View Full Version : My V-12 Jaguar

07-28-2006, 06:16 AM
I finally got around to polishing up the old Jag and getting some pictures of it. I am going to put this up for auction on e-bay next week.

Check out the pictures of it my picture gallery. If anyone here wants a Super-Car from 1994, let me know. I think there were only 650 of these brought to the US. Article from the day said it was the fastest production car made.... It will still do 160 MPH without breaking a sweat. And you can set the cruise, I've done it....

A/C is cold, Just put brakes and rotors on it. Has a new starter too...

Oil changes are a bit pricey because it needs 11 quarts, but it recommends changes every 10,000 miles, so it all averages out....

I'm gonna miss that Jag. Turns a lot of heads, even after 13 years....

07-28-2006, 06:58 AM
Wow! That car is outrageous! Great color. I cant afford to buy another car right now but I can honestly say that I stared at it for a half hour. Good luck with ebay!

07-28-2006, 07:25 AM
Are there pics?

Man, this is one of those things that I'd be all over if I had tons 'o cash. :)

The Jag V-12 is the cheapest way to get a 12 cylinder car. I will be buying an XJ-S one day, I've seen them quite cheap (older with high mileage and needing TLC) so yes, one day, one day....

07-28-2006, 07:56 AM
Only $6,000. Really. These sold for a remarkable $86,000 new in 1994. OUCH!

07-28-2006, 08:03 AM
A few years back, a collector I knew had two of the V12 beasts. Neither ran and were collecting dust in a warehouse he owned. I mentioned that I knew a limey mechanic in the northern suburbs of Chicago who liked challenges. I gave the man the mechanic's name and number and forgot about the conversation.

About 1 year later, I bumped into the mechanic in town. He thanked me for paying for his vacation to the UK based upon the amount of work he did on the two Jags. He got them both running and the collector got rid of them before something else broke.

Please keep in mind that this comment comes from someone who has 4 British motorcycles right now, down from a high of 20.

07-28-2006, 10:25 AM
No Doubt.... Always something wrong with them. They are finicky. Luckily, mine runs very well and the tranny is in fine shape. The only thing that perplexes me is the heat. It does not work well below 70 MPH. I have been through all the typical componenets and flushed the system and heater core seperately. Could be a vacume thing witht hte air doors?????

As I was cleaning things up in the engine bay, I did notice two small hoses disconnected from their respective steel lines. Could have been the cure, but it's summer now....I hope I never know.

(one of) The thing I love about the Jag is all the parts say 'Made in the UK' or 'Made in Germany'. No Mexico, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan etc....

At least give the pics a look. It's a Pretty car none-the-less...

07-29-2006, 06:00 AM
That is a fine car!

I always pictured one of those sitting in my driveway when I was in law school day dreaming of being the next F. Lee Bailey.

Just for kicks, can you tell me how many miles are on it?