View Full Version : 2000 Police Interceptor

05-12-2003, 01:10 PM
Hello, I have a 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor. I am having problems getting over 110mph. I was told that I could replace some sensor on the motor, that would make the computer think the engine was cold, and typically "dump" fule, this giving me more speed? Any other easy or cheap modifications would be nice for performance. Thanks in Advance....Steven

05-12-2003, 01:32 PM
You stumped me, Upstate, but hang around, k? A few CV/PI fans drop in every once in a while.

RF Overlord
05-12-2003, 01:53 PM

There is an intake air temperature sensor that certain "person or persons" on e-Bay (and other places) try to get you to replace with their "chip", which is in reality nothing more than a cheap Radio Shack resistor that fixes the voltage to the ECM, "fooling" the motor into thinking that the incoming air charge is cooler than it actually is and richening the mixture, allegedly increasing performance.

Save your money.

The fellows over on www.crownvic.net can probably advise you as to your top-speed issue.

05-12-2003, 02:00 PM
Typically, top-end is limited by computer programming, but since you're driving a police vehicle I doubt that's the culprit.

I have a friend who is a Va State Trooper and his Crown Vic can hit 135 with enough road.

Is your car exhibiting any driveability issues? You should have the capability to easily exceed 110 m.p.h. in your car. What does it do when it reaches 110?


05-12-2003, 02:01 PM
Dirty MAF?

05-12-2003, 02:32 PM
Depending on how many miles you have, she might just not have it in her anymore. Did you get the car used from a department?

05-12-2003, 03:31 PM
This is car was bought new, 2000 model. Gonna have the fuel filter changed this week. 76,000 miles on it. When you get 110, its just like it has nothing more left. I run it with the AC off, and hold it to the floor, 120 on a downhill...little uphill, its gone..??? Thanks Steven

05-12-2003, 04:42 PM
A new fuel filter can't hurt. When was the last time it had the spark plugs changed and new plug wires? Is the air filter clean? It probably wouldn't hurt to throw a bottle or two of concentrated injector cleaner in the fuel tank. I like the Chevron Techron fuel injector cleaner,I throw a bottle in the tank at every oil change.

Dave Compson
05-12-2003, 06:57 PM
Honestly sounds like you dont have a police interceptor. It sounds like you have the speed limiter kicking in cutting you off at 110. I used to drive an in service police car (civillian model) and it sucked being in pursuits and being the last in line with that speed limiter.

I would speed right up to that 110 top speed, then it felt like someone pulled the rug out from under me.

05-12-2003, 07:09 PM
The vin number says it is.....

05-12-2003, 08:33 PM
Did you order it? Possibly they slipped you a civilian issue ECM with the PI package? Maybe Dennis can read it for ya?

05-12-2003, 08:53 PM
So, we order about 400 a year, every year, and every car is exactly alike, we have recalls for interceptors etc. Didnt know I was going to school, just wanted some performance advise....

05-12-2003, 09:10 PM
upstatetrooper - Check with Dennis Reinhardt, he is a sponser on this site. He should be able to hook you up. John

05-12-2003, 09:14 PM
UP --- I'm a patrolman down in Jersey. I don't really know if you would WANT to go any more than about 115 in a 2000 CVPI. Compared to the '03 CVPI's, the frontend setup is very hairy above 100-105 mph. I have had a '99 and an '02 up to 119 mph, which is where the electronic speed limiter automatically starts to cut off fuel headed for the motor. Certain '03 models that I have pushed cut out at 119 also, but there's also a few that don't do it til 124 mph. I dunno why that is.

There is good reason for the speed limiter as well. The CVPI's have a terrible problem with vibrations in the drivetrain above 120 mph (Harmonics, I believe the term is?). I don't have my literature here to quote from, but I believe it has alot to do with the driveshafts and the gearing/rearend of the car.

Besides all that... the car may just be tired. It happens. Do a full tune up --- filters, trans service, plugs, wires, etc... You'll get some more outta the car. Good luck.

05-12-2003, 10:13 PM
upstatetrooper - There's got to be something wrong with your ride. The way you describe the vehicle's behavior when reaching 110, "...just like it has nothing more left..." is NOT like a fuel cutoff, i.e., speed limiter.

If it's like GM's way of doing it, the car DIES at top speed, then, when it drops a few m.p.h., it picks back up again. Totally different than "nothing left."

You, sir, have a serious HP problem.

Time to check the basics:

1. Air Flow: Check filter, check MAF & other sensors along intake tract. Typically a bad sensor will trigger a code and your Check Engine Light (CEL) if it's like GM. Also make sure that there's nothing physically restricting the movement of the throttle body plates - this is the same reason you're supposed to remove your floor mats when you drag race. You can't go fast if you can't floor the pedal.

2. Fuel Flow: You mentioned fuel filter, that's good, but I'd be surprised if that's the culprit. I would expect more chugging and surging at speed if that was the case.

3. Spark: Check ignition wires, coil (or do you guys have coils).

I just expanded a little on what Constable said, "Do a full tune up-"

Once everything checks out then you can do stuff like a compression test, etc., if necessary.

(Check your PMs.)


05-12-2003, 10:51 PM
Is this your car or the Departments?
Was it recently in to a dealer and reflashed? If so they may have flashed it with a civilian code. (110 is about the civilian versions limit)
Cutting out at 110 is odd for a P71, did this just start?
If not, I have heard, but don't know for sure, that some of the 2000s had poor computer programming. There should be a new one available for reflash

05-13-2003, 06:04 AM
I believe the assessment is right, either that isnt a true PI Crown Vic, or you have bad electronics, my work car will get to 120 regularly and I have only had it to 130 or 131 once (I was busy avoiding civilians so I wasnt looking at the speedo ). I believe there is no limiter on the PI at all, so the MAF, or fuel delivery is off somewhere, 76,000 is well within good driving condition. My last PI turned in at 102,000 and still reached 120 with little effort. (God bless Henry Ford)