View Full Version : Marauderer gun owners...

07-13-2006, 12:36 PM
OK, so I know a lot of my fellow Marauderers are pro-gun (that seems to be a qualification of owners of these cars, lol) and I want some advice. I've been wanting to buy a hand gun for the house and to keep at my work (for reasons I don't think I need to explain here) and I'm not sure what to get. I still have to take my courses and get my liscence, but I want to skip to the fun part of this venture and talk about what I am actually going to purchase. The board is pretty much open as I am not sure where to begin with this. I have fired rifles and shotguns, but I'm kind of clueless about hand guns. So all you gun guys, lemme hear it!


07-13-2006, 12:46 PM
It depend on if you want stopping power. If you do then you might want to concider a .40 or .45 cal handgun. Glock and Sig makes some good weapons. If you want to go to something smaller and more concealable then you can go with a .380

check out this site, I think it will help you make a better decision http://remtek.com/arms/sig/model/229/229.htm

07-13-2006, 12:59 PM
I am leaning towards a .357 snubb nose, it has pleanty of stopping power and is concealable. Another goog thing it will never jam...............

07-13-2006, 01:11 PM
Well, I go shooting at the range every month or so for the past year, and through that year I have sampled quite a few firearms. As far as pistols go, the one that seems the most comfortable to shoot that comes in various calibers is the glock. They are super light, and the saftey mechanism is so cool, just hard to get used to.

07-13-2006, 01:12 PM
There are soooo many option it isn't even funny. And everyone will have their OWN opinion, and tell you yours is wrong.

Personally, I prefer a Revolver in 38SPL or 357MAG. With a wheelgun, if you pull the trigger, and it doesn't go bang......pull it again.

However, w/ Auto's, you have more rounds, larger Calibers (mostly) and a LOT more choices.

Now, S&W is now has some offerings in 45ACP in a 2". That would be one hellova little carry gun. But...I think it is on one of the larger frames...not the J.

The Glocks and Sig's seem to be popular carry guns as well.

The choice is all up to you. Try firing as many as you can, hell.....maybe a 2" Snub doesn't fit your hand well.

Just MY thoughts.... Good Luck in whatever you decide!


07-13-2006, 01:23 PM
If you have children at home, gun safety begins with them! Its the curiosity factor that has to be addressed.

07-13-2006, 01:29 PM
:cool: I agree with the consensus on this subject. It really is subjective. You have are already considering a revolver, which is a good choice for personal protection and for safety considerations. Myself, I prefer automatics and have a Kimber .45 and an Astra 9mm. Just something about all that lead you can throw!

07-13-2006, 01:30 PM
I'm a Glock man. My G34 (9mm) is a damn fine weapon.

I love gun threads! :D

07-13-2006, 01:36 PM
Once again, my PERSONAL preference is to not carry a Cocked & Locked pistol like the 1911. Too many what-if's. Both in a needed situation, and a lawyer standpoint.

The safety of a revolver, or a Glock, Springfield XD, some SIG's and quite a few others is kinda nice.

One other thing.... DO NOT MODIFY a carry firearm. An A-Hole attorney would have a hayday w/ a lightened trigger, or "high cap magazine". Less fuel for the fire.


B.C. Bake
07-13-2006, 02:20 PM
44mag, and for in the house rounds I use bullets have small bb's for the projectile or slug. Good stoping power and if you miss it will only go through one wall.:pimp: But a small 12 gage shotgun works best for the house, like a rem 870 express 18" barrell. Be safe!:fire:

07-13-2006, 02:33 PM
The gun to own is the gun you are comfortable with. I have both revolvers and autos. I enjoy shooting both.

I have fired thousands of rounds and have never had a revolver misfire. Every auto I have ever owned has misfired.

For home protection I prefer a 357 snub nose with 38+P hollow point ammo. I keep it in a button push pop open safe.

I have large hands and prefer the bigger 357 frame. I use the 38+P ammo which has plenty of stopping power.

One day my gun smith asked me why do you have all these locks on your guns? I said I have 2 children. He replied can you stop their curriosity? I said no. He replied can you teach them? I said yes. He said then teach them.

I owned my first gun when I was 10. When I was 12 I owned a 22 Mag lever action and I also owned the ammunition.

07-13-2006, 02:37 PM
My wife was on a gun kick about a year ago. We rented and fired both revolvers and automatics. Try renting and using as many as you can - it will help you decide what you are most comfortable with.

07-13-2006, 03:10 PM
I carried a 1911A1 .45 auto in the Marine Corp for 6 years and have owned several for years. I have had a couple of failures to feed on the combat range due I believe to my failure to change mag springs often enough. I have large hands but want to carry comfortably so have owned a Kimber .45 Pro Carry for years. Full size aluminum frame to reduce weight and fit my hand with a match barrel that is 1" shorter than standard and easier to conceal. This fits me and perhaps no one else but I would recommend trying one if you can. Dennis

07-13-2006, 03:17 PM
The Mossberg 'defender' is a fine short barrel shotgun.

My 357 Mag. Revolver has plenty of stopping power for me.

Of course, not being an LEO, I don't regularly carry anyway.

A lot of load options to choose from and a fairly reasonable ammo cost.




2003 MIB
07-13-2006, 03:32 PM
Springfield XD in 40 cal if I have jacket. S&W 342 is my daily carry- 5 shots of .38spl and doesn't weigh much more than a wallet.

07-13-2006, 03:52 PM
Springfield XD in 40 cal if I have jacket. S&W 342 is my daily carry- 5 shots of .38spl and doesn't weigh much more than a wallet.

You are the man. My CC piece is the XD-40.
But what ever you get you have to figure out are you going to carry at work or is it going to be hidden somewhere. That will determine what kinda size requirement you have. General rule of thumb is shoot what is comfortable to you so I would recommend finding a range that rents guns at the range and try different ones and calibers and see what you are comfortable. A 9mm handled and properly shot-placed will be way better then a .45 acp that you are all over and cant even aim cause of the recoil. Here is a shot of my little collection.

07-13-2006, 03:54 PM
Is that a Taurus 357?

07-13-2006, 04:31 PM
I'm partial to my Glock G21 and G30 in .45 ACP; but a good generic pump shotgun were you just have to basically point and shoot is a good option. My .02 cents....

07-13-2006, 06:10 PM
If you pull one out you pull it out to shoot........ Right? People should never know you carry otherwise. So I agree with the folks here who suggest renting and shooting as many as possible to see which works for you. Then once this is accomplished by the best version money can buy.......

If you ever do pull it out, you want no concerns about if it will work when you need it too.

Me? I carry a Sig 229 .40 cal. 10 shot mag. because its very concealable, fits my hand well, very accurate, and the workmanship is without question.

Read an article in a gun mag a few years ago talking about the best 2 shot kill rounds that can be fired. It s said, .357, and the .40 cal. were tops, with .45 right behind. This influenced my decision interms of caliber, as I was always told to shoot to bullets at a time into a target in personal defense situations. I take this subject very seriously. I know others here do as well. It is after all a right we have in this country, but one we should not abuse, by being trigger happy. I think you are doing the wise thing by getting your certs and saftey classes taken care of. Wish more people though that aspect through like you.

Hope this helps.


07-13-2006, 06:24 PM
A nice .22 semi-auto for me! Maybe sub-sonic ammo? Also, knives are silent. I recall reading our troops in Iraq are carrying .22 semi-auto's for back-up. One shot, one kill.

07-13-2006, 06:27 PM
I prefer my Glock 9 MM.:D

07-13-2006, 06:33 PM
Wow, I have never posted a thread on MM.net that got this big of a response. But then again I knew you trigger happy SOBs would be more than happy to give me your opions! :D Thanks guys, now it's time to take some of these guns and start researching!

07-13-2006, 06:40 PM
Wow, I have never posted a thread on MM.net that got this big of a response. But then again I knew you trigger happy SOBs would be more than happy to give me your opions! :D Thanks guys, now it's time to take some of these guns and start researching!

Just because you carry doesn't make you trigger happy.
Several members of this site are active or retired Law Enforcement Officers who are extremely responsible.

07-13-2006, 06:41 PM
Is that a Taurus 357?
Yes that is the Taurus 357 8-rounder very fun to shoot.

07-13-2006, 06:47 PM
If you pull one out you pull it out to shoot........ Right? People should never know you carry otherwise. So I agree with the folks here who suggest renting and shooting as many as possible to see which works for you. Then once this is accomplished by the best version money can buy.......

If you ever do pull it out, you want no concerns about if it will work when you need it too.

Me? I carry a Sig 229 .40 cal. 10 shot mag. because its very concealable, fits my hand well, very accurate, and the workmanship is without question.

Read an article in a gun mag a few years ago talking about the best 2 shot kill rounds that can be fired. It s said, .357, and the .40 cal. were tops, with .45 right behind. This influenced my decision interms of caliber, as I was always told to shoot to bullets at a time into a target in personal defense situations. I take this subject very seriously. I know others here do as well. It is after all a right we have in this country, but one we should not abuse, by being trigger happy. I think you are doing the wise thing by getting your certs and saftey classes taken care of. Wish more people though that aspect through like you.

Hope this helps.


DITTO this. Hey those are the 2 calibers I own but I only carry the .40 the 357 isnt very concealable LOL. I will warn you though if you go to a range and get something you like and can handle dont watch any IDPA videos cause you may start to get addicted. This is now the thing that I want to get into. Looks like alot of fun and is also benificial cause it helps you shoot better.

07-13-2006, 06:50 PM
S&W 642 Airweight. 5 shot +P ammo and less than a pound. If you are considering a revolver, hammerless is the way to go.

07-13-2006, 06:59 PM
Just because you carry doesn't make you trigger happy.
Several members of this site are active or retired Law Enforcement Officers who are extremely responsible.

What^^ he said. Also what has not been mentioned is cost. sometimes cost makes your decision for you too. if this is not a factor , then go forthe young man :D .

07-13-2006, 07:47 PM
I agree with others on this. It is totally subjective. The best to own is the one you are most comforable with.

My range rents most of the new models. Find what feel good to you.

I have both a revolver (S&W Model 29 44MAG) and automatic (Cobray 9mm - 32 rounds in 1 mag.) close by the bed.

The shotgun is close by as well just in case.

Paranoid? NO! Prepared? YES!

07-13-2006, 08:10 PM
Yes that is the Taurus 357 8-rounder very fun to shoot.

I have a Raging Bull that I am still trying to master. At 25 yards 1 round in the Bull's Eye, 2 on the paper edge and who knows where the other 2 went.

After Katrina a client says I know where you are going and I got something that you need. I knew what he was talking about and said I already have one.

He leaves and comes back with an aluminum briefcase and hands it to me. Sold it to me for a good price.;)

07-13-2006, 08:30 PM
DITTO this. Hey those are the 2 calibers I own but I only carry the .40 the 357 isnt very concealable LOL. I will warn you though if you go to a range and get something you like and can handle dont watch any IDPA videos cause you may start to get addicted. This is now the thing that I want to get into. Looks like alot of fun and is also benificial cause it helps you shoot better.

I've not seen those vid's Darth. I will look around for them here in GA.

Trigger Happy - Comment........... Guys I think we all know who is on this board. No need to regulate comments here. Just merely mentioning a level of conciousness<spelling:o > as it is an imense responsibility for Leo's and citizens alike. its no toy. For a citizen, I have seen my share of dead ppl.because of gunplay. Don't want it to be anyone I know.


07-13-2006, 08:50 PM
Nobody has addressed amunition issues.

I think that many people carry pistols that overpenetrate. I worry about some nimrod shooting through the bad guy and killing the neighbor in his bed. That's why I like pump shotguns for around the house. And, that "KER-CHUNK" sound of a cheap 12 guage racking tells the bad guy that he screwed up.

Check out this site (http://www.thegunzone.com/quantico-wounding.html) where the wounding factors of handgun ammo are considered.

07-13-2006, 09:41 PM
What you need to do is take all the suggestions for all the guns given here and look at the ones that fit you: Pricewise, caliber-wise, size-wise etc. and then take that list to a gunshop or (preferrably) a range that rents guns. Then hold all the guns in your hand and if you can shoot them. Find the one that fits you best and you hold and shoot best. I have a $1100 USP Tactical .45 that I love, it fits me well and I'm accurate with it. Some people complain it's too big. I have a Desert Eagle in .50AE that I paid 600 bux for in a trade, that fits my hand very well and it's the most accurate handgun I own, other people say they are way too big, impractical and suck really bad. I owned a Sig Sauer P220 that a lot of people (including my father, cop for 21 years carried a P220 for 9 or 10 of them) swear by, and I couldn't shoot that thing well to save my life so I had to trade it in. I've shot a USP Compact in .45, and it fit my hand well but I found that when I shot it the recoil pushed the grip into the webbing between my thumb and index finger and started cutting it after around 30 rounds and I was very inaccurate with it. The USP Compact in 9mm is a little smaller than the .45, but I shot a good 300 rounds through it without a single issue and I was dead on with it. You don't wanto to drop a whole lot of cash on a gun only to find out you don't like it and it doesn't shoot well and you have to sell it or trade it in like I did with my P220.

H&K USP Compacts are very good because if you know where to look you can get them for great prices. They are easy to shoot and the controls are similar to a 1911. They look nice (you can get SS slides if you look) and Jack Bauer has a 9mm USPc so you have the "celebrity" factor. They are very reliable.
H&K USP Fullsizes can be good values as well if you know where to look and they are accurate and very durable.
PROBLEM WITH THE ABOVE 2: I cannot personally verify this, but i have hear that Heckler & Koch's customer service dept. SUCKS!!!

Glock and XDs are very good values. Very reliable pistols and good prices to boot. The XDs are very similar to the Glock but they have a beavertail safety which I like a lot and it would prompt me to buy an XD over a Glock for carry.
There are wheel guns too. You can get good deals on snub noses although you are limited in capacity.

Any gun could be a better value if you don't mind purchasing used. Another forum you could check out would be www.glocktalk.com (http://www.glocktalk.com). Me and Marauder.45 are members over there as well, with the same names as here, they are very helpful over there, they don't just discuss Glocks, all firearms are good to go. Don't go over there and ask a broad question though, you'll start a war (almost like S/C battles here, lol). Specify what type of stopping power and features you are looking for, and what the gun will primarily be used for and you will get a lot of great suggestions.

Dan I hate to have to disagree with you but the racking of a shotgun is not as intimidating as most may think. Best case scenerio, you have someone who has no resolve and is not ready to get into serious business while breaking into your house. Worst case scenerio, you just let a person willing to kill know exactly where you are and let them know you have a weapon, turning it into a kill or be killed scenerio OR you don't rack the chamber and the bad guy gets the drop on you, so you have a big scary shotgun but it is unable to be used at the moment. It would be best to have one in the chamber already, and then pointing it at said badguy, while on the phone with the police and warning the BG that you have a shotgun, it is loaded, it is pointed at him, and any hostile movements will be met with deadly force. Always be on the phone with police, a handsfree kit on a cordless phone or cellphone would be ideal, let the police know you didn't just sneak up behind the guy and shoot him, this will let them know if you have to shoot you were justified.

About the ammo issue there are several ways around this, use normal ammo. .357sig or the magnum calibers will give you the most danger of over penetration. Shotguns can do this too, especially if heavy slugs are used, Birdshot does nothing to humans, so 00 or 000 Buck is recommended, both have the potential for over penetration. A heavy, slow projectile such as the .45 will have less of a chance to penetrate. Another thing you could do, if your state allows it, is use hollow-points. They expand quicker doing more damage to soft tissue and decreasing the amount of over-penetration.

Another thing to consider is the addition of night sights and lights. Night sights are a good idea but they only give you part of the picture, a clear sight picture, if it's dark and your half asleep you may not be able to see what's infront of the gun as well. The addition of a weapon mounted light will be a great help here. It will illuminate everything in front of the gun so you will know your target and what's beyond it (Rule #3 of proper gun safety). Also it's not as threatening, if BG sees you coming with a gun (Chances are his/her eyes are better adjusted to the dark than your own) it may escelate the situation into a kill or be killed scenerio. IF all the BG knows is he/she has a light pointed at them, until you let them know it's a gun and you are on the phone with police it may work out better. Plus the weapon mounted light keeps your hands free so you can hold the gun with one hand and be able to have a free hand if necissary. Another benefit, god forbid deadly force is ever needed, it will add weight to the front end of your gun lessening muzzle climb and making follow up shots easier and faster.

Another thing to invest in, electronic ear protection. Keep it next to your gun. If you think your house is being broken into, put them on, they will amplify small noises (the theif) and they will block out loud noises (gunfire). This will give you a tactical advantage of being able to hear the BG better and at the same time saving your hearing. If you shoot at 3am half asleep, the sound may freak you out and throw your shots off or make you pause and if your first shot missed the BG may already be firing back.

07-14-2006, 07:19 AM
I am very partial to my Stainless Colt .45 1991 Government MarkIV. I have shot at least 2,000 rounds of various ammo through it and have not had a single misfire, jammed casing or missfeed.

The gun is as accurate as I am...

The recoil is minimal, it is a heavy gun.

I JUST got my unrestricted concealed carry and do carry with one chambered, hammer down. There is no way the gun can fire, until I pull the hammer back.

I have quite a collection (7) of handguns. The .45 is my carry choice....

My Ruger Super Redhawk with scope it WAY to difficult to conceal.....

Be safe, and shoot a lot, and often.... Oh, and make your own rounds, it's way cheaper.

07-14-2006, 07:30 AM
Nobody has addressed amunition issues.

I think that many people carry pistols that overpenetrate. I worry about some nimrod shooting through the bad guy and killing the neighbor in his bed. That's why I like pump shotguns for around the house. And, that "KER-CHUNK" sound of a cheap 12 guage racking tells the bad guy that he screwed up.

Check out this site (http://www.thegunzone.com/quantico-wounding.html) where the wounding factors of handgun ammo are considered.

Very interesting report, including: "Probably more people in this country have been killed by .22 rimfires than all other calibers combined"

.22 long rifle rounds are least expensive and there is no hassle of re-loading. In my house, I keep a (folded stock) Ruger 10-22 next to my bed with two 25 round clips in it and a spare 50 round banana clip nearby. I was told a #6 12 guage shotgun round will cut a man in half under 20 feet. Have not tried it to verify.

07-14-2006, 07:35 AM
Be safe, and shoot a lot, and often.... Oh, and make your own rounds, it's way cheaper.


If you reload you will save so much money, plus its stress releiving and a great way to occupy yourself. I'm still just starting out and I was able to make 100 rounds of .45ACP and 100 rounds of .50AE in about 2 hours and saved around 100 dollars doin it.

07-14-2006, 07:36 AM
I have carried the same gun for work going on 10 years now I wear it at least 5 times a week and have never had to pull it out in the line of duty. I have never even had to pull out my hand cuffs. (knock on wood for both) When I do use it at the gun range I put at least 150 rounds thru it and have never had a jam (knock on wood again). It is still just as good as the day I got it.. It is a Ruger KP95DC. A 9MM. I use hollow points + P. For that extra spin and penetration. I carry a 15 round clip in the gun and 2 10 round clips on my belt. It's not to heavy of a gun and is realatively inexpensive...I got mine for about $275 and I believe I saw one for under 300 new not to long ago. I dont have big hands but I dont have small hands either and it is a perfect fit and very comfortable to hold.

07-14-2006, 08:25 AM
I do not carry, but I carry a sidearm when hunting. I have a Walther p-22(nice gun) for target and a cheapo Hi-Point .380 for target shooting......also a resepectable gun, especially for under $100.00. For my sidearm I use a 7.62x25 CZ-52, I load it with .223 sabots. Chrony shows velocities of 2200 FPS from a 4" barrel!!!! With the standard ammo the ballistics are almost identical to a .357 mag, but a little faster. As far as reliability, it is a sur-plus Czech military pistol, so It cycles very good, even after the 5,000 rounds I have put through it. I have not had to use it, but I am sure it could knock a wild boar down pretty easily if need be.

07-14-2006, 10:11 AM
Wow, I have never posted a thread on MM.net that got this big of a response. But then again I knew you trigger happy SOBs would be more than happy to give me your opions! :D Trigger happy? Nawh.

Honestly, I don't feel I need any gun at all. If I ever confront a burgular, or a highwayman, I'll just ask him what oil he uses in his get-a-way car...

07-14-2006, 12:17 PM
Me, I don't worry about the 1 or two guys. I worry about the pack of 8 that are out there. I boxed for a good number of years, and have been in my unfair share of street fights (with weapons used against me). I probably would not even think of using my gun to shoot a person, even if I could. Not what I want to do. There are MANY altenative measures, and I am willing to exhaust almost all of them.

Thare are a lot of strange things happening in the world today. I want to be a member of the "Well Regulated Malitia" if the time comes....And I'll supply my neighbor as well.

Just my measily 2 cents worth....I'm just your average Joey Bag o' Doughnuts

07-14-2006, 12:57 PM
Dan I hate to have to disagree with you but the racking of a shotgun is not as intimidating as most may think. Best case scenerio, you have someone who has no resolve and is not ready to get into serious business while breaking into your house. Worst case scenerio, you just let a person willing to kill know exactly where you are and let them know you have a weapon, turning it into a kill or be killed scenerio OR you don't rack the chamber and the bad guy gets the drop on you, so you have a big scary shotgun but it is unable to be used at the moment. It would be best to have one in the chamber already, and then pointing it at said badguy, while on the phone with the police and warning the BG that you have a shotgun, it is loaded, it is pointed at him, and any hostile movements will be met with deadly force. Always be on the phone with police, a handsfree kit on a cordless phone or cellphone would be ideal, let the police know you didn't just sneak up behind the guy and shoot him, this will let them know if you have to shoot you were justified.

Thinking about it a little more, I have a slightly different take on it than I did earlier. I have two large, protective dogs, who are totally willing to stop an intruder. If anyone gets past the dogs I figure that they have proven that they are not good guys and I shouldn't feel bad about shooting them. But, at 0 dark 30, it may be that a short barrelled shotgun is the only hope I have of hitting anybody.

07-14-2006, 01:11 PM
A Desert Eagle. You already drive a car that makes a statement.:lol:

07-14-2006, 01:54 PM
I figured that you would get some good replies to this question, and you have. My .02:
A gun is a tool. Every tool has specific uses for which it is best. Get the tool that is best for the uses that you foresee.
Are you going to just leave the gun at home or in your desk during the day, or will you carry it concealed? This makes a big difference. A revolver will be harder to conceal due to the width of the cylinder. If concealment isn't an issue, then a revolver may be just as good a choice as a semi auto.
Barrel length: If you choose to carry a revolver, you may think that a snub nose (say 2" barrel) will be easier to conceal because of the shorter barrel. Not necessarily. It's usually the width of the gun, not the length of the barrel that makes a gun visible under your clothes. A revolver with a 4" barrel will conceal just as well as a snub nose, plus it will shoot easier.
Caliber: There are a number of calibers which will effectively stop an attacker. I prefer a .45 auto because the round is big, wide, relatively slow moving. That equates to less penetration (less chance of it going completely through the attacker), plus it hits like a sledge hammer. Something like a .357 (which is a fine defense caliber) may cause more internal damage, but not necessarily stop the attacker as quickly. Remember, the first thing you have to do is STOP the attack. It does no good to put a fatal round or two into an attacker who is high on some wierd drug, or just crazed with adrenaline, only to see him continue to attack and kill you. When the round hits, you want the bad guy to fall. Others may disagree with this theory, as it is constantly debated, and I know that I don't get the last word on this point. I respect all mature and respectful opinions.
No matter what you choose, get some training as you have already talked about. The NRA can give you a list of certified instructors in your area.
Practice, practice, practice. If you ever have to use your gun in self defense, God forbid, it MUST be a natural action for you to draw and fire effectively. In a life or death situation, you probably won't have time to think a lot about the things which should come naturally because of your training and practice. If you do have a lot of time to think, then it probably isn't a situation which needs to be resolved with a gun, and you can probably get away.
Congratulations on your decision to take responsibility for your own safety and that of your family. Our LEO's, God bless them, can't always be there watching at the crucial moment. Choose not to be a victim.

07-14-2006, 02:10 PM
Well stated Ross!!:beer:


07-14-2006, 02:40 PM
Throwing my $.02 in here, I've got several handguns and ewach has a purpose. For one that's an all around decent gun for a fair price I'd say get a Glock 23. It's a mid sized .40 that's really easy to shoot. Point, pull trigger, repeat as many times as necessary.
Not very easthetically pleasing, the phrase Tactical Tupperware comes to mind, but pretty foolproof and accurate. I have weapons that I've pain 3 time as much for that aren't too much more accurate.

07-14-2006, 03:34 PM
I have carried the same gun for work going on 10 years now I wear it at least 5 times a week and have never had to pull it out in the line of duty. I have never even had to pull out my hand cuffs. (knock on wood for both) When I do use it at the gun range I put at least 150 rounds thru it and have never had a jam (knock on wood again). It is still just as good as the day I got it.. It is a Ruger KP95DC. A 9MM. I use hollow points + P. For that extra spin and penetration. I carry a 15 round clip in the gun and 2 10 round clips on my belt. It's not to heavy of a gun and is realatively inexpensive...I got mine for about $275 and I believe I saw one for under 300 new not to long ago. I dont have big hands but I dont have small hands either and it is a perfect fit and very comfortable to hold.

Where do you work?:D

07-14-2006, 04:32 PM
I have a Raging Bull that I am still trying to master. At 25 yards 1 round in the Bull's Eye, 2 on the paper edge and who knows where the other 2 went.

After Katrina a client says I know where you are going and I got something that you need. I knew what he was talking about and said I already have one.

He leaves and comes back with an aluminum briefcase and hands it to me. Sold it to me for a good price.;)

That is one sweet looking gun I admired it when I got the 357 but felt it was too much gun for my first handgun. Who knows in the future. Definitly got the intimidation factor on your side with that piece. LOL

07-14-2006, 04:35 PM
I've not seen those vid's Darth. I will look around for them here in GA.

Trigger Happy - Comment........... Guys I think we all know who is on this board. No need to regulate comments here. Just merely mentioning a level of conciousness<spelling>:o > as it is an imense responsibility for Leo's and citizens alike. its no toy. For a citizen, I have seen my share of dead ppl.because of gunplay. Don't want it to be anyone I know.


There is a link to a bunch of videos on google. They dont have the videos on the IDPA site anymore. But if you are looking for info just type IDPA in google and it will be the first site. IDPA=International Defense Pistol Association

07-14-2006, 07:40 PM
I want to get into the three gun competitions, they look like a lot of fun! I need to finish building my AR first tho, kinda a necissary step, lol.

07-14-2006, 09:50 PM
I carry an S&W 3913 TSW 9mm (compact)
Home gun is a S&W 4563 TSW .45
Both with M5 tac lights
Camping gun is 6" S&W Nickel plated .357 Mag

Neighbors cat in my yard digging up my flowers gun is an airsoft 1911.

I usually hit up the range twice a month and go to bowling pin shoots about twice a month as well. I've been trying to get to a local IDPA match but I just don't have time. :(

07-15-2006, 05:28 PM
There is a link to a bunch of videos on google. They dont have the videos on the IDPA site anymore. But if you are looking for info just type IDPA in google and it will be the first site. IDPA=International Defense Pistol Association

Good Looking out Darth! Appreciate the help.

07-18-2006, 07:48 AM
I just found this atricle on another forum I frequent, and thought of this thread. Check it out is you are considering carrying at all.....



07-18-2006, 09:37 PM
I prefer my Glock 9 MM.:D

What he said ^^^^. I shoot a Model 17, as I have rather large hands, which match the rest of my rather large body.:D

07-18-2006, 10:07 PM
:banana2: Well Mang I hate that crap Glocks I don't believe on that gun and I was have those guns so for that reason I can critic that pistol, I have a Beretta 92 9mm,S&W 686 .357 Mag and my duty weapon a Ruger P89 those are excelent guns ! BUT ! if you're looking for a compact one this are not the ones Beretta and S&W have a variety of compact ones so look carefully and best of wishes in the find of the correct gun for your needs.

STRYKER. :uzi:

07-19-2006, 04:32 AM
Personally, I like Glocks. I have the .40 caliber compensated unit and it shoots just fine. It's too big for me to carry regularly, though.

For concealed carry I find a KelTec 380 very easy to live with. They make these slipper holsters for them which further add to their concealment. I drop it into my pocket and it looks and feels just like a wallet.

A lot has been said about ammo with the point usually being that you should buy bullets which will not be a danger to whatever is directly behind the target. After all, ou don't normally want to shoot two people with the same bullet. At my local gun store they have two types of ammo, "Practice ammo" and "social ammo." Isn't it nice they way they put that?

Anyway, hollow points are great for social ammo.

07-19-2006, 05:38 AM
Summer gun, Kahr P9Covert, Winter gun, which ever yells the loudest when I open the safe :D

07-19-2006, 07:36 AM
Ray Jay, You're too funny.

Mine simply whisper my name.....

(Uh-oh. Sounds too much like Son-of-Sam.......)

07-19-2006, 07:55 AM
I don't have time to change ammo my S&W 686 Revolver have six Black Talon Missiles and my Beretta & Ruger P89 have Rangers SXT(ex Blk Talon) except my S&W 4506 cal. .45 acp which have Cor-Bon powerful Bomb ones .230 grain and if the situation turns harder I have an Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun folding stock with 10 Winchester 00 buck & slugs.


07-20-2006, 11:06 AM
I have carried quite a few and I like the one I now carry better than any. This pistol is a 44 Special, titanium farme Taurus revolver. Light enough and more lead than any of the 38 cals (incl 357) thus more knockdown. Recoil is manageable and accuracy is good. Keep it loaded and easy to get at an unloaded gun only makes a pretty good club. Good luck.

07-20-2006, 02:09 PM
Not to start a flame war but I tend to prefer the XD Springfields over Glocks cause of the added grip safety. So they have 3 safeties on it rather than the 2 the Glocks have. They have the same trigger safety that a Glock has, the grip safety and of course the most important safety your finger.

07-21-2006, 01:00 PM
I have a Concieled License here in Texas, I bought a Taurus Mellineum, inexpensive etc.
Then I shot a Kimber...
Like a fine watch!

07-21-2006, 02:36 PM
I had a Kimber Custom Tactical. I liked it.

I traded it in on a Sig Granite Revolution. This is my favorite pistol.

07-21-2006, 02:46 PM
I have a couple dozen revolvers and semi auto pistols and I really like the two Kel-Tec P-9's I have....One for the car and one for the boat!!:beer:

Very small and light weight double action only 9MM with 10 round mags.....They also handle high capacity S&W mags!!:bows:

A bunch of punch from a very conceilable, light weight pistol!!;)
