View Full Version : Need website help

07-21-2006, 12:28 PM
No, not with this one. (And Logan and Mary quietly breath a sigh of relief, having fielded about 2 months' worth of sign-in complaints.)

I do, however, need some help setting up my own. After years of wanting to vent but being simultaneously too lazy to write letters to the editor and not having a decent online spot with which to foment my own discontent, I've finally decided to take up Logan's perennial challenge and "go build my own".

There are a number of issues going on today in the world---not to mention my own little part of said world---that I just can't leave alone...gotta speak up. I've been quiet and passive much too long.

Other blogspots would most likely censor my views, as they don't match up in any way with the outlook of the popular press. And while I know I've got friends here, I will admit that Logan is right---this is a car site. Wrong forum to conduct long rants about test-tube politicians and corporate inbreeding (sound like any car company we know?...<cough> Ford <cough>)

So here I am. I want to construct my own website...someplace that I can edit, add to, take away from, whatever, and the literary blast pattern can simply go downrange without bumping into somebody. I've even come up with the url already---but I'll leave that for a surprise (don't want it sniped).

Anybody got any ideas?:help:

07-21-2006, 12:48 PM

A friend of mine set up his blog here over a year ago.


07-21-2006, 10:12 PM
Yeah, but where can I find all those little icons and "click-me" buttons?
Stuff like "Site under construction" and hyperlink buttons for different sections 'n stuff like that?

07-22-2006, 05:41 AM
You can spend days searching the web for free graphics to use.



Some images you may just find on other web pages....

Check with your ISP to see what they offer for web design software and graphics.


If you download an executable file to get a bunch of graphics, run your spyware program to make sure unwanted files aren't downloaded also. SmileyCentral is known for that.

07-24-2006, 07:58 PM
Good luck, it's a real pain in the butt to keep a web site up to date. I eventually had to sell both of mine. I ended up only designing about 10 sites, but they became too complicated, and too much of a hassle, so I stoppped making them. As long as your doing it for fun, and not as a job, it will be okay...

John "Trouper" Troup