View Full Version : Making a bad idea even worse

07-28-2006, 08:00 PM
Here's (http://www.thec7.co.uk/michalak_c7.htm) a Smart based kit car that makes you yearn for the beauty of the original Smart Car.

Donny Carlson
07-28-2006, 08:51 PM
you gotta chain that thing to the front porch at night so it don't ugly away on you.


07-29-2006, 10:40 AM
Like I always say, "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder". Was in France for a month back in May/June and I noticed that the cars did not look as ugly this time as they did on my last trip. Decided that the cars are the same, but now we are getting so many ugly cars here in the US, that the European cars are starting to look "normal".

Ugly? Look at the Nissan Murano; Dodge Caliper; Dodge Magnum; Lexus ?????; and all those "Hatch Back" and "Square Back" cars that are now sold at your friendly neighborhood dealer. There are now so many sold in this country, but I can't remember what they are all called, other than ugly, but then again, whats ugly to me may be beautiful to someone else.

07-30-2006, 12:26 AM
"Mods that will allow you to get 100bhp from the 3-cyl SMART engine!"

Who buys a SMART car to mod it? "Damn man, I want to get a sweet tuner, awww.... the rice scene has been done to death. WTF am I to do? I know, I'll get a SMART car!! Yea there's an untapped performance arena!"

RF Overlord
07-30-2006, 06:40 AM
Ugly? Look at the Nissan Murano; Dodge Caliper; Dodge Magnum; Lexus ?????;... I can't remember what they are all called, other than uglyI can add to that list:

Pontiac Aztek
Audi Q7
Subaru Tribeca (can you say "hideous"?)
Everything from Buick in the last 10 years
The Gen II Taurus (1996-1999)

11-12-2006, 08:10 AM
Proof that you can try to dress up a turd, but it will always be a turd.

Joe Walsh
11-12-2006, 08:24 AM
Here's (http://www.thec7.co.uk/michalak_c7.htm) a Smart based kit car that makes you yearn for the beauty of the original Smart Car.

"Be Excited....Be Very Excited!"

I would be too, when driving a car that utilizes my head as a roll bar!

11-12-2006, 08:57 AM
A smart car does have potential, when you drop a busa motor in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV1zQMcSsk0

Joe Walsh
11-12-2006, 09:13 AM
I can add to that list:

Pontiac Aztek
Audi Q7
Subaru Tribeca (can you say "hideous"?)
Everything from Buick in the last 10 years
The Gen II Taurus (1996-1999)

How can you leave out the Honda Excrement, and the Scion *****box??.....:puke:

Don't forget the Chevy Avalanche (of plastic parts)


11-12-2006, 10:38 AM
Yes, the scions can be ugly... remember though that one of the guys who is helping to alleviate the lack of aftermarket for panther chassis cars OWNS a Scion box car... RocketCouch, aka Chris from adtr.net, owns one of those in addition to his very fast 92 crown vic. I'm not saying I'm a fan of it myself... but just be careful openly admitting the truth cuz ya never know when Chris will poke his head around.

And to whoever earlier said "anything from Buick in the last ten years"... that really made me laugh. Thanks for the good one there.

How can you leave out the Honda Excrement, and the Scion *****box??.....:puke:

Don't forget the Chevy Avalanche (of plastic parts)


Joe Walsh
11-12-2006, 12:01 PM
Yes, the scions can be ugly... remember though that one of the guys who is helping to alleviate the lack of aftermarket for panther chassis cars OWNS a Scion box car... RocketCouch, aka Chris from adtr.net, owns one of those in addition to his very fast 92 crown vic. I'm not saying I'm a fan of it myself... but just be careful openly admitting the truth cuz ya never know when Chris will poke his head around.

And to whoever earlier said "anything from Buick in the last ten years"... that really made me laugh. Thanks for the good one there.

I'm not busting on anyone, just stating my opinion that those cars are fugly.

11-13-2006, 07:59 AM
lol, i'm crackin' up over here