View Full Version : Too close to home Warning sensitive Material!

Bradley G
07-30-2006, 10:13 AM
This story brings negative attention to our little community.
This is a family that moved here, nearly ten yers ago.
Our children used to play together, till about five years ago.
The wife insisted on a divorce about this time.
She was(got) involved with her husbands brother.
I did not know them very well, but I did feed thier dogs, while they were away on vacation many times.
Though, many times you read / hear about tragedies like this, when it happens in your own community, It really hits home.

07-30-2006, 10:30 AM
I got news for you all.

This ***** is closer to you then you think. These freaks are your neighbors, coworkers, the people at the store, the person who sits next to you at the movies, teachers, clergy and even POS cops.

It's hard not to be paranoid in this world.

07-30-2006, 11:02 AM
Ugly stuff man.

There's one hell of a similar ugly story concerning the previous owner of one triple black car sitting here.

I should probably just keep my mouth shut tho.

07-30-2006, 11:15 AM
There's one hell of a similar ugly story concerning the previous owner of one triple black car sitting here.

Where is the fun in that?Do tell.....

07-30-2006, 11:20 AM
Another part of stories like this is that you wonder who else knew and either, didn't tell anyone, or couldn't convince anyone, who could do anything about it. My buddy knows that his neighbors are very rough on their kids and he believes that they are being physically abused. He can't make anyone in power believe enough to take action. He says that he knows that he will be the neighbor on TV who says, "I've been calling the authorities for years. I knew that he would kill the kids one day."

Bradley G
07-30-2006, 01:37 PM
You Know Rat, I thought about that.
I do not want to necessarily bring any negative attention my way,but the fact remains, (like Charlie posted)I feel, like bad stuff happens somewhere else, when it's really, happening all around us.

Ugly stuff man.

There's one hell of a similar ugly story concerning the previous owner of one triple black car sitting here.

I should probably just keep my mouth shut tho.

07-30-2006, 01:55 PM
well if anyone knows that a child is being hurt in any kind of way and does not get help or step in they are just as much of the problom as the person(s) that are hurting that child!!!!!!

O's Fan Rich
07-30-2006, 02:11 PM
Some people just need to be put to sleep. Period.

07-30-2006, 02:59 PM
I'm a little confused, if a 14 year old boy is having sex with a 17 year old girl.....would he be considered "sexually assaulted"? And on the day the 17 year old girl turns 18, does it then become sexual assault?

Donny Carlson
07-30-2006, 03:13 PM
My ex-wife remarried and had two kids with her new husband, a boy and a girl. My ex-brother in law sits in prison as I write this, convicted of two counts of sexually assaulting her daughter.... when she was FOUR years old.

I had no clue the guy was a degenerate child rapist.

07-30-2006, 03:24 PM
When I was 13 a guy had pulled up into a back driveway at school. A friend and I walked by. He tried to get us to walk next to him, but we would not and we could see he was naked.

We laughed about it and told a teacher. We had been warned about a guy exposing himself. The Principal interviewed us.

He was involved in some destructive behavior and I told some mutual friends, got back to him and we were no longer friends.

Now it gets weird, that friend who was with me was arrested 7 years latter for exposing himself to an older woman. He continued to be arested for exposing himself. His wife told him he had to get help and he did. Appears as though he has not had any incidents in the past 20 years.

07-30-2006, 05:15 PM
You Know Rat, I thought about that.
I do not want to necessarily bring any negative attention my way,but the fact remains, (like Charlie posted)I feel, like bad stuff happens somewhere else, when it's really, happening all around us.

well if anyone knows that a child is being hurt in any kind of way and does not get help or step in they are just as much of the problom as the person(s) that are hurting that child!!!!!!

I would never willingly sit back & let something like that happen. I never even met the man.

No one needs to worry tho ... he was tried & convicted.

I didn't go into the transaction knowing ANY of this.

The whole deal with the car went sour after it got here from CA, as there were obvious things wrong with it, he flat out lied about. He wouldn't even try to work with me in trying to correct anything either, I did not get one red cent back.

Sitting here stewing one night thinking how he screwed me over ..... I just happened to throw his name into google for gits & shiggles & came across all sorts of news articles concerning allegations & arrests.

While I certainly had my own first hand taste at what a lieing no good p---k he was to me ... I never ever would have expected to stumble across something like that.

I kept following up on his situation via google ... & he eventually went to trial & was convicted.

He got a free roof over his head for 26 years, along with (3) squares a day & free medical ..... paid in full by the state of California.

I guess the money I overpaid for the car, wasn't enough for him to hire a "dream team" like OJ - MJ or Baretta did.

Google is an amazing thing .....

Too bad I didn't think to use it BEFORE I decided to do business with him.