View Full Version : Torrential storms this evening

06-22-2006, 05:21 PM
It had not rained around here in nearly two weeks.

The rains came the day before yesterday and persisted nicely until thios evening.

Nearly 3" in two hours with the last inch coming in 30 minutes.

Being on top of a hill saved the house, but others down hill from me weren't so lucky. The property damage from litteral rivers of water around the hood is phenominal. Entire stone driveways and barriers have washed into the streets and closed some areas.

A good portion, atleast 3-4 tons of #57 gravel from my drive is in the neighbors lawn. Mulch has just...washed away. My sons sand play area has migrated into the back yard. Ruts 6-10" in the yard and drive.

See this gallery for all the pics

Here are a few...

The backyard well into the storm:

The upper end of the drive, just into the storm:

My drive in the neighbors drive:

Sand migration:

06-22-2006, 05:24 PM
Oh yeah...this is the first time the pool overflowed into the yard.
I totally forgot to get a picture. Will do tomorrow.

Driveway rut and (weed barrier) plastic uncovered (I never knew the prior owner put this stuff down:

06-22-2006, 05:28 PM
Dayum Barry. And to think how the weather was 2 weeks ago.

I'll keep an eye on weather.com for your area.



06-22-2006, 05:37 PM
i thought i had it bad. we are the lowest house on the street and when it dumps,we have 2 sumps with a back up pump connected to french drains that run for about for 2 to 3 days. i guess i should count my blessings!!!

06-22-2006, 05:40 PM
I am fortunate.

A family some 1000' down from us apparently had water to the windows of their car.

I am ordering 8 tons of #57 tomorrow for saturday a.m. delivery...bring a shovel. :P

06-22-2006, 05:41 PM
That sucks Barry! At least some of your neighbor's gravel moved :D


06-22-2006, 05:43 PM
I am fortunate.

A family some 1000' down from us apparently had water to the windows of their car.

I am ordering 8 tons of #57 tomorrow for saturday a.m. delivery...bring a shovel. :P

I can arrive Sat after 2-3ish if needed. We have a Baby class from 9-1


06-22-2006, 05:49 PM
I was out delivering in that crap,I looked like I came out of your pool:D Lots of high water out in these parts.Marauder is up and dry.

06-22-2006, 05:52 PM
That sucks Barry! At least some of your neighbor's gravel moved :D


No doubt...and that dumb sob just walked up here talking (insinuating) like the flood in his front yard was MY fault. :shake:

06-22-2006, 05:54 PM
No doubt...and that dunb sob just walked up here talking like the flood in his front yard was MY fault. :shake:

Gotta love it. Put some Barbed Wire up throught the tree line :D


06-22-2006, 06:07 PM
Pissy neighbors are a pain we have them to:P

06-22-2006, 06:51 PM
Storms went crazy down here too. I didn't have trouble with water but the thunderstorms got me called back into work to fix the fire alarm system and the PA system. Fire alarm system had the air handlers down in the IT server room, people were getting a little nervous.

06-22-2006, 06:52 PM
Hey I just got to 100 posts!

06-22-2006, 06:53 PM
And I got a star!

06-22-2006, 06:55 PM
Hey I just got to 100 posts!

And I got a star!:congrats: Bob!

06-22-2006, 06:56 PM
Will your insurance company cover the cost of repairs?

06-22-2006, 07:00 PM
We are getting rain in the Philadelphia area till next Wednesday???????

How high's the river?

06-22-2006, 07:06 PM
It's not cool BigDog.

Perhaps your news will give some coverage.
Bookoo floodage in neighboring counties. Several drownings including rescuer deaths.
Many, many destroyed basements, homes, business', and roadways.
Trees on cars and such.

My issues...nothing more than 2-3 days of cleanup and 4-5 hundred dollars worth of replacement stone and mulch.

No insurance claims here.:bows:

06-22-2006, 07:16 PM
Jim definitely doesn't need another flood!

06-22-2006, 07:20 PM
Holy crap!

I just found out the lumber yard at the end of my street...adjacent to a small river...had all of its inventory washed away!

The video from our local skyFox is incredible!!!
The little river that passes through our neighborhood looked like Niagra at its worst.:eek:

06-23-2006, 06:26 AM
So you are from Gahanna huh? Aren't you the guys who just beat Team USA in soccer?
And I got a star!

06-23-2006, 07:15 AM
Best wishes Bear and Jess, hope this passes soon.

BTW, The Weather Channel has some video of this area.

06-23-2006, 09:43 AM

Lucky your on higher land, me too. I had to cross two high water areas 1' (91&422 and Baindbridge Rd.) and three smaller ones (422E, 2 on Liberty Rd.). They were constructing on Liberty and the temporary gravel where they ran a waterline washed out and couldn't tell it was under the 2" mud river. Went through and almost bottomed out. Luckily I drove the Vic' to work. Solon was a complete mess yesterday, added an hour to my drive home.

If you need help Sat let me know.

06-23-2006, 10:05 AM
Man-oh-man, watching the development on The Weather Channel, Norwalk is under water. Unbelieveable...The woman reporter stood next to the water line left behind by flash flooding that has since receeded, and it was higher than she is tall.

Any members in the Buckeye crew who need anything, shout out, K?

06-23-2006, 09:44 PM
UHH YEAH, YEAH, I've got 10' of water around my house. :bs: I'll need help from anyone that can make it. Bring a bottle and plenty of beer! It may take all week to watch the water recede.:D

Just kidding, anyway THANKS for the offer!

Man-oh-man, watching the development on The Weather Channel, Norwalk is under water. Unbelieveable...The woman reporter stood next to the water line left behind by flash flooding that has since receeded, and it was higher than she is tall.

Any members in the Buckeye crew who need anything, shout out, K?

06-23-2006, 10:15 PM
I got a call this morning from my Mother in Wellington OH. She told me of a Fireman I knew who died in a Swift Water Rescue attempt in the Black River.Alot of my friends and family are on that force. They say the water is at a 30yr high.Two teen age kids tried to drive through the river, and were washed away in the currrent.The diver was a 15yr Diver/Firefighter. Story can be found at Chronicle telegram.com.This man left behind 4 children.

06-23-2006, 10:21 PM
I got a call this morning from my Mother in Wellington OH. She told me of a Fireman I knew who died in a Swift Water Rescue attempt in the Black River.Alot of my friends and family are on that force. They say the water is at a 30yr high.Two teen age kids tried to drive through the river, and were washed away in the currrent.The diver was a 15yr Diver/Firefighter. Story can be found at Chronicle telegram.com.This man left behind 4 children.

It's a sad story, my brother is a Firefighter where I live and it hit home pretty hard, had my hair on my arms standing up when I heard it on the news.

06-24-2006, 06:18 AM
Wellington is a beautiful town, a fantastic place to live, and has even better schools. In fact, my wife and I have been looking at moving out there.


06-24-2006, 06:39 AM
Hi All,

I just wish I could get some rain. This has been the driest Spring I have ever seen. And just a couple of hundred miles to the North it floods. My grass looks like it is turning to hay! My dad has been feeding his cows cotton seed (luckily he has a cotton gin just down the road) because he used all his hay during the Winter and his grass won't grow without rain. It has been hot and humid but DRY! This is very unusual for our area. Every few days I have to add water to my pool.

06-24-2006, 06:49 AM
Try this on for size. Texas size :D


That's right, TEN INCHES of rain hit us Monday, during the morning rush hour.
Welcome to Texas, OUCH! :D

06-24-2006, 09:50 AM
Any members in the Buckeye crew who need anything, shout out, K?


20 yards of red mulch and 6 ton of #57 limestone.:P

Kidding of course! I have the gravel coming tomorrow at one.
The mulch can wait till next year.
My back hurts.

06-24-2006, 10:07 AM
Hi All,

I just wish I could get some rain. This has been the driest Spring I have ever seen. And just a couple of hundred miles to the North it floods. My grass looks like it is turning to hay! My dad has been feeding his cows cotton seed (luckily he has a cotton gin just down the road) because he used all his hay during the Winter and his grass won't grow without rain. It has been hot and humid but DRY! This is very unusual for our area. Every few days I have to add water to my pool.

Same thing over on the Northeast corner of FL.
Might have a chance of rain tomorrow, but we are way down from where our rainfall totals should be, If it wasn't for the tropical storm a few weeks back we'd be a desert right now.

06-24-2006, 10:08 AM

These are photos from my immediate area. :depress:

06-24-2006, 11:20 AM

These are photos from my immediate area. :depress:

Barry: I am happy to see you and Jess are okay!

Mike Poore
06-25-2006, 02:18 PM
Just back from my circle tour to and from Greenfield. I came up to Lancaster then north to I-70 and east to I-77, then north to Canton, and cross country to Youngstown on my way to Snow Shoe. The trip from Canton to Youngstown was "shortest distance" via the GPS and I got into some rural roads and towns out that way, and they got hammered! Some roads were closed, and there were power outages, all over the place. One little town out near New Philadelphia looked as if they had tornado damage. I should have just come on up to Walings road, and hunkered down.

06-25-2006, 02:45 PM

These are photos from my immediate area. :depress:


Raining good here too ... tho the situation is nothing like your area.

We might have great winters here in FL ..... but the "rainy season" is getting really old.

Sometimes I think we should have hitched our wagon & went west instead of south.

I want take-out .....

But I don't feel like going out in this slop.


07-01-2006, 09:14 AM
I forgot to post the 'fix' pics last Sunday.

We raked what was left of the mulch out of the yard and back into the beds, picked up trees and branches, and spread 6 ton of gravel.

The drive looks good again. Pics in the gallery.






07-01-2006, 10:15 AM
Barry and Jess, you have a most lovely home and garden, quite beautiful and relaxing. Glad to see all is back in it's place, congrats!

07-01-2006, 10:34 AM
Barry and Jess, you have a most lovely home and garden, quite beautiful and relaxing. Glad to see all is back in it's place, congrats!

Let me also add that your p ussy ain't bad looking either! :D
