View Full Version : Mothers Day

05-11-2003, 05:47 AM
Just wanted to take a minute to say it.Mine is 73 yrs. old.
Thanks for putting up with the son who was probably going to kill himself in that damn car,bike,truck,whatever before he reached 30.Thanks for understanding when I got grease on my new Sunday going to church clothes.Thanks for understanding when I had to leave numerous family functions to help out my no good buddy's when there rust-buckets were broken down.Thanks for understanding,or not,when I didn't want to go to college because I HAD to work to make money to buy more cars,bikes,trucks,etc.,etc.,et c..
THANK'S to ALL the mother's out there who put up with"those darn boys".
Your loving son
P.S to all you young guys[and girls]out there,
cars,bikes,trucks,yeah even spouses come and go.Moms and dads are yours for life.Leave the other love of your life,the MM,alone for a day and see your parents.