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07-05-2006, 08:49 PM
From: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=341361


Lawnmower Sets Speed Record on Salt Flats
July 4th, 2006 @ 9:33pm
John Hollenhorst Reporting

There was some high-speed Fourth of July action on the Bonneville Salt Flats today, and when the dust settled, it was a lawnmower with a new world record. A stock car that set a world record yesterday had a run today that wasn't too shabby either.

It's one HOT lawnmower. But what's it doing in a place where there are no lawns, and where speed rules?

Bob Cleveland, World's Fastest Mower Driver: "Oh man, cause it's a cheap form of entertainment."

Bob Cleveland's goal was to set a world record. Pretty easy to do because, until now, there was no world record. Just Bob and the little engine that could.

Bob Cleveland: "We don't need a whole lot of horsepower to go fast."

But Bob had to wait his turn. The Big Boys were on the Salt Flats. Russ Wicks and his stock car set a world record Monday, 223 miles an hour. He had the need for even more speed on the Fourth of July.

Russ Wicks, World's Fastest Stock Car Driver: "I didn't come here just to break the world record a little bit. Our game plan was we wanted to bump it up there some more."

To be an official record, the driver has to race through a measured mile twice, in opposite directions, within an hour.

And sure enough, the world's fastest stock car went even faster, 237 miles an hour, but it wasn't official. Wind kept Wicks from doing the return trip.

But he now holds two very different world records. A few years ago he became the fastest man in a propellor-driven boat.

Russ Wicks: "And now out here, over 220 miles an hour on this. It's all extremely cool. I have to say, I'm really enjoying this."

Which brings us back to Bob Cleveland on his lawnmower. Once the track was clear, he was up and running, blazing across the salt. His top speed averaged be just over 80 miles an hour, both directions.

Bob CLeveland: "We'll gradually go a little faster. And you know, I got other things on the agenda, like jumping lawnmowers and things like that."

Officially, it's now the fastest lawnmower on earth, doing a fine job on the Salt Flats.

Racers and government officials say the salt condition this year may be the best in many decades. They expect many speed records to fall this year.