View Full Version : Hummer WHeels Fall Off!

07-21-2006, 01:50 PM
Hummer WHeels Fall Off!

http://www.sacbee.com/static/rich_content_images/278317-0721hummers01.jpg (http://www.sacbee.com/content/news/story/14280393p-15088817c.html)

Not a very rubust vehicle at all!


07-21-2006, 01:53 PM
Something tells me the rear bumper of that F-Series ain't gonna look too hot either.

07-21-2006, 02:42 PM
Hummer WHeels Fall Off!

http://www.sacbee.com/static/rich_content_images/278317-0721hummers01.jpg (http://www.sacbee.com/content/news/story/14280393p-15088817c.html)

Not a very rubust vehicle at all!


There is more to this story.:D

07-21-2006, 07:22 PM
Is that the H3 or H2?

07-21-2006, 07:31 PM
Is that the H3 or H2?

I would say it is a H3.

07-21-2006, 07:46 PM
Is that the H3 or H2?
Did you mean, Trailblazer or Tahoe? :P

Joe Walsh
07-21-2006, 07:53 PM
Did you mean, Trailblazer or Tahoe? :P


It's an H2.

H3 looks like godzilla stepped on a Honda Excrement.:puke:

BTW: Note the fender scrape and damage from some sort of impact.

P.S. Glad to see that there is one less of those ridiculous behemoths on the road.

07-21-2006, 08:00 PM
HUMMER- like nothing else. And thank goodness too. Everybody go to www.fuh2.com (http://www.fuh2.com)

07-21-2006, 09:16 PM
HUMMER- like nothing else. And thank goodness too. Everybody go to www.fuh2.com (http://www.fuh2.com)

Interesting, and ironic, read! I'll bet those people probably hate my Marauder as much as they hate the H2. It really makes me wonder what they drive. Prious owners perhaps?

Those people will really hate it if they find out I'm a single guy driving a 302hp 4400lb luxury sport sedan! (Hey, I NEED the Marauder! I could find absolutely no other way to get a couple bags of groceries home!).

That site makes me want to get an H1 even more.:P

07-21-2006, 09:50 PM
Interesting, and ironic, read! I'll bet those people probably hate my Marauder as much as they hate the H2. It really makes me wonder what they drive. Prious owners perhaps?

Those people will really hate it if they find out I'm a single guy driving a 302hp 4400lb luxury sport sedan! (Hey, I NEED the Marauder! I could find absolutely no other way to get a couple bags of groceries home!:P

Here! here! - When Im on the road and pass other vehicles , I see them in my rear view mirror changing lanes behind me and try to catch up to me. I don't know if they want to run me or flip me the bird ...:shake:

07-21-2006, 11:44 PM
Trick is not to let them get that close:):):)

07-22-2006, 07:34 AM
I hear Queen playin in the background....

07-22-2006, 07:41 AM

P.S. Glad to see that there is one less of those ridiculous behemoths on the road.

There are some who may think the same of our behemoths ;)

Joe Walsh
07-22-2006, 07:49 AM
There are some who may think the same of our behemoths ;)

True, but our 'behemoths' are actually pretty darn frugal.

We can motor a big, 4400 lb sedan on the highway and knock down 24+ mpg.

What gets me about the Hummers is that 99.999% never see a dirt road in their entire service life.

No need to worry, as gas rapidly approaches $4.00/gallon many Hummer owners will lose their enthusiasm over their 'Big, Bad 4x4 Tahoe'...errr Truck.

07-22-2006, 07:52 AM
Something tells me that its more than NO lug nuts:D

07-22-2006, 08:26 AM
True, but our 'behemoths' are actually pretty darn frugal.

We can motor a big, 4400 lb sedan on the highway and knock down 24+ mpg.

What gets me about the Hummers is that 99.999% never see a dirt road in their entire service life.

No need to worry, as gas rapidly approaches $4.00/gallon many Hummer owners will lose their enthusiasm over their 'Big, Bad 4x4 Tahoe'...errr Truck.

I couldnt agree more. I just laugh because more often than not I get the "That's a beautiful car...how can you afford the gas?" routine. This question posed by someone that most likely drives a V8 Explorer with 20" rims and rubber bands for tires or something similar :rolleyes:

I have been driving galaxies and Ford pickups since I was 16...this behemoth is an rocket powered economy car by comparison! :D


07-22-2006, 04:01 PM
Sure, 99.999% of all Hummers sold will probably not get driven off-road.

Think all Ferrari's are wrong? The speed limit is only 65mph.

McLaren F-1's are dumb too? You really can't pull 1G in the cul-de-sac.

Convertables. Should only pretty people own them? 99.999% of all people aren't pretty.(probably why I don't own one :rolleyes: ).

Suzuki Hayabusa. Dumb? 99.999% of them will never go 200mph.

What's the main difference between an F-250HD and a standard F-250?

Basically the same things that make a Tahoe and a H2 different. Yet one of these vehicals seems to get a pass, even though the box my never be full of firewood, chain saws, compost, gravel, motor cycle parts, landscaping equiptment, scrap iron, migrant workers, etc.

Hatred of SUV's (even H1-H2-H3's) is gonna lead us into either hipocracy or Hyundai ownership.

If GM can sell them...good!!! If people want to pay $30,000 extra for badges/styling changes...let them!

People should be able to drive whatever they want, where ever they want. WITHOUT getting flipped off.

It makes me wonder, how many pics of wrecked Marauders are on Hybrid car web sites? Flame suit on!

Joe Walsh
07-22-2006, 08:58 PM
I think that all vehicles should do at least ONE thing well:

whether that be:

-accelerate fast
-handle and corner great
-stop on a dime
-get great gas mileage
-haul tons of payload
-provide excellent safety
-provide trouble free service
-be extremely durable and longlasting

hopefully the vehicle will provide a combination of these.

The Hummer H2 provides '0'.

ADE 1000
07-22-2006, 09:27 PM
I think that all vehicles should do at least ONE thing well:

whether that be:

-accelerate fast
-get great gas mileage
-haul tons of payload
-provide excellent safety
-provide trouble free service
-be extremely durable and longlasting

hopefully the vehicle will provide a combination of these.

The Hummer H2 provides '0'.

Nonsense. The H2 is as adept at providing a combination of those qualities as most cars (namely the last three).

That www.fuh2.com website is by far the gayest website I have ever seen. Makes me want to run out and by an H2 just so I could catch one of those liberal jack***es trying to flip me off.

Bradley G
07-22-2006, 10:37 PM
Makes me want to run out and by an H2 just so I could catch one of those liberal jack***es trying to flip me off.(quote)
what would you do?
Couldn't chase 'em down in that! Even if you had all four wheels .:D <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Joe Walsh
07-23-2006, 08:44 AM
Nonsense. The H2 is as adept at providing a combination of those qualities as most cars (namely the last three).

That www.fuh2.com website is by far the gayest website I have ever seen. Makes me want to run out and by an H2 just so I could catch one of those liberal jack***es trying to flip me off.

Website is gay, but judging by the picture of the Hummer you cannot include the last quality I listed.:D

ADE 1000
07-23-2006, 09:24 AM
Makes me want to run out and by an H2 just so I could catch one of those liberal jack***es trying to flip me off.(quote)
what would you do?
Couldn't chase 'em down in that! Even if you had all four wheels .:D <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Several of the people in the website were either a). fat and on foot or b.) driving some kind of 4 cyl subcompact. I think I could run them down with a stock H2. If not I could always resort to a little Lingenfelter upgrade:



Note: I don't like the H2. I just find it ridiculous that they get overly criticized for having the same negative qualities that most large SUVs have.

ADE 1000
07-23-2006, 09:29 AM
Website is gay, but judging by the picture of the Hummer you cannot include the last quality I listed.:D

There is obviously more to the picture posted. The wheel surely did not fall off on its own.

But at least we agree on one thing. :cool:

07-23-2006, 12:25 PM
Even though the H2 may be eye candy for "gangstas" and the rap crowd, it really is a uselessly huge vehicle. If anybody has ever had the chance to drive one it is full of buttons everywhere. All the GM senseless annoying bells and whistles and what is up with the shift handle? You need GIANT hands to operate it. I cannot believe how wide the roof is with those slab-sides. It makes it really hard to see out of and really has no head room. The gunslit windows are so far from your face that you have to lean way over just to see the road. Sure, it may be hip for some folks but there are a lot of SUV's that do the same job and move the same amount of people (or more) without weighing three tons. First we have the H1, a military vehicle that is fully competent in any terrain. Then we have the H2, which is a Tahoe with a fake nose and mustache that is no more durable than a passenger car. Then we have the H3, based on the Trailblazer and is a smaller and less annoying version of the H2. At this rate GM will have a Hummer H9 based on a small electric scooter. You know GM, scrape the parts barrel with a spatula- then quit building that model when you get it perfect. I wish they would just hurry and bankrupt for christs sake.