View Full Version : Ford's $6 Billion management mistake?

07-14-2006, 08:14 AM
MARK PHELAN | BEHIND THE WHEEL: Ford needs Reitzle back

June 18, 2006
<!-- factboxes, main image --><!-- begin photo/facts --><TABLE cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=5 width=150 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=150 bgColor=#cccccc>'Cars' reaction </TD></TR><TR><TD width=150 bgColor=#dddddd>One 9-year-old viewer who watched "Cars" last weekend had this response to my column seeking reaction to the popular animated movie:

I think they should add more female cars. Also I like pickup trucks and I did not see any pickup trucks.

Andy Meier, Livonia

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- end photo/facts --><!-- story text --><!-- story text -->Come home, Wolfgang Reitzle. All is forgiven.
Reitzle was the German engineer Ford hired to save Jaguar, then fired when he presented the company with the bill.
Pay me now or pay me later, they say, and it looks like Ford will be paying for this mistake for years. By refusing to make the big investment, Ford doomed itself to years of losses at Jaguar.
Reitzle joined Ford in 1999 to run the company's recently formed Premier Automotive Group, a conglomeration of Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover, Aston Martin and Lincoln.
The luxury brands were Ford's newly acquired crown jewels. Reitzle, who cut his teeth as a wunderkind engineer at BMW, was the master craftsman brought on board to polish them.
Reitzle had the audacity to tell Ford the way to proceed -- to meet the corporate aim of boosting sales by hundreds of thousands of vehicles annually and building a global luxury powerhouse -- was to develop new vehicles with unique structures, engines and transmissions to compete with the best.
Ford balked at the price tag, rumored to have been $6 billion or so.
If that figure sounds familiar, it's what GM reportedly spent reinventing Cadillac over the last few years. GM's vision paid off. Cadillac sales are up; the brand is a serious competitor for the world's finest cars, and it appears to be making money.
Ford won't reveal how much Jaguar loses annually, but it has yet to turn a profit. At least one senior Ford executive has slipped up and referred to annual losses of $500 million.
Pay me now or pay me later. Ford has given up on its plan to build Jaguar into a full-line luxury brand selling several hundred thousand cars a year. Executives now hope for the day that Jag stops draining money from healthy brands like Volvo, Land Rover and Aston Martin.
Lincoln still appears to be lost in the woods, with less of a clue on how to get out than when Reitzle reigned. It was pulled out of PAG when Reitzle left in 2002 to run a German engineering firm, and its one new car since then is the Zephyr, a warmed-over and underpowered version of the Ford Fusion.
Reitzle's plan was expensive, but Ford had the money at the time, and judging by the dearth of good new cars in the United States from 1999-2004, the company wasn't spending it developing hot new models for the Ford brand.
There have been calls for Ford to sell Jaguar, although no credible theories about who would buy it and why.
The last person who did have a plan for Jaguar was Reitzle. Come home.
What should Ford do with Jaguar? Send me your ideas. Contact MARK PHELAN at 313-222-6731 or phelan@freepress.com (phelan@freepress.com).

Copyright &#169; 2006 Detroit Free Press Inc.
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07-14-2006, 04:08 PM
I got one word for Ford; Morons.

07-14-2006, 04:12 PM
I got one word for Ford; Morons.

I love my fords, but man it's like they try to make no money sometimes

07-14-2006, 04:37 PM
The Ford family nixed investment in Ford, even a stock buy back because it would have diluted their interest, hence the "recapitalization" plan.

This plan was proof Ford did not believe in itself enough to invest in itself for the future.

07-14-2006, 05:01 PM
Im pretty sure Ford will be the first of the "Big Two" to go bust. They make two popular vehicles, the F-150 and the Mustang. Thats it. They killed off the T-Bird and the Marauder by intitially overpricing them when the interest was high, then cancelling advertizing after only a year. They are letting Chrysler catch up to them in the Police/Fleet market (ie the new stretch 300). The 500/Montego pretty much suck (and I own one). They have ignored the Ranger for eons. They still sell rental Tauruses that are a blight on the market. Ive read the new Lincoln will be based on the 500! What a laugher!

I would do some cheap quick fixes now like putting the MM parts with a blower on a Crown Vic. Bring over the Aussie Falcon to replace the Taurus (or copy it here, even better). Also make the wagon and Ranchero versions. Totally re think Lincoln, there is a market for Lincolns, it does have a quality name, hows about a modern luxury car like a Lexus 450 or similar? Cancel the 500 based new Lincoln and that crappy Zephyr (or now its a lkjAFSDOHJ or something). Just venting.

Joe Walsh
07-14-2006, 07:29 PM
Sadly watching my FORD stock spiral down to nothingness....:(

It's too late to dump it, as I bought most of it at $18 -> $25 per share. (now trading at @ $6.50 per share)

I would only be locking in a HUGE loss...

I'm seriously hoping that Nissan or Toyota eventually buy out FORD and that the offered share price is close to my initial investment.

I hate to say it, but as a "Dyed in the (blue) wool Ford fan":
Ford vehicles* are uninspired, lame, underpowered, and generally suck.

*with the exception of the previously mentioned Mustang & F150s.

It is really sad to remember that not too long ago Ford had BILLIONS & BILLIONS of cash sitting around that could have been put to good use.

They elected to give it to their corporate lawyers when the Exploders started shedding Firestone tires.

07-14-2006, 07:33 PM
Sadly watching my FORD stock spiral down to nothingness....:(

It's too late to dump it, as I bought most of it at $18 -> $25 per share. (now trading at @ $6.50 per share)

I would only be locking in a HUGE loss...

I'm seriously hoping that Nissan or Toyota eventually buy out FORD and that the offered share price is close to my initial investment.

I hate to say it, but as a "Dyed in the (blue) wool Ford fan":
Ford vehicles* are uninspired, lame, underpowered, and generally suck.

*with the exception of the previously mentioned Mustang & F150s.

It is really sad to remember that not too long ago Ford had BILLIONS & BILLIONS of cash sitting around that could have been put to good use.

They elected to give it to their corporate lawyers when the Exploders started shedding Firestone tires.

[Background Music] "Metallica-Sad but True..."

07-14-2006, 07:50 PM
Joe, what Ford should have done with the $25 Billion in cash was reinvest in Ford or buy back stock.

The Ford family ended up with a greater controlling interest and cash.