View Full Version : Best Car Dealer Commercial Ever lol

07-17-2006, 03:59 PM
http://thumbs.vidiac.com/DD484B18-5842-4D43-BA6A-AAA7BDB2F257.jpg (http://videos.streetfire.net/video/DD484B18-5842-4D43-BA6A-AAA7BDB2F257.htm)Click here to see Video (http://videos.streetfire.net/video/DD484B18-5842-4D43-BA6A-AAA7BDB2F257.htm)

07-17-2006, 06:51 PM
Who would waist there own time making something this simple ,boring,& generally weak?..Not funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donny Carlson
07-17-2006, 06:56 PM
yours truly did volunteer work for the (then) campus radio station KUHF when I was talking summer classes there. (I was never "hip" enough to work at KTRU, the Rice station, even though it had enough wattage to maybe reach the hedges surrounding campus, and KTRU was as powerful as any Houston FM station.)

Anywho, back in those days, one of the big contests being run by a commercial radio station, was to have people answer their phones with "KILT plays more hits in row than any other radio station!!!" The commercials went "If you're phone rings, don't say "Hello!" say "KILT plays, etc. etc" and you could win $10,000!!"

Some of us were screwing around in the news studio and cut together the commercial so instead to say "If you're phone rings, don't say Hello, say [insert sound of huge wet fart here] <INSERT here fart wet loud extremely an of sound> This of course was hi-larious. Then to show us up, this guy Franklin (forget his last name) comes in with a tape that sounds EXACTLY like the voice over on KILT, only this guy says after "you could win $10,000...if only the dude we gave to hold onto the money hadn't run off to Mexico... and when we find him, he's a dead f***er!!"

These, of course, were never meant to be aired, which of course meant they WERE aired. This was also hilarious, though this was not exactly shared by some higher ups and suffice to say I never was able to voluteer to work at the station again along with a few other guys. :o