View Full Version : Support The Troops This 4th of July

Bob Mathis
07-03-2006, 04:56 AM
I want to say a few words about are troops who are serving overseas. I can say these things because I am here with them. Lets not forget who they are and where they are. I am in a place where each day I see them hurt from being away from home and there families. I all so see them in away that I can not say to much about, but onething I can say they do the job that needs to be done. For see I am a Viet Nam vet and I know what it is like to do things that know one else want's to do or can not do. They do it because they are soldiers. But the bottom line is do not forget them and do not say bad things about them for they are told to be here by are goverment. If you see a service memeber some where like in an airport, tell him or her thanks for what they are doing. Those words well go a long way's.

Remember one more thing. America is still the best county in the world. And if you do not belive that come over here and see for yourself.

To all have a great 4th of July.

SFC Robert D. Mathis,
US Army, Retired

2003 MIB
07-03-2006, 05:33 AM
I buy beer in airports for anyone in uniform (officers too :rolleyes: ) .

More than once my bar tab was "significantly discounted" by the bartender.

Good post, Bob!

07-03-2006, 05:45 AM
I want to say a few words about are troops who are serving overseas.
God Bless them all !!! :up: Don't forget those here in the states that have recently returned or that are getting ready for deployment. The turn-around time is very short due to all of the overseas committments.

:flag: And, a Happy Independence Day to all. :flag:

07-03-2006, 06:03 AM
Remember one more thing. America is still the best county in the world. And if you do not belive that come over here and see for yourself.

Amen Brother!

God bless our troops and keep them safe until they can come home.

07-03-2006, 06:04 AM
Brief story that warmed my heart:

A coworker/friend was recently in Chicago celebrating his son's graduation from Great Lakes Naval Training Station. While the family ate dinner at Morton's, a regular customer wanted to meet their son, who was in uniform. The son went over to the gentleman and had a brief conversation. The gentleman then gave the son 4 C-notes towards the family dinner. My friend then went over to the gentleman and thanked him for his generous offer but politely declined. The gent said that the son could keep the money. At the end of the meal, when my friend asked for the check, the waiter told him it had already been taken care of. The gentleman, who had already left, had paid the $600+ tab for the family.

I had never heard of such generosity! But it doesn't need to be lots of money to show our appreciation for all our soldiers and support staff. An email saying "Hi" and "thinking of you," sending care packages like we did in our Early Years to Piglet who had been deployed overseas at the beginning of the conflict back in 2003, are just a couple of ways we can say Thank You!


^^^ Piglet with my flag ^^^

Thank you Bob, Kevin, any other Members here that are overseas, and thank you to all our armed forces and support staff who put their lives on the line daily to make this planet a better place.

07-03-2006, 04:52 PM
I was looking aroud on the internet looking for a way to send a care package, and would like a link from a legit site or foundation to send care packages. I have read about donating for air conditioners for the troops; where is that? and that beef jerky is a favorite. I want to know that what I send is going to the troops, and not some exploit

07-03-2006, 05:35 PM
I was looking aroud on the internet looking for a way to send a care package, and would like a link from a legit site or foundation to send care packages. I have read about donating for air conditioners for the troops; where is that? and that beef jerky is a favorite. I want to know that what I send is going to the troops, and not some exploitPackages must be sent to a specific name. There are plenty of websites out there that can help you. Please do your research.


http://www.operationusocarepackage.or g/site/pp.asp?c=ikLVJ7MSKvH&b=569653


I'd suggest getting a name and mailing address from a friend. That gives you a personal connection. Browse the different website to get ideas of what to send. Be aware that there are some religious restrictions on some items based on the destination country. Also check out the US Post Office regulations regarding mailings.

ik04 is currently deployed so consider Kevin! He checks in every once in a while here, so you could get his address.

07-03-2006, 08:27 PM
God keep us safe from the terrorists supporting leftists!

07-03-2006, 08:52 PM
I too support the troops and hope that they will be safe in every way, every day. But keeping them in Irag is supporting the failed policy of the Bush Admin. The best way to support them is to bring them home now.
They are doing a difficult job in an impossible situation. They need and deserve our respect, free beers, free dinners and care packages. IMHO.

07-04-2006, 10:09 PM
I got a phone call from Ik04 (Kevin) this afternoon--he was stranded at DFW Airport. The transport plane taking him back to A-stan had a problem and they had a 24 hour delay in Dallas. I picked him up at the hotel and we had a great steak at Texas Land and Cattle ( the manager comped his meal:D ) and we spent a few hours just talking about everything--among them, caravaning to MV4. I really enjoyed it. We are having breakfast tomorrow morning and hanging-out til he has to go back to the hotel about 2PM. He has 110 days more in A-stan--then home in time for the trip. The pic is lousy--can't figure it out --think the photog had his finger over the flash--Kevin has better ones. Thanks, Kevin for a great time--Be safe and return home soon, Maury

07-05-2006, 05:14 AM
How nice that you live so close to be just a phone call aways! All our Best to Kevin, Maury. Looking forward to seeing you both in FL. I tried lightening up the pic a bit.