View Full Version : One for the little guy...

Donny Carlson
07-11-2006, 07:08 PM
I am happy to annouce that the present owner of my old Marauder won his claim against the Chebby dealer who sold the car to him. What, you say?

You may recall that one of the mods was a Valentine 1 that I had hard wired and mounted next to the rear view mirror. You can see the edge of it in the picture below:


When I traded, I left the V-1 in the car. The windshield on an SSR is very small, and I decided it wouldn't work so well there, so I left it. The dealer had me type up a list of mods for my Marauder, and of course, I listed "Valentine 1 hard wired into electrical system" as well as leaving the instructions and acessories with the car. When the owner showed interest in the car, the Chebby dealer helpfully faxed my list to him.... with their dealership name time and date stamped on the fax.

So, naturally, somebody at the dealer STOLE the Valentine out of the Marauder, then the clueless salesman told the new owner "oh, it's hard wired so you can't see it." It wasn't until I was asked about it that he realized he'd been ripped off.

The dealer, NATURALLY denied there ever was a V-1 in the car, in spite of their OWN fax with it listed clearly on it, claimed I removed it the night I traded it in (lieing SOS), and basically dug in their heels.

Cut to the chase... he took them to court, judge ruled the fax clearly stated it was equipment on the car and they owed him for it, plus court costs. Now he can go out and buy one new.

So, those weasels would rather pay an attorney to keep them from having to cough up, what, $500 for a V1? Great customer relations there, aholes.

So glad I am rid of them. Their service dept? Had a tech who was called up on the line to listen to a defective drive shaft popping (and which was later replaced under warranty by a different Chevy dealer) get PO'd because another car was parked in front of my SSR, swore AT ME, then threw my keys towards the service writer's desk and stormed off. Worst part? The service write then told me "he couldn't find anything wrong with the drive shaft."