View Full Version : Interesting Day Trip

07-04-2006, 07:11 AM
The wife and I hit the road for the mountains and Skyline Drive yesterday. Was a terrific day for a short road trip and outing with lots of twisties. :D

Stopped by Luray but passed up the caverns this time in favor of "The Garden Maze". >>>>> http://www.thegardenmaze.com It is supposed to be the largest garden maze in the mid-Atlantic region. It was alot more complicated than I thought and it was fun trying to solve the riddle of the maze by finding the four points of interest and stamp the card. We really enjoyed "getting lost" in the maze. I suggest hitting the restroom before you enter 'cause it may be awhile before you find your way back out. The fountain in the middle doesn't help ease the problem if you are in need of the facilities.


Anyway, it is a good day trip for those in and around the CAM region. :up:

P.S. The wife's Freestyle handled the trip very well. ;) The CVT is excellent for hill climbs.

07-04-2006, 09:55 AM
I like that drive too.
Also the ultimate antique store route is down RT 11(?) through Winchester, Strasburg, Staunton and Edinburgh. My wife could spend a month there...:sleepy:

07-05-2006, 07:04 AM
Mazes give me the creeps. When I was a kid there was this grade "B" horror movie called "The Maze" and it was about these kids who visit a castle with a maze and inside the maze was a giant FROG who used to be their uncle. Sounds ridiculous but at the time was absolutely scary. No caves, no parachutes, no submarines, no mazes.

07-05-2006, 07:12 AM
No caves, no parachutes, no submarines, no mazes.Submarines are cool, especially during a tornado.

07-05-2006, 07:34 AM
Submarines are cool, especially during a tornado.

07-05-2006, 08:35 AM
... and inside the maze was a giant FROG who used to be their uncle.
Yeah, that's what all those giant frogs try to tell you. :rofl:

BTW -- I updated my post with a pic of the maze. :D Didn't see any frogs in there at all. :rolleyes:

07-05-2006, 12:06 PM
The wife and I also hit the drive yesterday.
Got on at rt 33 entrance, stopped for the annual family picnic at Big Meadows, then rode down to rt 211 to head home. didn't see any marauders out but we did stop to watch a couple of black bear cubs and the mama bear
along the way. We haven't been to the maze but it sounds like something fun to check out.