View Full Version : Revamped V8 RWD Imapa coming sooner than expected

Donny Carlson
06-17-2006, 07:56 PM
According to Canadian news sources, GM is about to convert the Oshawa, Ontario plant over to the RWD Zeta platform to build several new models. First up is reported to be the new, retro-styled Chevrolet Impala RWD V8 sedan (which will include an SS hipo variant), to be followed later in the year by the new Camaro, including the convertible model.

The following year the plant will start a line for the Buick Lucerne V8 RWD sedan as well as a line for the Cadillac DTS, which is rumoured to have a V series variant in the works.

I really want to see the concept/prototype for the Impala SS.

From Hot Rod Magazine, another rendering of the Camaro SS coupe, this one closer to what a production ready car will look like:
(note the LS7 badge on the fender)

<CENTER>http://popularhotrodding.com/features/0606phr_07_concept_camaro_fron t_quarter_z.jpg (http://popularhotrodding.com/features/0606phr_2006_chevy_camaro_conc ept_car/#)</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>And another vert rendering:</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER><CENTER>http://popularhotrodding.com/features/0606phr_08_camaro_concept_side _z.jpg (http://popularhotrodding.com/features/0606phr_2006_chevy_camaro_conc ept_car/#)</CENTER></CENTER>

06-17-2006, 08:09 PM
I hope Car and Driver give them good reviews Donny! Cause everyone knows they are on the ball when reviewing cars and some folks actually let their reviews influence their choices! HHHHMMMM RWD Impala SS.....

06-17-2006, 08:14 PM
A RWD Impala will sway alot of PDs away from Ford.


06-17-2006, 08:54 PM

LOL Good one! :rolleyes:

Mike Poore
06-18-2006, 03:17 AM
I hope Car and Driver give them good reviews Donny! Cause everyone knows they are on the ball when reviewing cars and some folks actually let their reviews influence their choices! HHHHMMMM RWD Impala SS.....
Well, of course, after the hit they took over that POS they're calling an Impala these days, anything would be an improvement. :flamer:

06-18-2006, 06:54 PM
I hope Car and Driver give them good reviews Donny! Cause everyone knows they are on the ball when reviewing cars and some folks actually let their reviews influence their choices! HHHHMMMM RWD Impala SS.....

Car & Driver will feel sorry for GM this time around and just rubber stamp it so to speak.

06-18-2006, 06:55 PM
A RWD Impala will sway alot of PDs away from Ford.


Only if they put a police package on it? :rolleyes:

06-18-2006, 07:59 PM
Only if the put a police package on it? :rolleyes:

And a frame under it?


06-18-2006, 08:41 PM
Ford likes 3 things.

1. Their Mustang

2. Their 4 cylinder cheapies with good mileage

3. Their F150.

You will not see anything else on an ongoing basis from Ford. Will not, no how.

That being said...this is my last new or newer Ford vehicle...until they get their head out of their...you know what.

06-18-2006, 09:25 PM
Ford likes 3 things.
1. Their Mustang
2. Their 4 cylinder cheapies with good mileage
3. Their F150.
You will not see anything else on an ongoing basis from Ford. Will not, no how.
That being said...this is my last new or newer Ford vehicle...until they get their head out of their...you know what.

You foget #4..Econline vans..#1 selling work van in America:bows:

06-18-2006, 09:50 PM
You foget #4..Econline vans..#1 selling work van in America:bows:

LOL I love those vans as well. Much better then that space-shot new

Chevy van. But, the E-Series vans have looked the same since 1995;

Thats a 11/12 yr. old body design! It still looks the best though! :)

06-18-2006, 10:39 PM
LOL I love those vans as well. Much better then that space-shot new

Chevy van. But, the E-Series vans have looked the same since 1995;

Thats a 11/12 yr. old body design! It still looks the best though! :)

Rule #1 don't fix what ain't broke!

I can run the Fords over 350,000 before they cost too much to keep on the road.

Chevy Express starts to cost $$$ at 150,000 miles

RF Overlord
06-19-2006, 10:05 AM
I hope Car and Driver give them good reviews Donny! Cause everyone knows they are on the ball when reviewing cars and some folks actually let their reviews influence their choices! I hope you're speaking tongue-in-cheek here, Dave. We all know how much Car and Liar magasine loves American cars... :rolleyes:

I'd have to see a pic of the new Impala to be sure, but I'm glad GM is finally coming back to CWD (Correct Wheel Drive). It'll be nice to have options if/when we get tired of the MM...I'd way sooner buy a Bow Tie than an Iron Cross...

06-19-2006, 10:14 AM
Revamped V8 RWD Imapa coming sooner than expected.

Have they changed the name to Imapa because of the shame of what they have done to this once mighty nameplate?? :rofl:

Donny Carlson
06-19-2006, 11:19 AM
Revamped V8 RWD Imapa coming sooner than expected.

Have they changed the name to Imapa because of the shame of what they have done to this once mighty nameplate?? :rofl:

Teh Lord of Typos strikes again!

Mike Poore
06-19-2006, 12:19 PM
Teh Lord of Typos strikes again!

Great catch, Dan.

Donny, you wrat! You went back and "fixed" the typo's. I thought it was speld just great! ;)

06-19-2006, 03:37 PM
I hope you're speaking tongue-in-cheek here, Dave. We all know how much Car and Liar magasine loves American cars... :rolleyes:

I'd have to see a pic of the new Impala to be sure, but I'm glad GM is finally coming back to CWD (Correct Wheel Drive). It'll be nice to have options if/when we get tired of the MM...I'd way sooner buy a Bow Tie than an Iron Cross...

I was just goofing RF. I have no use for that magazine. I still prefer to make up my mind to old fashioned way, test drive it and look it over good. You are right though, it will be nice to have options for a V-8 RWD 4dr. A lot of guys at work are salivating at the thought of a V-8 RWD 4dr police package Chevy again. A lot, including myself, never got into the Crown Vics when we had them shoved down our necks when Chevy stopped the Caprice. When I think back to this part of the state back in the early 90's, I would say that easily 90% of Police scout cars on the road around here were Caprices. Our department and most others in our county were hardcore Chevy departments. The Crown Vics were not well recieved, and to this day are considered junk by many departments and officers. I have no doubt that we will jump in if the new Chevy lives up to its billing. Time will tell.

06-19-2006, 10:16 PM
All I can say is this P.O.S. 2005 Wimpala I have to drive at work is the worst "Police" car ever. I have no idea what my agency was thinking when they bought a bunch of them (oh wait lowest bid,,, $$$$$$$). Its a friggen' grandpa car with lights and a radio. Uggggggggggggggggggggggg.

06-19-2006, 10:34 PM
I was just goofing RF. I have no use for that magazine. I still prefer to make up my mind to old fashioned way, test drive it and look it over good. You are right though, it will be nice to have options for a V-8 RWD 4dr. A lot of guys at work are salivating at the thought of a V-8 RWD 4dr police package Chevy again. A lot, including myself, never got into the Crown Vics when we had them shoved down our necks when Chevy stopped the Caprice. When I think back to this part of the state back in the early 90's, I would say that easily 90% of Police scout cars on the road around here were Caprices. Our department and most others in our county were hardcore Chevy departments. The Crown Vics were not well recieved, and to this day are considered junk by many departments and officers. I have no doubt that we will jump in if the new Chevy lives up to its billing. Time will tell.

The LT1 Caprice of the mid 90's was a very cool police vehicle. Here,

they stopped ordering them in the late 80's early 90's because they had

such bad reliability; never had the chance to get the mid 90's LT1 version.

If the new model does not have body on frame, I will be dissapoited.:depress:

06-20-2006, 08:01 AM
The Zetas are unitbody. They will not be BOF. It will be like a GM LX car.

06-20-2006, 09:06 PM
These don't look like the Camaro?

<CENTER>http://popularhotrodding.com/features/0606phr_07_concept_camaro_fron t_quarter_z.jpg (http://popularhotrodding.com/features/0606phr_2006_chevy_camaro_conc ept_car/#)</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>And another vert rendering:</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER><CENTER>http://popularhotrodding.com/features/0606phr_08_camaro_concept_side _z.jpg (http://popularhotrodding.com/features/0606phr_2006_chevy_camaro_conc ept_car/#)</CENTER></CENTER>These don't look like the Camaro?

Mike Poore
06-21-2006, 02:49 AM
These don't look like the Camaro?

Hey Rod, all it needs is two more doors, and a few little body panel changes. Aren't these the same drawings that highschool kid did a few years ago? I mean, they might as well have posted a picture of a Crown Vic. :rofl: