View Full Version : Ford to become truck division of Honda?

07-21-2006, 07:49 AM
Brace yourself for Way Forward II, the sequel.
After losing $1.3 billion during the first half of the year -- a performance that is $3.5 billion worse than the same period of 2005 -- Ford Motor Co. said Thursday it would accelerate its so-called Way Forward turnaround plan and take "additional actions" within the next 60 days to keep its effort on track.
"We will, in a couple of months, have for you an updated version of Way Forward," Ford Chairman and Chief Executive Bill Ford told journalists and analysts during a conference call to announce the company's second-quarter financial results.
He later said the company would even consider an alliance like the one General Motors is discussing with Nissan Motor Co. and Renault SA.
"I wouldn't rule it out," Ford said during an interview on CNBC. "Would we be open to talks? Yes, we would."
Ford said it lost $123 million in the April-June period.
Will the new plan have more plant closures? More benefit cuts? Broader buyouts? Management changes?
What is on the table?
The answer, Bill Ford said simply: "Everything."
The promised revision to the Way Forward plan comes six months after Ford unveiled the original plan, which a few analysts had criticized for lacking urgency and detail.
The initial turnaround plan spanned six years, through 2012, and promised to idle 14 plants, eliminate 34,000 jobs and take other actions to restore Ford's North American automotive operations to profitability by 2008.
Seven of the remaining plants slated to close have still not been publicly identified.
While Ford didn't suggest that the Way Forward plan would be scrapped in lieu of a new strategy, he said the company was conducting a detailed review of its strategy and would make changes soon.
"Our top priority is to fix our business," Ford said.
The second-quarter results were worse than predicted. Analysts, on average, had expected a profit of about $220 million, excluding charges for buyouts.
More buyouts urged
There is one element of the Way Forward plan that workers and analysts alike would like to see quickly modified.
Several have complained that Ford's buyout program has been offered to workers at only a few plants.
So far, 5,000 workers have taken buyout programs to leave and the company is hoping to shed 12,000 by the end of the year, said Don Leclair, Ford's chief financial officer.
A sweeping program at GM allowed that automaker to cut its UAW labor force by about 35,000.
Analysts and workers eager to leave have been nagging for Ford's buyout program to be extended to all its facilities.
"We would like to see Ford engage in a company-wide attrition program similar to GM's," Himanshu Patel, an automotive analyst at J.P. Morgan, wrote in a note to investors last week.
Mark Fields, the executive vice president charged with turning around Ford's struggling American operations, said the changes to come might include quickening the timetable of some of the Way Forward provisions already announced, but he would not reveal what he was considering.
"We're looking at every element ... which means going potentially further, and faster and deeper than we originally envisioned," Fields said. "If we need to move further and deeper, we will."
The biggest thing Ford could do to improve its outlook and performance is get new, desirable vehicles to market faster.
Last week, Merrill Lynch estimated that, among major automakers, Ford would have the oldest lineup of vehicles in its dealers, with an average vehicle age of 3.5 years. Showroom age is considered a major indicator of market share performance.
Fields has said Ford will significantly freshen its lineup by 2008. But for now, he said: "There's only so fast we can run with our current portfolio."
Revising revival plan
Despite plans to revise Way Forward, Ford executives stood by the plan's framework, pointing to slight improvements in the second quarter.
North American operations, for example, lost $797 million, or $110 million less than the company lost last year, excluding special items such as restructuring charges.
But when looking at the full first half of the year, the North American division lost $1.3 billion, about $1 billion worse than a year ago.
Ford said that his team put together a flexible turnaround plan and that they have been regularly re-evaluating it as market conditions have changed. Now, Ford said, toughening market conditions require a revision.
While Ford executives cited a host of challenges prompting that change -- such as higher commodity costs, sagging consumer confidence and the inability to get buyers to pay more for new cars and trucks -- one of them seems to be hurting more than the others.
Higher gas prices are pushing consumers to shift out of profitable SUVs and pickups into cars and crossovers at a pace that is much faster than Ford seems to have expected.
While Ford car sales are up 5.3% for the year, truck sales look like a sea of negative numbers. Overall sales of pickups, SUVs and vans were down 9.3%.
Lincoln truck sales were down 19.8% overall. Sales of the Ford Explorer and Expedition SUVs both dipped more than 30%.
With conflict raging in the Middle East, it seems unlikely that concerns about rising gas prices will diminish soon.
"I think the products we have coming are absolutely the right ones for this environment," said Bill Ford, referring to new crossovers, such as the Ford Edge and Lincoln MKX, coming to showrooms this year.
Of particular concern to Ford is the impact that the shift away from trucks is having on pickups, as well as SUV and van sales.
Full-size pickups, which industry insiders have long viewed as resistant to gas-price changes, largely because they are work vehicles, seem to be increasingly vulnerable. Full-size pickup sales are down 9.8% industrywide through the first half of the year.
Sales of Ford's F-Series are performing much better, down just 1.9%.
That leaves Ford with a growing piece of a shrinking pie -- and consequences for Ford's bottom line.
Ford is eagerly watching, trying to determine whether pickup buyers are trading in for other types of vehicles or simply deferring their purchases.
"Because we have such a dominant segment share in that, that disproportionately affects our share," Fields said.
Because of the shift away from trucks, Ford also said Thursday that it would cut its third-quarter production to 670,000 vehicles. That's down 58,000 vehicles from a year ago and 40,000 fewer vehicles than Ford previously reported it would build.
"This change from the prior level is more than explained by lower truck production, reflecting our intention to maintain appropriate dealer inventory levels," the company said in a news release.
One analyst, David Healy of Burnham Investment Research, has raised questions about whether Ford will have enough cash to get to 2008, when Ford's lineup reloads.
Leclair assured that Ford, with $23.6 billion on hand, had the resources to get through this rough period.
"We have the capital and the liquidity to pull this off," he said. "We have said all along that we have a plan and if need be, we'll modify that plan. We know what to do."
Contact SARAH A. WEBSTER at swebster@freepress.com (swebster@freepress.com).

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RF Overlord
07-21-2006, 08:53 AM
While Ford car sales are up 5.3% for the year, truck sales look like a sea of negative numbers. Overall sales of pickups, SUVs and vans were down 9.3%. Sales of the Ford Explorer and Expedition SUVs both dipped more than 30%. GOOD. There are WAY too many of these Stupid Useless Vehicles on the road.
Lincoln truck sales were down 19.8% overall. The Lincoln Division shouldn't even HAVE a "truck", any more than the Cadillac Division should. :rolleyes:

07-21-2006, 09:00 AM
The management of these companies is going to drive them into the ground. These are people so far from reality they have no sense of what their buying public wants.

This is obvious because they keep missing the mark.

07-21-2006, 09:17 AM
GOOD. There are WAY too many of these Stupid Useless Vehicles on the road.The Lincoln Division shouldn't even HAVE a "truck", any more than the Cadillac Division should. :rolleyes:

Especially since the LT is an F-150 with different badging. You would thought they would have looked at GMC vs Chevrolet and learned something!!

07-21-2006, 09:52 AM
Especially since the LT is an F-150 with different badging. You would thought they would have looked at GMC vs Chevrolet and learned something!!

Or with your avatar. :)

Don't get me wrong, the Blackwood was cool and had a neat bed arrangement, but let's be real, the Blackwood is known probably less than our Marauder's.

07-21-2006, 10:02 AM
The management of these companies is going to drive them into the ground.
That sound that you hear is Henry Ford turning over in his grave. ;)

This is why they get paid the big bucks --- just think if they were actually making things better. Ka Ching !!!! :rofl:

Seems that there is no longer a penalty for incompetence, indecision and mismanagement.

07-21-2006, 10:17 AM
I kinda figured they'd end up bieng part of Mazda, but it makes sense.

The rich execs say to the consumers "We'll tell you what you want," and then don't understand why they continually fail.

07-21-2006, 11:16 AM
Or with your avatar. :)

Don't get me wrong, the Blackwood was cool and had a neat bed arrangement, but let's be real, the Blackwood is known probably less than our Marauder's.

I can vouch for that, since only @3200 were produced!!!

07-21-2006, 12:52 PM
The management of these companies is going to drive them into the ground. These are people so far from reality they have no sense of what their buying public wants.

This is obvious because they keep missing the mark.
I agree.
I can't believe these people get paid so much for screwing up SO much.

Donny Carlson
07-21-2006, 05:26 PM
The Lincoln Division shouldn't even HAVE a "truck", any more than the Cadillac Division should. :rolleyes:

Don't they count SUV's as trucks? If that's the case, Caddy makes serious money off the Escalade. Not sure how Navigator sales are doing.

I'm with you on the Type LT, though. Leave pickup trucks to Ford, please.

07-21-2006, 05:56 PM
Ford Motor Co. reported a net loss of $123 million, or 7 cents per share, for the April-June period this year, as compared with the profit of $946 million, or 47 cents per share, posted during the same period a year ago.

Here is how the company's individual business units performed in the second quarter:

• Automotive sector losses were $808 million. This compares with a pretax loss of $245 million during the same period a year ago.

• Worldwide automotive sales for the second quarter declined to $37.7 billion, down from $38.7 billion a year ago. Revenues declined, even though Ford sold 1.73 million vehicles, up from 1.72 million a year ago.

• The Americas reported a pretax loss of $702 million, compared with a pretax loss of $819 million in the same period a year ago.

• International operations reported a pretax loss of $21 million, compared with a pretax profit of $176 million last year.

Ford of Europe improved, but results were worse for Ford's European luxury brands, Mazda and in Asia Pacific and Africa.

• The company's financial services sector earned a pretax profit of $646 million, compared with a pretax profit of $1.3 billion a year ago.

• For information on the performance of Ford's specific operating units, go to www.ford.com (http://www.ford.com/).

Sarah A. Webster<!--ADDITIONAL FACTS-->Product pipeline

Ford has been criticized for a lack of new models coming this year and next. A recent Merrill Lynch report describes Ford as having the most stale lineup among major automakers.

But Mark Fields, president of Ford's North and South American business, has said Ford would reduce the average age of its fleet from 4.4 years today to 3.2 years by 2008.

This year, Ford has some products coming that will help it deal with rising gas prices, such as the Ford Edge and Lincoln MKX crossovers.

Also coming are the redesigned Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator full-size SUVs -- a category that is mostly out of favor with many consumers.Forward progress

Even though Ford Motor Co. is retooling its Way Forward turnaround plan, the company has had some successes in the first half-year of its effort.

Confirmed plans to invest in engine and assembly plants in Mexico.

Boosted its powertrain warranty.

Slowed the loss of market share, compared with 2005.

Free Press staff