View Full Version : Advice to Ford

07-16-2006, 10:02 AM
From: http://carscarscars.blogs.com/

Here's what you do:

1. Get that friggin 3.5 liter V-6 out the door.
2. Install it in every Ford that it will fit.
3. Profit.

"Oh," says lame-ass Ford, "We don't want to hurt sales of the Lincoln Z thing.... Or whatever we changed the Zephyr's name to."
"Bah!" says Cars! Cars! Cars! newly-formed engineering staff. "Nissan uses its 3.5 liter in: Altima, Maxima, 350z, Infiniti I35 (discontinued), G-line... maybe more and they've been fine. Well, their sales are down lately, but it's not because of the engine."
"Oh yeah, fancy boys?" yells Ford, "Then why are the sales down?"
Cars! Cars! Cars! carefully explains, "It's Ghosn's hair products. They are affecting his thinking. Why else would he partner with GM?"
"Ha!" laughs Ford.
"Now put that fancy V-6 in everything!" Cars! Cars! Cars! says.
"We don't think so. We're scared." Ford says shyly.

07-16-2006, 12:47 PM
Spoke this morning with a guy from Pennsylvania who drive here to Florida in a new Zephyr 3.0 engine. Told me he got 27mpg on the road. (My sister with a FreeStyle 3.0 engine gets the same). Did not ask about milage in town, but I did not tell him that my Continental 4.6 engine also averages 27mpg on the road, with a low of 25.5 and a high of 30 mpg.

(Wish I could get my MM higher than 24 as it mostly is around 22 on the road).

Donny Carlson
07-16-2006, 01:42 PM
(Wish I could get my MM higher than 24 as it mostly is around 22 on the road).

I would dance with glee if I could get this mileage on the Harley.