View Full Version : What was your fastest ticket ?

07-16-2006, 05:38 PM
This isn't a bragging thread, just one to voice how fast were you going when you were caught being a dumb azz?:burnout:

I'll start by stating, a few years ago while driving my 98 Trans Am Vert. from North Carolina to So. Fla. I got one for 94mph in martin county on I95. I had just burst through a pack of slow pokes and brought it up to 94. I should have slowed down to a decent speed, but I was feeling the rush from the speed. In a bit I went around a turn which was about a 90degree bend when low and behold there is a Trooper in the median. At that spit second I looked at my radar detector and it just then went off ( and it said "your getting a ticket"). I realized I got nailed so about a 1/4 of a mile down the road I pulled over,got out and waited for him. Seconds later here he comes. With a stern look on his face he gets out of his Camaro Cruiser and walks to me and asked for my license and reg. I Humbly gave it to him, and then he cracks a smile and says, "I gottcha". I had no ill will toward him for he was doing his job, and I was just being caught DWS (Driving while stupid) The whole transaction took 15 minutes and I was back on the road, a whole lot slower that before. With this I've come to realize that radar detectors don't help everybody.

07-16-2006, 05:47 PM
I haven't had a speeding ticket since 1973. :D That one took only about 5 minutes. :rolleyes: 73 in a 55 as I recall.

07-16-2006, 06:11 PM
I have some rules-

Look sharp
always 10 over or less unless I have a birddog out
don't expect the Valentine to save my ass when being stupid
and finally when caught be polite, cooperate and always stop before they pull me over...don't insult the intelligence of the LEO. Alway plead innocent when mailing the ticket, go to court and bargain down the charge, points and fine. Has worked so far. No, I have had a few tickets over the years while driving 40/50K a year for a lot of years and I have had one stupid stop. Mass Trooper, saw him on the side of the Mass. Pike standing with the Lidar gun in his hand half way down the hill. While asking myself,"could this be true"; He nailed me. I had plenty of time to slow down but was so amazed I didn't even try. He jumped right out in front of me. Made me happy I was driving the 911 Turbo. My work car, Ford CV would not have stopped in time to miss him. He said 97, no doubt here. I told him he was going to die young if he kept jumping in front of cars. He said he scared himself on that one. Gave me a break. 10 over. Some days are diamonds. Dennis:rolleyes:

07-16-2006, 06:18 PM
4 of us on bikes coming into ri from conn on 165. i had a brand new 2000 zrx 1100 and i was playing around with i believe it was a yzf 750 (?)..it s out in the middle of nowhere and were pullin' about
a buck twenty when an oncoming car flashes it s lites . i get on em hard to about 65 and cruise. next thing i know a state trooper is about pushing my back tire. never saw him. i pull over and he is not happy....he points to me and says" i got you doing 106 and your buddy at 102!!!!!!! he could nt get the other two because they were in back and he almost smoked em pulling out to get us! one of us had a brother in law that was a trooper and tried the old my bro in law is........ well that only made s%$t worse.
he made me go back to the car and asked me how long i had the bike and then sat silent with the mike in his hand and waited for me to get stupid. i just stood there like a mute and he told me to go back to my bike....he comes back about ten minutes later
with two tickets explaining that he didnt get the back two on radar
but me and mr yzf were getting tickets as he could nt in good conscience let us go without something i believe it was 75 clams
he suggested we not fight it and make him and us look bad... i assured him i would pay it and i had no intentions of making a bad experience worse.... the next day that damn d and d pipe came off!!!r

07-16-2006, 06:23 PM
I just got my 1st one in over 20 years this past Memorial Day weekend. On the downside of Monteagle in Tennesse heading to Nashville...11:40PM, on Friday night...in the Big Yeller truck...with our 84 year old neighbor (whom we had taken up with us like we'd done many times before for the free ride to visit her family in White House, TN)....my wife and 2 daughters in the back.

8,000 Yellow truck with logos all over it...4 females & me...73 (I was just coasting, wasn't even using the accellerator) in what I THOUGHT was a 65 zone...it was 55. $215.......going South on 24...it IS 65...just going North it's 55...:mad2:

07-16-2006, 06:25 PM
I just got my 1st one in over 20 years this past Memorial Day weekend. On the downside of Monteagle in Tennesse heading to Nashville...11:40PM, on Friday night...in the Big Yeller truck...with our 84 year old neighbor (whom we had taken up with us like we'd done many times before for the free ride to visit her family in White House, TN)....my wife and 2 daughters in the back.

8,000 Yellow truck with logos all over it...4 females & me...73 (I was just coasting, wasn't even using the accellerator) in what I THOUGHT was a 65 zone...it was 55. $215.......:mad2:


07-16-2006, 06:31 PM
Only 1 speeding ticket ever 35 in a 25 so I was told in 1968. Radar was still analog with a some what straight needle.

07-16-2006, 06:56 PM

"Who me? It wasnt me, it was the other guy!"

"I demand to see the radar!"

"I gotta pee!"

"I was going how fast?"

"But I was going down hill!"

"Hey, I know your boss."

"My speedometer is broken."



07-16-2006, 07:09 PM
I'm related to people who know people.

I dont get tickets.

Joe Walsh
07-16-2006, 07:15 PM
MANY years ago.....74mph in a 55, though I was doing more than that just before I saw the speed trap on I-795 near Reisterstown, Md.

Highest my car ever got nailed doing was 125 mph in a 50....:eek:

My ex-girlfriend wanted to drive my 85 Mustang GT and see how fast it would go. It was about midnight and no one was on the road.
I threw her the keys, climbed into the passenger's seat and let her run it down a long, straight section of Route 27 from Manchester towards Westminster. (VERY rural area back then)
Next thing I see is flashing lights right on our rear bumper!!! I get all sweaty & nervous, then I realize: "It isn't MY ticket!"....:D

07-16-2006, 07:29 PM
60 in a 55 in Missouri about 10 years ago...and of course I was not guilty!!! Bet ya haven't heard that before.

Brother Mike
07-16-2006, 09:07 PM
80 in a 55 (That is 80 over in a 55) : in a 79 Town Car on I -94 Westbound. Managed to dodge Trooper by taking the 96 Exit. That was 20+ years ago....

07-16-2006, 10:44 PM
I was going 76 in a 45. I was really ticked that whole weekend and couldn't focus on anything really. I probably shouldn't have been driving. I've been clean for 8 months. :D

07-16-2006, 10:51 PM
147 in a 65 in my old SHO. I was 17 and lost my license for 30 days.

160 something as I blew past a trooper in the mustang. I was just far enough ahead, out of his line of sight an exit came up. The offramp had you go down under the freeway. I turned and parked under the overpass for a few minutes so he wouldn't see me from the freeway, then headed straight for a buddy's house and kept the car in his garage for the rest of the day/night. I figured if he did take the offramp I'd just tell him I was waiting for him. :) I got LUCKY. I didn't know it then (18yrs old and knew everything) but if he would of gotten my plate I could of been in trouble for alot of things.

07-17-2006, 06:51 AM
Me: 94 in a 65, along I-10 on the Florida panhandle.
My son: 105 in a 55 in the ATL. Like father like son???

07-17-2006, 07:39 AM
41- 25 near home once. Got clocked at doing 84-65 but he let me go.

07-17-2006, 08:02 AM
Got tagged 20 some odd years ago for 105Kph/60 Mph over...
In a 5.0 Tbird..
$400.00 ticket fortunately didn't get nailed for no seatbelt
Sticker expired/No ownership or the possible carelessdriving
charge I could of recieved...
Not trying to outrun him and he obviously hoped I would learn
a lesson..It didn't save me from the long deserved lecture --

07-17-2006, 08:11 AM
87 in a 60 (the day I got the MM) haven't had one since. Cop could not stop telling me what a nice car I had. The officer was really nice.

07-17-2006, 08:26 AM
I got a ticket for doing 88 in a 55 last week. It was my highest ticket ever. The officer was very nice but still a prick in my book since he could have easily taken 3 mph off the ticket and brought it down to speeding instead of STATUTORY reckless.

Lucky for me, he wasn't the operator of the monitoring device. His partner was. My guess is that the state isn't going to want to bring BOTH of them to court for the TWO times I can make them go. And, rest assured, I am going to make them both come twice.



07-17-2006, 08:43 AM
85 in a 45 by FHP. This was in my 91 Mazda 626 a few years ago...

$400 fine and 8 hours of traffic school later....

07-17-2006, 09:11 AM
1 A.M. 1982
110 in a 25
Saratoga Springs, NY
1974 Datsun 260z
The townie convinced the Statie and Sheriff to get it down to failure to signal when turning.
The planets were in perfect alignment that night.

07-17-2006, 09:17 AM
Holy crap! 110 in a 25?

07-17-2006, 09:37 AM
Yeah, I was getting off swing shift at NPTU Ballston Spa, late meeting the GF and I was flying down 29 into town, came over the railroad bridge and the light at Washington??? was green (that is where the in-town 25 zone started) so I took my time slowing down....

I did not see the officers in the old department store parking lot. :(

Holy crap! 110 in a 25?

Dr Caleb
07-17-2006, 09:40 AM
I once got a ticket for 119 in a 100 zone, in less that 4 minutes.

Man, was that cop quick.

07-17-2006, 09:43 AM
My fastest ticket hit the passnger seat and was in my garage within 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes after I got home I had mailed it in with the fine.

07-17-2006, 09:55 AM
90 in a 55 zone, in a rusted out, college transportation, Datsun B-210 with four passengers. Ran smooooooth. Cop told me I was doing 74,...probably since it was my first violation. If it were registered at 20mph above the limit, I would have been in deeper *****. Paid the $84 and got on with life.

That reminds me, I used to go 150 miles in that thing for $5 back in '86.

07-17-2006, 10:17 AM
1 A.M. 1982
110 in a 25
Saratoga Springs, NY
1974 Datsun 260z
The townie convinced the Statie and Sheriff to get it down to failure to signal when turning.
The planets were in perfect alignment that night.

I think they would have found that special spot UNDER the jail, if that were me and my luck.

07-17-2006, 10:29 AM
93 in a 55 coming from the Whitestone bridge toll plaza onto the Merrit parkway in an 89 Mitsubishi pickup with a cap. The LEO knocked it down to 73 and a stern lecture.

07-17-2006, 10:35 AM
I was caught doing 120 in a 50 zone in a lincoln town car. My brother was with me and had a warrant, he was arrested and I was issued a ticket for 74 in a 50. Took defensive driving and had the ticket dismissed. Whew!

07-17-2006, 11:02 AM
I think they would have found that special spot UNDER the jail, if that were me and my luck.

...and being as young and stupid as I was I went to court to try to fight the minor ticket. About half the folks before me got off for running red lights and stop signs and such, so I figured I had a 50-50 chance.
The magistrate was having none of it, he knew what was going on. But it was kind of funny, He just banged the gavel and repeated the fine every time I opened my mouth. I finally caught on, shut up and paid the $25. :D

07-17-2006, 05:02 PM
I was caught doing 120 in a 50 zone in a lincoln town car. My brother was with me and had a warrant, he was arrested and I was issued a ticket for 74 in a 50. Took defensive driving and had the ticket dismissed. Whew!

So the only thing you lost was some time for the defensive driving and , your brother. Depending on the family ties that might not be a bad trade off. J/k

07-17-2006, 05:09 PM
This might help anyone who needs instructions on how to deal with getting pulled over, Chris Rock style.


07-18-2006, 03:30 PM
My fastest ticket? One minute 37 seconds, my partner timed me.

Kid on a pocket rocket blew past me over 100 MPH on a city street. I won't chase bikes, but I'll try at least once to pull him over. Surprizingly, he beat me to it, and pulled over and waited. By the time I caught up, he was sitting on the curb with his license in hand, and that "yeah, I'm stupid and you got me" look on his face.

We didn't say one word to each other. I went back and wrote the citation on the hood of my car while my partner ran the bike. In the nick-of-time, a solution for my dilema. I respected his silent admission and acknowledgement in his "you got me, office" look, but I didn't have him on the clock.

I went back and handed him a ticket for expired state tags, a no point compliance cite. We drove away not saying a word, I'm sure he didn't realize it until later.

1:37...Fastest ever...

07-19-2006, 04:45 AM

I just had to check this thread when I saw that you had made a post in it, Mac. :up: You never fail to deliver, do you? :)



07-19-2006, 07:11 AM
Fastest ticket was 27 over, 72 in a 45 but I wasn't just "toying around" and that was a few years ago.

I was also given a verbal warning once for doing 100 on I-85 north near exit 54 in Greenville at 1230 a.m. The speed limit is 60 and there was no one around except a few trucks. I never saw the officer because he was a forensics investigator of sorts in a Ford Taurus and couldn't give me a ticket, but he did give me a long lecture and called my dad. Said to him "I was doing 90 and your son was walking me." Whoops.

07-19-2006, 07:13 AM
True that. His posts are the icing on the cake!


I just had to check this thread when I saw that you had made a post in it, Mac. :up: You never fail to deliver, do you? :)



07-19-2006, 07:32 AM
So the only thing you lost was some time for the defensive driving and , your brother. Depending on the family ties that might not be a bad trade off. J/k

It wasn't a bad trade off actually....I got a few laugh's out of it on a Saturday Comedy DD class.....:D

07-20-2006, 09:18 AM
In 2003, in Belgium, I had a ticket with a ZX12-R for 130 MPH. I was flashed by one of these terrible, hidden, "automatic" camera/radar which were mushrooming all over western Europe. I never paid anything, nor attended to Court,though. On that moment, despite of being a Belgian citizen, I was actually from the local point of view a foreign resident from Greenville, SC. From Greenville, I sent a mail and proposed to pay but I stressed that I could not attend to Court. My mail was never answered.
Later, still in Belgium and with the same ZX-12R, I reached the speed of 185 MPH (my personal record) without being flashed. I was told that these automatic camera/radars do not operate correctly over 150-160 MPH...

07-20-2006, 01:57 PM

"Who me? It wasnt me, it was the other guy!"

"I demand to see the radar!"

"I gotta pee!"

"I was going how fast?"

"But I was going down hill!"

"Hey, I know your boss."

"My speedometer is broken."



And the #1 excuse..........

"I was just going with the traffic flow"

I hear that several times a day, even when they are out front and pulling away. Being a city cop, I think the highest I've written was 110 in a 40. The radar scared the crap out of me when it started squealing. (The faster the speed, the higher the pitch)

07-31-2006, 07:44 PM
Quickest ticket(s) were going back to college after break. 85 in a 65 - officer says slow down. 1hr 5mins later: 75 in a 65 - officer see's the previous ticket and says I didn't slow down enough.

07-31-2006, 10:51 PM
Over the years 93 seems to be my lucky #:( Have had 3 @93 MPH......2 got knocked down to the 1st tier though. Thank my lucky stars.

One time stands out though........ Was late to work (Sold Volvo's @ Dyer & Dyer in Atlanta in 2004) For those of you who know Rte.78 From Snellville to Rte. 285, this was my route on this Saturday morning. Not many cars and me gots me 95 5.0 GT Convertible hittin 100-120MPH Tryin to get there on time.

See a Dekalb PD coming down the on ramp as I pass Mountain Industrial Blvd.:eek: Figure my goose is cooked because he see's me and floors it, as I am slowing down (no brake, just squeezing the gears a lil), and getting into the middle lane (yes I use directionals hehe- Optional in Atlanta, but require with a LEO on your tail).........Anyways I know he is coming, so I just slow down and pull over before Brockett Road.......

One of the biggest LEO's I have ever seen gets out of the car and approaches my car "License and Proof of Insurance please" "Yes sir" I say. This guy had to be 6'6" 275lbs...... Anyways all the stupid things were going through my head......Black Officer....... gonna nail me whitebread to a cross and such.....<I am sure the reverse is also true going through black folks minds when stopped by a white LEO, so save the flame ok?>

Anyways I am expecting the worst..............He comes back with my documents, hands them to me, and says "I have 2 words for you"............I look up and say sheepishly "Tow Truck"?:depress: That cracked a smile from him, then he said "Shift Change!" Now slow down and have a nice day.

Learned many lessons that day:nono: ........Not all of them related to cars and speed.

Best regards,

07-31-2006, 10:54 PM
I will have to let you know when I am finished driving!

08-01-2006, 02:19 PM
I reached the speed of 185 MPH (my personal record) without being flashed. I was told that these automatic camera/radars do not operate correctly over 150-160 MPH...

Ever watch top gear?

They had a special of trying to "outrun" camera's. They went from 90mph to 180ish mph and couldn't beat the camera.

08-01-2006, 02:22 PM
They had a special of trying to "outrun" camera's. They went from 90mph to 180ish mph and couldn't beat the camera.
There's an old saying that "You can't outrun Motorola". ;)

08-01-2006, 04:53 PM
There's an old saying that "You can't outrun Motorola". ;)And that's exactly what it is..."An old saying".

It's not always true anymore, and I learned that from Bobby DeJohnette, a 14 year old auto thief I ran down a long time ago. Since then, I have proven it to a number of of disbeliving cops in my neighborhood, all with prior "play fair" agreements in place before the teaching begins.

I'll not give up all the secrets here, but one is having enough power to put distance between the bumpers as soon as possible, and another is to change direction and street names as much as possible, once distance is achieved. High speed is not an element, but staying too long in one direction on one street/highway, will get you caught every time.

Do not try this on your own. But, if you know a few cops who like to play hide and seek on a side band, they may learn something about their Motorola "advantage".

08-01-2006, 05:53 PM
Yeah very true. But then there is the eye in the sky!

08-01-2006, 07:08 PM
At age 19, I was nailed by a motorcycle cop (KZ1000) for 90 in a 35. It was a straight, four lane road with a huge divider. Maybe it was the hot blonde in my passenger seat I wanted to impress. Anyway, because I was a starving college student, the Scottsdale judge gave me 3.5 points against my driving record with no fine. Sounds great until you relaize I spent the rest of my college life fearing another ticket, which would have resulted in a six month suspended license.

06-10-2008, 08:30 PM
99mph in a 65mph ticket says that i passed the police vehicle @ over 100 mph and he was doing 110 mph to catch up to me.he gave me a 99 mph ticket because he said he liked the marauder and because he wasn't in the black and white he had the all white interceptor .here in California if you get a 100+ ticket they take your license and car for a month. am really lucky.:burn:

06-10-2008, 10:45 PM
The fastest ticket I was have been issued was 97 in a 55mph. No I was not really doing that speed. This was during the winter when I had my oversized truck snow tires on and anything about 70 the car floats. Needless to say the cop saw a big silver car shoot right past me and they were taking laser on the other side of the highway so by the time they got down turned around and came up around me I was 1.5 miles ahead. They roll to the right several times to check the vehicles in front of me (I was at the end of 3 car caravan in the left lane going 62 mph) then I got lit up with the lights. Didn't give the officer a hard time but I did make it well know they got the wrong vehicle.

$530 fine and 5 points.....Not guilty was the verdict.

06-11-2008, 12:07 AM
Back when I was about 17ish, I got a ticket for doing speeds in excess of 278kph (173mph) in a 100kph zone, late one night. I made a normally almost 3hr trip in exactly an hour and that included getting pulled over. There was basically no cars on the road the whole way. They sent a new (then) Interceptor after me that they had just got for this exact reason. I still got to drive home though! I had to go to court for it and it cost me over 1k in fines then. If I tried that now, I would lose my car for sure, and probably be tossed in jail. I had to park the car for 6 months till another speeding ticket dropped off my record as my insurance went up to almost $8k/year...
I now drive alot more sensibly and slower as I learned my lesson the very expensive way back then!
Things you do when your young and stupid, eh?! :down:

06-11-2008, 01:28 AM
84 in 55 on 495 at like 3am

06-11-2008, 02:12 AM
125/45 brand new Ninja 900 back in the 80's

Commodore Crap
06-11-2008, 08:11 AM
76 in a 55 in 2004. thats it. thank jesus....

06-11-2008, 08:22 AM
I wrote someone this week for going 110/60mph in rush hour. Of course I've had bikes leaving me in the dust at 130mph.

06-11-2008, 08:51 AM
20 or 25. i forget. nothing to brag about, thats for sure. i wanted to strangle the cop bc it was on a old winding back country road.

06-11-2008, 10:43 AM
When I was 15, I got stopped for doing 95 in a 55. The trooper only wrote it for 75 in a 55. He said "Boy, do you know how much this ticket would be if I wrote it for 95?" IIRC, the ticket was only about $30 back then. I was mostly worried because this trooper had recently written my dad a ticket, and my dad was a real ********* to him, at least according to my dad.

Later, when I was about 21 and applied to DPS, this same trooper helped me through the process and even sat in the panel interview with me.

06-11-2008, 11:10 AM
It mainly proves, you get what you give.
If you give respect, then you will receive respect. I wish my kid would understand that.
15 and knows it all.:shake:

06-11-2008, 11:34 AM
There is just no sense in giving a PO a hard time cause they will do what they want. If they want to give you a ticket they will do just that but respect goes a long way.

06-11-2008, 12:01 PM
Clocked and cited 105 in a 65 on an empty midnight stretch of I94. I was late getting a girl home my freshman year of college and trying to avoid the wrath of her father in a 95 Chrysler Cirrus. I was also curious to see what the two digit speed field on my GPS would do. I was going faster than that a few minutes earlier and was happy to accept the citation with no mention of anything but speeding, particularly minors in the vehicle. Another could have been attempted manslaughter and a night at the county bed and breakfast.

As a note to any young lead-foots, you should understand that depending on the municipality, you can lose your license and your vehicle for various amounts of time. Also, at the end of pulling someone over from a high rate of speed, law enforcement officers could interpret the environment as "heightened circumstances" and you should know that the use of lethal force could cross the mind of an officer. High speeds is dangerous territory for a number of reasons.

06-11-2008, 02:08 PM
My friend got arrested, 100mph in a 40mph. He just picked up his Camaro SS and wanted to see what it could do. It sat pretty good in the impound lot I'll tell ya. My only ticket was 60mph in a 35mph.

06-11-2008, 02:29 PM
I have a friend who always told me how lucky I was cause I never got caught:D. I have been pulled over 3 times in my life, biggest was a year ago in my lightning 98mph in a 55mph.
My husband on the other hand doesn't care he is always 18-20 over on the highway. He just pays the ticket.
He got pulled over while testing a buddys car he had worked on 111mph in a 55mph:eek:. He told the cop that he was glad he caught him when he did cause he wasnt letting up till at least 150mph. He lost the DL for a year. Still didnt learn!!

06-11-2008, 05:19 PM
I passed a CHP doing +110 mph in my old eclipse :eek: He was going the other directions on a 2 lane desert road and was in a truck. He flashed his lights in the grill as I went by I did not even hit the breaks. I know these roads like the back of my hand and I knew there was a Y in the road about 4-5 miles ahead. So I just kept going I did his brake lights come on but I never saw if he u-turned. My thoughts were I am f-ed any way so if he can catch me ill get a ticket if I make the Y that will make it a 50/50 for him so I kept on motoring and never say him again. :burn:

Aren Jay
06-14-2008, 01:15 PM
Zero tickets.

06-14-2008, 03:41 PM
I'm related to people who know people.

I dont get tickets.

Make that 2 of US....! :P

06-18-2008, 04:38 PM
Last ticket was back in 2004 in my 2k Mustang GT had it a week. Was doing 50-55 in a 35. Went around a car and was going through the gears. Motorcycle cop behind a semi. Handed me the ticket and said he liked the Mustang said it was a nice car and to keep it under the speed limit. Overall nice LEO.

Egon Spengler
06-19-2008, 05:54 AM
I just got mailed a warning the other day! It totaled $375.00 The charges were added up as follows

Failure to use care in turning / starting (aka I launched it)
Failure to use turn signal (I usually do at that intersection... oops)
Modified exhaust to increase noise (exhaust is stock... CAI though!)
Estimated 50 in a 30

At least it was just a warning... I have gotten pulled over MANY times in my 10 year driving record and the is the FIRST time I have gotten a warning MAILED to me!

I think I saw the cop the Sunday morning after because he stared me down when he was doing a detail

06-19-2008, 06:03 AM
I just got mailed a warning the other day! It totaled $375.00 The charges were added up as follows

Failure to use care in turning / starting (aka I launched it)
Failure to use turn signal (I usually do at that intersection... oops)
Modified exhaust to increase noise (exhaust is stock... CAI though!)
Estimated 50 in a 30

At least it was just a warning... I have gotten pulled over MANY times in my 10 year driving record and the is the FIRST time I have gotten a warning MAILED to me!

I think I saw the cop the Sunday morning after because he stared me down when he was doing a detail

I guess it's their way of saying "We've got our eyes on you", and with these cars they won't forget you either. Drive nice now when in town.:drive:

Egon Spengler
06-19-2008, 06:10 AM
I guess it's their way of saying "We've got our eyes on you", and with these cars they won't forget you either. Drive nice now when in town.:drive:

That is exactly what I think... Have been babying her around the neighborhood

Aren Jay
06-19-2008, 02:33 PM
A guy in England was clocked in his 928, he was from Germany, on the M25 going 170 mph, the post limit is 70.

His fine was 700 pounds about $1250US at the time. I think he was suspended from driving for 6 month as well.

06-20-2008, 03:00 PM
90+ in a 45 zone for me

Aren Jay
06-20-2008, 10:31 PM
I went to school with a guy who got his license for his new motorcycle in the morning and by dinner time, seven tickets later he lost it.