots trying to launch a fwd econobox on street tires. When they turn in 2.5sec 60ft times, bad reaction times, and 15-sec ET's all of a sudden their hot cars with neon lights and their attitudes look STUPID and worthless.

They live in a fantasy world and race on the street because they are afraid of the track. Why legally test your skills and your car when you can be a meathead with no driving ability with a crappy honda a $50 pep-boys exhaust? You know why? To hide the fact that your car sucks and you can't drive worth crap.

I had some guy ask me to race him at the track. He had an Acura integra. he said "well, let me get my TURBO and I'll get out there and we can race." I was all set, and ready. The turbo never came, and he never spoke about it again.

They're all talk, and no walk. Just a bunch of losers who think they're "livin' on the edge."

I also hate it when people try to compare this import crap to the muscle car days of the past. No, it's NOT the same. Back then sure there was some stoplight drags, cruising the strip, etc, but many cars spent time on the dragstrip with their big block V8's, not terrorizing residential zones with 1.6 liter sewing machine engines.

That being said there are some of the honda guys who really soup up their cars and race them on the track only. They have driving skill and get decent times with there cars and do innovate what they do. Kudo's to them but me I still prefer RWD and bigger engines. But atleast their not fooling themselves by having low powered annoying cars and going crazy on the streets just to be cool.

Dr Caleb
06-16-2006, 09:00 AM

I know we've been through this before, but it's not just a kid thing. It's not just a ricer thing.

Here are a few recent incidents from my neck of the woods:

Two Mustangs streetrace, one person still in critical condition.


The car first struck the centre median, then veered into a fire hydrant, a power box, a light pole and six trees before flipping end-over-end and rolling a few times.

The injured man has severe leg, spinal and head injuries.

"He's going to be paralysed if he does make it," said Const. Mike Wynnyk.

I've posted before about an older gentleman racing his Corvette through Edmonton streets, and killing a pedestrian. Mercedes' racing in Vancouver. Newlyweds killed in Toronto. It just has to stop.

At least our new government is looking to make street racing a criminal offense:


Sorry. Thanks for listening. Rant over. Back to our regularally scheduled program.

06-16-2006, 09:12 AM
If they thought those two "Jaye D. Emme" cars were super fast I better not go anywhere near canada...ever.

Dr Caleb
06-16-2006, 09:30 AM
A friend of mine imports cars from Japan. He's got a right-drive Skyline GTR(J) - twin turbo, V-6 beastie pushing 600hp. All wheel drive.

That is the fastest thing I've ever been in. I'm talking scary, stupid fast.

And 18 year olds are buying these things!

I applaud the guys (like my friend) who keep it on the track. (he and other host drifting races, and 1/4 mile "run what you brung" events every Friday in the summer) But not everyone keeps it on the track.

Big House
06-16-2006, 10:13 AM
You have to give credit where credit is due. You take an inline 6 with a thick bottom end and strap a Garrett T something turbo on it and tune it up, it is going to run flat out. If I happen across a 240 done RIGHT, or a 350 done right, or an S2000 done right, or for that matter a Supra DONE RIGHT....it is not fair to call these guys ricers. These are bona fide muscle cars. Not muscular in the sense of "old school" rides but putting down 600hp to the rear wheel, rear wheels qualifies as muscle to me.

Dr Caleb
06-16-2006, 12:15 PM
You have to give credit where credit is due. ....it is not fair to call these guys ricers. These are bona fide muscle cars. Not muscular in the sense of "old school" rides but putting down 600hp to the rear wheel, rear wheels qualifies as muscle to me.

Indeed! I wouldn't consider those guys 'ricers' ethier. That thing is a monster! AWD, light, short. I'd hate to see what it does in the twisties! I'd probabally bruise my forehead banging on the side window.

Most 'ricers' i don't have a problem with ethier. At least they are getting greasy. I might not like the result, but I do like the effort.

06-16-2006, 12:28 PM
Another scarything is how fast some of the sport bikes are. A kid who can only afford a stock Focus can spend the same money on a motorcycle that can run 12 secs all day long. Unless 18 or 19 year olds are a whole lot more responsible than they were when I was that age, some of these kids are killing themselves in spectacular wrecks. At least they usually don't take anyone else with them.

06-16-2006, 12:29 PM
I can't beat up on the ricers too much. They are working with what they know. Tuning an ECU is a skill that a lot of 50 year olds don't have.

06-16-2006, 04:02 PM
Wow! That is great what the Canadian Authorities did to those P.O.S. Ricers!!

I don't know why I enjoyed that video so much,......well, I DO know why.....

The streets of my area are chock FULL of
I'm tired of very slow economy cars trying to be fast muscle cars.
I'm tired of their coffee can 4 cylinder exhaust waking me up at 2:30 AM on my residential street.
I'm tired of their deafening subwoofers next to me at a traffic light.
I'm tired of their dangerous antics and 'rush hour rallies'.

:fire: :mad2: :mad:

It was so nice to see two of those turds removed from the roadways in such a manner!!!:banana:

I only wish that I could have been operating that heavy CAT bucket.

BTW: That was not STREET RACING, as that implies fast cars.

:soap:....There! I'm done now!

OK I know I am going to be:flamer: when I say this.I like watching them get nailed by my local friendly police.I also like they spend lots of money on something that will get impounded or wrecked in few short months.

Just my 10 Cents.
I also like to screw with them tooo! :D Beleave it or not they buy it to! Dumb Streeet racers!:lol:

Joe Walsh
06-16-2006, 04:23 PM
You have to give credit where credit is due. You take an inline 6 with a thick bottom end and strap a Garrett T something turbo on it and tune it up, it is going to run flat out. If I happen across a 240 done RIGHT, or a 350 done right, or an S2000 done right, or for that matter a Supra DONE RIGHT....it is not fair to call these guys ricers. These are bona fide muscle cars. Not muscular in the sense of "old school" rides but putting down 600hp to the rear wheel, rear wheels qualifies as muscle to me.

I couldn't agree more...BUT a REALLY FAST import is extremely rare sight on the street in my area.
I see some of them at the track and give them credit and respect for getting their cars to run so quick.
The guys who make their imports haul a$$ usually do not put a lot of 'RICER' crap on the cars.
I'm just so tired of the 9,998 other turds that clog the roadways.

06-16-2006, 04:26 PM
Street Racing scene has always been there in Edmonchuck... I remember countless stories of morons totalling their 5.0's in the late eighties/early nighties...

06-16-2006, 04:27 PM
The civics trailored to the track are fast...the ones that spent more on their body kit than under the hood aren't.